Chapter 13

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It's been 2 Months already... damn that fast I mainly spent time hanging with these gangsters and then there was school hmm... Not going well you see! It's been fun with them but I'm pissed off right now as you can see I'm feeding cats with Baji and Chifuyu But somethings been stuck on my mind that won't leave me alone.

I petted the ginger cat's soft fur and rubbed its chin "you're a beauty! Heh I like you... My name is y/n!" I can hear a chuckle coming from Baji "are you seriously talking to a cat? Your weird Sassy-Chan!" Baji said snickering while I stared at him with a 'shut the fuck up look hoe' Baji's smirk grew wider "Chifuyu!" Baji turned his head to see chifuyu talking to a grey short haired with sparkles around him but the cat was just licking its paw ignoring him but started getting pets which the cat liked "CHIFUYU! WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO A CAT!" Baji Said angrily puffing out his chest while chifuyu just ignored him which angered baji more and they started fighting and throwing insults to eachother while I scoffed but at the same time I couldn't hold back a laugh.

I looked down at the gingered cat  that sat on my lap purring I smiled at the cat and snuggled close to her  I called her R/P/N ( R/P/N stands for random pets name ) "Baji is sure weird he talks to cats too! Stupid Baji-Nee and Chi-Chi Nee" R/P/N nodded while the short grey-haired cat sat next to me nodding Aswell "OI CHIFUYU! BAJI! STOP FIGHTING! I shouted at them with an irk mark on my forehead They decide to ignore me and started tackling each other and soon their face was closed I looked at them in disgust and threw the sack of cat food in between their faces "GET A FUCKING ROOM!" I Shouted again Flipping them off.

Chifuyu sighed and Baji was pissed off at me "Your An Uhm... Uhhh.." Baji Stopped and started thinking to himself while chifuyu deadpanned and petted the cats that were next to me and I stood up patting down my school Pants "I have to go" I said to the two Chifuyu pouted "Already" He said while I nodded "Yeah" I pouted aswell  "Cya Baji! Cya Chifuyu!" I said waving at the two and started walking away. While walking down the streets I couldn't help but check my phone and gasped noticing the time "5:30 pm!?!!!?!  Shit I'm gonna be late for dinner!" I shouted and started bolting down the streets but It still was gonna be a long time until I arrive home I scoffed grabbing my phone and checking maps. Y/n nodded to himself finding a route near an alleyway to get home quicker Y/N rushed towards the alleyway while he looked at his phone multiple times passing a male at the entrance of the alleyway.

3rd person pov

What Y/N didn't know that the guy who was standing their was snickering  under his hood "It's time to get rid of a pest that kids ruining my plan..." the random male known as Sae Chyun "let's get it started hehe" Soon the 5'5 foot male entered the alleyway with a giant creepy grin chuckling to himself while gripping something that was in his hoodie pocket

" the random male known as Sae Chyun "let's get it started hehe" Soon the 5'5 foot male entered the alleyway with a giant creepy grin chuckling to himself while gripping something that was in his hoodie pocket

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