Chapter 23

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I stared quietly at my homework "What the fuck?" I uttered one question a bang on my bedroom door made me jolt "WHAT!" Hearing B/Ns voice he called out "CAN WE GO OUT PLEASEEEEE GRAMMY SAID SHE WANTED ALL OF US TO HANGOUT!" I scratched my H/C hair and smiled 'A way to not get to do homework! let's goooooo' I stood out of my chair opened the door and leaned on the door nob "Okay! but where are we going" I questioned B/N rubbed his chin "To this restaurant place" I couldn't help but rustle B/Ns hair for how adorable he looked.

He whined slapping my arms away and waddling to the living room annoyed "I'll be there in a second" closing my door I walked to my closet looking through the clothes and putting it on quickly grabbing my converse I smiled liking my outfit for the day.

Exiting the room I walked into the living room seeing B/N holding a toy car in his hands Grandma was sitting in her couch chair waiting "Lets go!!! B/n said running to the door happily with Me and G/N walking after and heading to the car


Grandma ( G/N Stands for grandmas name ),B/N and Y/N are going out to a restaurant together. B/N is excited to spend time with Y/N, but Y/N is more interested in getting out of doing homework.

Settling down at a table and skimming through the menu Y//N kept on chatting to their grandma asking how it's been in Roppongi and she asked about Shibuya Y/N couldn't help but hold a giant grin the whole time talking about the group and Naoto You should of seen B/Ns disgusted face and G/N soft smile Y/N held a excited and happy expression when talking about naoto even feeling giddy sometimes dozing off in their sentences when talking about him.

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