Chapter 10

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~In the Future~

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~In the Future~

Takamichi POV

"Takamichi your goal for going back to the past is to save Y/N L/N" Naoto told me while looking down angered "Y/n l/n...? Oh! You mean your small crush back then!" I smirked pointing at him "THIS IS NO TIME TO JOKE THEY MEANT NOTHING— I mean They do me a something I-I MEAN— ugh so complicated" Naoto kept stumbling over his words but I smirked 'wait y/n was also hanging out with toman too right? I don't understand what happened but that dude back then was so fun to hangout with the others! But sometimes they were making fun of me'

"Okay Tell me what I need to do?" "Y/N L/N age 12 turning 13 first year Middle Schooler was found dead in the abandoned park stabbed to death and killed by...

" "Kisaki tetta! I knew it's him" I clenched my fists but felt a hard cover hit my forehead "OW THAT HURTS" I screamed holding my head in pain "NO DUMMY! Kisaki didn't even want to kill Y/N he actually tried to stop it he had a likening towards y/n turns out because they "understand" him" Naoto scoffed "like Kisaki had made a friend the killer was a guy named Sae Chyun black curly hair hazel eyes and his height 5'5" Naoto clutched the papers anger written all over his face small tears formed in his eyes out of frustration " MAKE SURE TO SAVE Y/N HANGAKI-SAN! I don't want to lose somebody I loved..." I stared at naoto putting my hand out "I'll save Hina I already saved draken  I'll save everybody and Baji even Y/n-KUN!" 'I meant all those things! Y/n I will help you' And that an electric shock went threw Takamichi Veins Making him pass out.

Naotos POV
"Takamichi please save y/n..." as I saw his body flop on the floor I sigh and place him on the couch and walking back to my desk Sighing and opening a drawer  showing a picture of a H/c kid next to me I rubbed my finger over the h/c kids face "I want you to be alive please..."

Back in the past

3rd person POV
"Hey There kid~" Y/N flinched and kicked the persons ahem sausage out of reflex "OW why do you always hit there" "because your a creep hanma" The h/c turned and stared at the tall lanky zombie who was crouching mouth agaped "HEY! YOUR THAT LANKY ASS GUY!" The blonde snickered pushing up his glasses "hey who's him? He looks like a diffrent breed... You guys look like a gay couple you gay?" Hanma snickered while Kisaki face looked annoyed

"we're not dating he is just a minion" Hanma snickered "Sadly but it's nice to see you again kid wanna get food?" 'This guy is putting my life at risk should we do the same thing again to him like at the park or... Wait he said food!'
Y/N beamed at the thought of getting free food (A/N: I like food sorry This is how I act when food is mentioned hehe) "Okay sure your paying though" walking ahead and opening the door to the cafe "what a weird kid" Kisaki said "heh I think the kids cool♥︎" hanma pulled Kisaki along inside the cafe.

"Hello what would you like today?" The waiter asked with a smile "May I have some Fries and a Chicken burger no Beggies please and a Chocolate milk shake thank you sir!" "Oh But if you don't eat vegetables you won't be big and strong!" The waiter shook there head smileing "No! I'm strong I eat Healthy food and My veggies! I just don't wanna eat them now since Pa and Ma aren't here to see me be cool" Y/N gave a smile the waiter chuckled and turned there head to the other two "and for you to?" The waiter asked "The Guy with golden glasses put down his menu handing it to the waiter who briefly took it "Coffee and a bacon & egg Sandwich" the waiter jotted down what Kisaki asked while hanma gave a smile wich made the waiter kinda scared "Waffles and bacon thanks♡︎" the waiter nodded quickly and rushed off to the kitchen finding the guys smirk kinda creepy.

Y/N turned his head to the duo "soo... Explain who he is? Mr Lanky" Hanma smiled and chuckled "This is-" Hanma got cut off by The other guy  "Kisaki Tetta... I think I have seen you before"y/n recognised the male and  stared at him nodding "your the guy who follows Hina Nee chan around I saw it while she was taking me shopping 2 months ago" hanma snickered looking at Kisaki who looked flustered but scoffed "Also your weird just go and have a chat DONT be a fucking pussy you looked like a stalker wich I think you are" The waiter place down the orders and Y/N started eating "So yeah Your Now Mr Stalker" "I don't like this kid" "Swuk ift Upwh Bistch" Kisaki gave a disgusts look while hanma sighed "language Chibi" Y/N stared at him finishing their food "Japanese anything else?"sipping there Choclate milk shake while going back to eating their burgers

Kisaki stared at Y/N clicking his tongue "Your weird kid" Kisaki said finishing his Sandwich and wiping his mouth with the napkin "Heh I get that a lot" hanma put his chin on his palm and tilted his head "is that so~?" Y/N nodded " I'm not the smartest but I'm not the dumbest in my class I just get laughed at for my clumsiness sometimes and How I act" Kisaki Stared at Y/N in Shock but it faded quickly "Well Your not weird~" 'this kid gets judge hm? Kinda reminds me of something... shut up Kisaki focus on your plans this kid is nothing' Kisaki snapped back into reality hearing Y/Ns voice again  "wowww yeah that sounds great coming from a Guy who sounds like he would be a Kidnapper" Hanma scoffed but smirked "Heh Kisaki is right your weird" y/n nodded.

Y/N L/N... Who exactly are you and why do I have the urge to become companions with you..? Kisaki thought "how strange" he muttered under his breath exiting the cafe with you walking beside him while hanma left the money and following behind.

? Kisaki thought "how strange" he muttered under his breath exiting the cafe with you walking beside him while hanma left the money and following behind

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Words: 1128 

Words: 1128 

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