Chapter 2

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3rd person POVSwearing

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3rd person POV

Y/Ns head was laying on the desk hearing the teacher talking while trying to sleep "Y/N! Answer this question [ 7 X ( 5 + 9 ) = ? ] What is the answer" the teacher stopped writing and look at Y/N who was sleeping on their desk "Mx Y/N... WAKE UP" the teacher closed his book making a loud clap noise frightening Y/N who jumped from his seat "GWOAVAMVQOQ THE FUCK!" Y/N said sitting up with an annoyed look and staring at their teacher who let out a sigh turning around and opening their book while holding a chalk piece in the other hand "Please see me after class Y/N" Y/n only sighed siting back on his chair looking at the table with annoyance until a small chuckle was heard turning their head they saw Naoto snickering at them "Wow sleeping in class so smart Y/N~" he said putting his hand on his chin. While Y/N looked at him with an annoyed look "I want to punch you but your my friend so I'm not gonna do that" Y/N said turning back to the teacher and eating a dorayaki that popped out of nowhere 'where did they get that?' Naoto thought confused.

Mikey's POV
"Ne... Kenshin! I want to see sassy-chan! I wanna take them out to get dorayaki as their big brother" I stood Stood up doing a heroic pose with a grin "Mikey your not their brother and why?" Draken said annoyed staring at me But I knew Draken did seem to also find the strange kid interesting to be around "Okay, then it's decided! LET'S GO!" I said Turning around and hopping onto my bike Draken let out a 'Heh?' Sound "I said we're meeting Sassy-Chan!" I let out a smile and started my motorbike while Draken went on his bike and we started driving to find where they were.

 Kenshin! I want to see sassy-chan! I wanna take them out to get dorayaki as their big brother" I stood Stood up doing a heroic pose with a grin "Mikey your not their brother and why?" Draken said annoyed staring at me But I knew Draken did seem t...

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The door opened while I was eating my bento happily "oi Mikey! I found them" I dropped my chopsticks staring up to see the dragon male and the dorayaki guy popping his head out of the corner "Oh! There you are sassy chan!" 'How the fuck? Where the fuck! AND WHO THE FUCK LET THEM TRESS-PASS?!?' "Let's hang out!" The dorayaki kid replied walking over to me.

I stared at my teacher who had a look that said 'I am not helping you with this! go suffer' type of face while I flipped him off while the braided hair male dragged me by my collar outside the school while i screamed out cries for help. "Hey let's go get some dorayaki sassy-chan!" I stared at the male confused "The fuck?" I said blinking at him "Language" Doraken I mean Draken said "I have school So yeah" I replied turning around ready to leave but got yanked back " As your Nee-San I will treat you!" Mikey gave a cheery smile "You mean you're making the Ken-Chin Guy pay..." Mikey gave a big yup and dragged me to his bike "OFF WE GO!" "IS THIS EVEN SAFE FOR ME TO BE ON?!?" I screamed clutching onto mikeys waist "I  think so" Mikey gave me a cheery smile I just deadpanned at him here Draken chuckled "Don't worry sassy-Chan it's alright as long as you don't let go that is" ' Mate I don't think this is a good idea... Oh well! free food I guess hehe' "TO THE DORYAKI SHOP WE GO!" I yelled with a cheeky grin on my face arms up smiling but then clutched onto Mikey's waist again screaming.

( A/N: Oh how will the next chapter go? Idk But I do know one thing that I'm soon starting the hell hole called school! but we can deal with that later! hope you enjoyed this quick chapter though

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( A/N: Oh how will the next chapter go? Idk But I do know one thing that I'm soon starting the hell hole called school! but we can deal with that later! hope you enjoyed this quick chapter though. )

Words: 623

Words: 623

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