Little Things

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I'm a couple months pregnant now. Today's the day i'm going to tell the world i'm pregnant. 

I have a press conference for my new album. The boys have theirs today too but theirs is somewhere else. Niall is going to tell everyone Rachel's child is his, which i'm surprised people haven't figured out yet.

I arrive at the place and walk in, I have no idea where I am or where i'm going someone takes me to behind the stage where i'm doing the press conference. I don't really care what the reporters say it's how the fans will react that worries me.

"Ok, Scarlet you can go out now" A woman with a headset on says to me, I walk out and i'm blinded by the flashing lights from the photographer's cameras.

"Scarlet, you may say what you wish, then we will get questions from the reporters." I nod, walk up to the stand. I take a deep breath in then begin to speak.

"So, my debut album is all about how i've grown throughout my life experiences, which sounds really cheesy but it isn't really. Well I don't think so anyway. But that's just one person's opinion right?" I pause and look back at the woman with the head set on. She makes a load of hand gestures, I just guess she wants to make me ask them if they have any questions. Here goes nothing.

"Do any of you have any questions?"

All their hands shoot up, I feel like a teacher. I point to a man in a suit.

"What's the name of your album? And why have called it that?"

"It's called Straight Forward, I called it that because that's how I used to think life would be like, straight forward, but I realise it's one long journey with a load of obstacles in the way. Ok, erm, you"

I point to a woman in another suit. Was I meant to dress posh? I came in jeans. Oh well.

"What's the name of your debut single?"

"It's called A Way Of Life and you can hear it sometime in August" I smile, this should be a breeze.


I point to the last person, however, unlike all the other people. This woman is dressed less formal compared to the others.

"How are you and Harry going?"

"Great actually, we're living together now, so it's all good" 

The woman from earlier with the headset on comes out and thanks all the people but i'm not really listening, I'm planning what i'm going to say next.

"Scarlet you may say your final words then exit" I nod. I've done that a lot today, I must look like a nodding dog.

"Well, thanks for coming and I-I'm pregnant. Ok bye" I run off the stage before anyone can respond and I head outside jump in my car and head home. Can't wait to see the papers tomorrow.

*The next morning*

"Morning babe" Harry says, as I flutter my eyes open to see him, he's lying next to me and smirking to himself.

"What you smiling at?"

"Look at the news" he turns up the TV, I see my face on the screen. Oh God, this can't be good.

"X Factor contestant Scarlet Anderson yesterday announcesd she was pregnant at a press conference before running off. She's only a child but will she be able to handle the pregnancy. Her boyfriend, Harry Styles, also a previous X Factor contestant has also confirmed her pregnancy at his press conference yesterday, he said. "Even though we're young, I will do my best to look after our baby. It doesn't affect how much we love each other, I hope the fans can accept this, I don't think they will but it's nice to hope right?""

I turn off the TV, Harry is so sweet I can't believe he said that.

"Why did you turn the TV off?"

"That's so sweet what you said about me"

"I was just speaking the truth. Now c'mon lets go have breakfast"

He gets out of bed, only in his boxers and puts a t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms on. I just get up and head downstairs as i'm wearing my PJ's.

"I'll make breakfast" Harry insists whilst getting the cereal, milk and bowls out.

"Such a classy breakfast" I joke.

He hands me the bowl and a spoon, I pour in the milk and cereal and begin to eat. We're both silently eating, I check my phone and go through twitter, some tweets are rude. One said,

'Why is Harry still with you? You're a bitch and you've probably ruined his career now before it's even started.'

RUDE! But is she right?

"H-Harry,am I ruining your career with this baby" I stutter

"I don't care about my career, I love you and this baby. I'd rather have you than any career"

Aww, he's so sweet. I continue to look through my phone,

"Just wanted to say I'm happy you're happy, keep going strong, ignore the haters xx'

That's the best tweet i've ever read! I check who sent it and go to follow them,

What? Katie? Katie sent that tweet?

Where did that come from...


Sorry it's a little short!! 

Also, apologies for any spelling mistakes !!

But thanks for reading :D

I should update tomorrow xx

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