Special Chapter

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( ah Yes you all have been wanting to have a Bungo stray dogs X Tokyo revengers cross over hm~? Welp! WERE HAVING IT AS MY THANK YOU! ✨ hope you enjoy~ )

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( ah Yes you all have been wanting to have a Bungo stray dogs X Tokyo revengers cross over hm~? Welp! WERE HAVING IT AS MY THANK YOU! hope you enjoy~ )

'This is the best day of my life~! No Annoying mikey! No chaotic Yakisoba addict no druggie no Devil twins and NO GANG HAHA! Best day of my life hehe

' I sipped my strawberry milk walking past a bridge 'so calming and nice weather and a Man on the edge of the bridge ready to die' I stopped walking choking on my strawberry milk and flashing my head to the Brownish hair male with Bandges around his arm and neck 'A MAN ON THE BRDIGE READY TO DIE?!?!'
I sprinted to the male who smiled and jumped while I went jumping after him 'IM 12 WHY DO J HAVE TOD DEAL WITH THIS SHIT ( T n T )' I internally screamed.

Pulling the male out to the beach shore choking on water a bit "WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!?! WHATS WRONG WITH YA?!?!" I Shouted at the male with a pissed of look while he groaned turning his head to me "Hmph You ruined my chance on dieing~!" He complained with a pouted looking but shot up with a smirk sparkles surrounding him "yes Yes! How about I go again hehe" I Raised my hand and slapped him clutching his Colar "DONT KILL YOURSELF DUMMIE IM 12! I DONT WANNA BE BLAME FOR MURDER!" The brownish Chuckled while I looked even more Annoyed 'bItChH! Why You laughin?' I thought "DAZAI-SAN!" "OI DUMMIE!" I heard two voices I let go of the males trench coat Colar "Dazai-san You ran off— wait— DONT TELL ME YOU TRIED TO KILL YOURSELF AGAIN?!?!" The White haired Male replied sweat dropping but soon worried showed straight after " oh Hello there" the white haired male said waving at me I nodded at him "Your friend here jumped off the bridge and I had to save him..." I deadpanned I turned to the blonde haired male who was shaking Dazai screaming out 'IDIOT DUMBASS RUNNING OFFF FROM A IMPORTANT MISSION'  I turned back and bowed To the white haired"Y/N L/N! BUT CALL ME N/N! Hehe I'm the strongest kid in the whole seventh elementary!" I snickered the white haired nodded and bowed back " sorry for Dazai-sans behaviour and quite shocked a 12 year old like you can deal with him"

the Guy smiled at me "..." The white haired male blinked at me while I had an irk mark appear on my forehead I showed a smile "Introduce yourself quickly before I will have the urge to punch you to a Bolivian peasant..." "eh— Uhm Atsushi Nakajima I work apart of the Armed detective agency a couple blocks from here along with Osamu Dazai the guy you knew who tried to Uhm Kill himself and Doppo Kunikida the blonde haired that's about to choke Dazai till he dies WAIT A SECOND DOPPO-SAN STOP!" Atsushi runs to the two shock shown all over his body 'how lovely' I though smiling but annoyed.

❦ఌTime Skip to inside the Agencyఌ❦


"And That's how I ended up In this weird place" I scoffed The Male with orange hair with a small pink pin in his hair nodded and the girl in the school uniform smiled "this place isn't weird... I think so haha but it's really cool we just have to wait for your parents to pick you up" the Black haired female smiled clutching onto the orange haired males arm 'this looks like incest— I'd rather jump of a bridge with Dazai then see this' I muttered and rolled away with the wheels chair taking me to the Other short black haired female I remember her name it was Akiko Yosano! She was a doctor? I think "akoko-sama~ I don't wanna see this random ugly stuff entertain me" Akiko shook her head "how about you help me with this work?" She pointed to the pile of work I nodded while Akiko looked shocked "What?" I replied popping up an eyebrow she smiled a tiny bit "not many children your age would help around and mostly stay on there electronics" I stared blankly "I do chores when I'm bored and help around the house when Imd own with homework and everything" out of nowhere rampo appeared beside me "How about we take them on a mission!" I flinched and look at him "I don't wanna be apart of a murder case yeah~ No thanks" he just nodded and conversed with Akiko while I just put the pile of papers Correctly down in order.

"Dazai-san I will not be afraid to punch you if you keep on staring at me like a god damn puppy..." I was pissed off this guy has been watching me work around the office helping everybody with paper work or give items for some missions "how do you know what your doing? Y/N-Chan?" I stopped and placed the box down shaking my hands to take away the dust "my friend wants to be a detective when he's older... or just a regular police officer his dads a police officer too I just help around aswell with my teachers or parents when I'm THAT bored... even though I cause half of the problems" I muttered the last bit under my breath but it seems as if Dazai heard me he looked serious for a second but smiled a bit "your quite an funny one in my opinion" I nodded staring at the door which made a creaking noise "I'm back Hehe!" A blonde with a straw hat said he stopped and stared at me confused "who are you?" I looked at him and snickered pointing at myself "I'm Y/N! Call me N/N or your new lord and master for all of japan when I'm older! Hehe" the blonde stared at me while Doppo Was writing in his book "This kid wants to become a Gang Leader like a god or something quite funny for a 12 year old— ACK!" He felt something hit in his head "WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU BRAT" "FOR TRYING TO CRUSH A CHILDS DREAMS DUMBASS!" "Y/N-CHAN LANGUAGE!" Akiko Said With an serious expression I flinched and nodded "Yes mam" "I like your guts I'm Kenji Miyazawa" I nodded at him "back to work I guess" I went up to Naomi and Junchiro offering help why they just smiled and asked me to follow them to help around more.

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(A/N: Ahhhh THIS WAS QUITE INTERESTING! I'm gonna try and CONTINUE watching bungo stray dogs it looks cool! But yea I'm gonna have to go Start shopping for our graduation party! Bruh Listen my new Highschool is so crowded at lunch and snack I coul...

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(A/N: Ahhhh THIS WAS QUITE INTERESTING! I'm gonna try and CONTINUE watching bungo stray dogs it looks cool! But yea I'm gonna have to go Start shopping for our graduation party! Bruh Listen my new Highschool is so crowded at lunch and snack I couldn't find half of my classes haha! Welp bye bye)

(Words: 1160)

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