Chapter 20

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We played board games and it was fun I pulled out the Uno reverse card then when Hakkai said he would win and that Yuzuha and I were sore losers heh... His face was hilarious to see when I pulled the Uno reverse I won IM a GOD! MWAH HAHAHA, I SHALL ALWAYS WIN IN UNO! I started smirking after I won We played monopoly next and yuzuha won While Hakkai was in the corner crying with yuzuha comforting him I sweat dropped 'They were so weird' I heard a ringing from Hakkai's Phone "HAKKAI NEE! somebody's calling you!" I yelled out grabbing the flip phone and throwing it to Hakkai which he caught just in time and answered "Moshi Moshi? Oohhh... Mhm, Mhm Got it" Hakkai nodded and left the room I stared at yuzuha and smirked, "Wanna Make out?" Yuzuha Stared shocked and blushed "I'M 3 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU!" Y/N started cackling "I WAS JOKING BWAHAHA" Yuzuha started smacking Y/NS's head "IM SOR--HAHAHHAHA IM NOT SORRY YOUR FACE WAS PRICELESS-- HAHAHAHAH" Yuzuha started smirking "I'LL SHOW YOU PRICELESS!" Yuzuha started tickling me While I started laughing tears forming in my eyes I couldn't move because of the wheelchair I kicked my legs in fits of laughter and they started stinging but I didn't mind the pain of being shot multiple times isn't something you do every day.

Hakkai entered the room and sighed "Y/N We have to get you home" I gave soft giggles when yuzuha stopped and patted my h/c hair I gave a warm smile and nodded  Hakkai Nodded and I waved goodbye to yuzuha wheeling my chair to hakkai He fixed my hair and started wheeling me outside "see you Y/N-Chan!" yuzuha shouted I gave a wave goodbye as Hakkai placed me on his motorbike "Where is the wheelchair gonna go?" Hakkai shrugged " I'LL tie it to your back it might be heavy" I nodded as Hakkai put it on my back "OUCH OUCH! WHY IS THIS SHIT HEAVY!" Hakkai's eyes widened "N/N! DON'T SWEAR YOU, IDIOT!" I scowled as Hakkai hopped onto the bike and I held one arm supporting the Wheelchair and the other onto Hakkai's waist as we started driving I looked around the city lights. when the sunset and the moon rise It's my favorite thing to see I love the night its calming and has nice views of the city lights soon we took a turn down to My street and we were no in front of my home well that's what my parents call it they said its 'Home' but For me, Home is when I'm with Toman... when I'm with The hitani brothers when I'm with tenjiku their fun to hang out with I didn't notice it But I was already inside the house my parents saying goodbye to Hakkai when they closed the door they had a serious expression as we entered the dining room I lifted myself to my chair Not even being given help folded my wheelchair and placed it beside me My dad scowled and pulled out My report I started to sweat so much they opened the report and looked at the subjects placing the report in front of me I gulped and started shaking looking at it 'English A+ Okay science A That's good  Maths A+  P.E Please YES! An A  Music? Okay Music A + Art A+ YES I KNEW DRAWING PAID OFF!' My thoughts were caught off when I looked at my parents who sighed " You did well so far Y/N But! You failed..." MY eyes widened looking at all of them "I- I DID GOOD! THEY'RE ALL A's!" Dad slammed his fist "YOU FAILED ON MAKING A NEW FRIEND THAT ISNT A GANGSTER! OR NAOTO!" I stared shocked wobbling and standing up "WHATS WRONG WITH THEM!" Mum stood up "All the friends you have are older than you or it's just naoto You hang out with and for some reason you don't talk to  f/n!" I stared shocked "OKAY SO? I DON'T NEED TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS I HAVE THEM! THEIR PEOPLE I TRUST!" Dad looked at mum while she scoffed "The rest are fine but seriously? NAOTO! YOU ARE STILL FRIENDS WITH HIM! OH AND FRIENDS WITH HIS SISTER  AND KNOW HIS FAMILY TOO!" I stared shocked and I glared at both of them still wobbling a bit.

I didn't know what was wrong  I passed and everything but what did naoto do? I stared at them "WHAT DID NAOTO DO?!?!?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIS FAMILY!" "EVERYTHING!" Mum shouted Dad walked over and grabbed my shoulders " WE WANT! Our perfect  child to have a perfect life you don't need to hang out with lowlifes like naoto! or those gangsters Y/N! have you seen how he LOOKS AT YOU NAOTO LOOKS AT YOU WITH LOVE!" I stared 'Naoto Likes me..?' I mentally grinned but looked at dad and shoved him off "OKAY SO?!?!? I LIKE NAOTO! AND IF HE LIKES ME THAT'S AMAZING!" I started smirking at my parents My dad did something I never thought he did he said he would stop doing it but he slapped me 'this mother fucker slapped ME! THEIR CHILD!' I stared at them both with a glare "You Don't talk to us like that... Go to your room you disgusting faggot and study" I bit my bottom lip and steadily grab my wheelchair and walked to my room slowly My legs were in pain but the sting was still there 'I fucking hate this House...' I walked past b/n room he popped his head out and his eyes sparkled with joy yes he's only 8 but I care for him "Nee-San! your home" he grinned and started pulling my arm to my room as we entered I shakily sat on my bed hissing staring at my legs B/N stared at me with sparkles in his eyes while I gave a grin "Tell me what happened today?" he climbed up on the bed and started rambling about his day  I smiled 'This dude knows how to make my day better gave a grin and looked away to a photo of me and naoto on a picture frame I blushed 'He likes me' B/N noticed this and smirked "Naoto Nee-San? hehe~ you're in loveeeee" I stared at him rolling my eyes "Okay what happened next then squirt?" B/N continued his story about his day while I gave one more glance to the picture frame and smiled My heart beating a tiny bit.

I'm glad B/Ns safe

I'm glad B/Ns safe

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Words: 1093

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