Chapter 26

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Y/n stared panting their hands bloody and their e:c eyes glaring down at a boy who had a broken arm and was bleeding from his nose Y/n couldn't help but grin at their master piece.

The boy tried to get up but Y/n kicked him down grabbing his collar and shoving them to a wall "listen here you don't ever EVER mess with my Gang alright? What you did to our 3rd division captain is unacceptable I think you would know what you did you disgusting piece of shit" The boy tried to speak his voice hoarse "I'm sorry" Y/n scowled punching the guys face repeatedly "Don't ever try to say sorry since you did something that will never be fucking forgiven you damn pest" Y/n muttered throwing the guy to the floor and kicking him.

Walking off Y/n stuck a lollipop in their mouth putting and walked past an alleyway being grabbed Y/N raised his leg and kicked the persons stomach and heard a cry  from the person hearing the voice to a familiar boy
"N/N! OWWW" Y/N froze eyes darting up "TAKAMICHI WHAT THE HELL MAN" they cried turning to takamichi while he did a shushing motion gripping Y/Ns wrist hiding behind a wall terrified with Y/n giving him a look of pity the blonde turned his head to Y/N giving them a smile for them to not to worry but in his state he looked like he was about to die.

Running and panting was heard "where did they go? Shit boss is gonna kill us" a voice cried out "Boss is gonna kill us" another said "Let's just go and report to Kisaki I mean Boss" Y/n froze along with Takamichi 'Kisaki...?' They thought in Sync glancing at each other.

Walking to the train station holding Takamichi is hand Y/N was mumbling things that confused the crybaby blonde "Hanagaki" Y/n said standing still looking at the train tracks "How did you know their where people after me?" Takamichi stared and looked away "I just had a feeling" He said staring ahead remembering the words naoto said to him in the future.



Naoto glared at the floor fists clenching once again while tears streamed down his face " Takamichi-San listen to me very carefully you must quietly guide Y/N to my old apartment complex on ??/??/2005 please remember this or just follow them! JUST MAKE SURE THEY ARE SAFE" Takamichi furrowed his eye brows

Shaking quietly and trying his best to speak properly due to Naotos state "naoto how does this help with saving Hina" Naoto glared at Takamichi Making the male on the chair freeze out of fear "The only way to save Hina is to save Y/n this one bit can change our future this one small bit can help change everything and it will all be fine" naoto brought out an important blog on the news on his laptop.

Y/N L/N was found dead near an alleyway on 14/12/2005 6:17pm a women walking her dog spotted the child's body bleeding and had a strong Oder of blood and burnt flesh.

No evidence has been found and nothing has been reported The case will take time but for now it will be remained un-solved please be careful on the streets of Shibuya everyone thank you.

Takamichi stared tears filling up his eyes "This must be Kisaki" Naoto shook his head Takamichi confused "M/n L/n and D/n L/N they asked Kisaki to help them even though Kisaki and Y/n had a sibling realtionship" Naoto mumbled "Save Y/n than every body will be safe hanagaki" Takamichi nodded grasping Naotos hand shaking it "Cya soon" Takamichi said passing out to the floor Naoto catching him quickly and placing his Coma state on the small bed.

Naoto sat down "Fuck" he muttered staring at the ceiling "The fuck so going on anymore" he said clutching the arm teddy bear you've given him when you where younger and still alive and well "my love... come back to me please I can't keep on losing you and my older sister" Naaoto whispered.

An Adult watched on a roof staring at an apartment window with a grimaced face their H/c hair waving in the wind.

They couldn't help but have small pools of tears appear in their eyes pulling an Anzio 20mm Anti-Material Rifle from a black duffel bag loading it with ammo and setting it up.

Staring at the detective with sadness they whispered "I'm sorry my love I will see you in another life I'm sorry I lied about my death" Looking through the scope and holding in their breathe they pulled the trigger.

A silent bang was heard through the window reaching the detectives head The detective dropped dead to the floor blood pooling under his head while he gripped a familiar teddy bear given by the sniper.

Y/N stared packing everything up and leaving quietly through the alleyways with a blank look "One more left Hanagaki Takamichi" they whispered crossing Naotos name from a list


Y/N stared at Takamichi confused but shrugged it off waving the blonde goodbye and hopping onto a train to Roppongi plugging his earphones back in and blasting music once again arriving back to Roppongi and walking home not noticing another guy following him with a smirk on their face.

Y/N stared at Takamichi confused but shrugged it off waving the blonde goodbye and hopping onto a train to Roppongi plugging his earphones back in and blasting music once again arriving back to Roppongi and walking home not noticing another guy fo...

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