Chapter 16

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3RD Person POVThe doctor sighed and looked at everybody and Glanced at his clipboard

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3RD Person POV
The doctor sighed and looked at everybody and Glanced at his clipboard... "Y/N M/N L/N" the gang members all stared at the doctor there faces all held worry and fear.

The doctor frowned "I'm very sorry for your loss everybody we did try out best.." everybody eyes widened pupils shrinking all there hearts shattering like it was ripped apart shredded into pieces stomped in and they felt like the were punched they all started to cry quietly Takamichi looked down and mumbled an "I'm sorry naoto I couldn't save them..." Draken was asking if they could go enter to say goodbye for a last time the doctors were about to agree but stoppedand stared down the hallways they started hearing running "SORRY DOCTOR WERE HERE FOR OUR CHILD!" Two Parents stood worried and teriffied expression shown.

Hina stared in shocked at them and starting feeling guilty she walked up to the H/C Mother and The male with E/C eyes Hina stared at them tears forming in here eyes  "Mrs L/N Mr L/N... Im do Sorry I couldn't protect Y/N..." Hina said gripping her shirt tears staining her eyes the L/N parents stare in shock and look at the doctors who bowed "we're sorry for you loss" The doctors stared at the parents along with some of the gang members who stared shocked at them seeing them just sighing looking at eachother and glancing at the doctors The mother stayed quiet and the dad looked up to the ceiling and started pointing up "Our kids dead... We see" The Doctors nodded mitsuya was gonna comfort the parents untill Mrs L/N spoke out "So are we just hallucinating that Y/N is clinging onto the ceiling?" Everybody stared shocked and looked up to see Y/N on the cieling Cackling and dropping down "I KNEW YOU WOULD KNOW MUM! HAHAHAH! I TOLD YOU I NEVER DIE BITCHES!" Y/Ns aid turning around pointing at them "Y/N Language!" Y/N let out an 'sorry Ma' and looked back at the gangsters Takamichi was in a state of shock Along with the gangsters, and the doctors looked at the H/Cnette who some how is alive in utter shock and disbelief. "WHA— ARENT YOU DEAD!" Rindou pointed a finger at Y/n shock written on his face "NO I AINT DEAD FISH! IM ALIVE!" Y/N patted there chest snickering "Plus! I Love F/N but I'm not dumb enough to leave that idiot with my Genshin account!" Y/N shook there fist in anger " They/He/She will spend all my primo gems" everybody stared confused before they had smiles tugging onto their lips.

Y/N soon got tackled into a giant group hug "OI OI! LET ME GO WHAT IS THIS THING! WHY YOU HUGGING ME!" Mikey bonked Y/Ns head "YOU MADE US WORRY SASSY-CHAN~!" "You made us worried who is gonna help me see some outfits?" Mitsuya questioned Draken shook his head "We still need to do the arm wrestle challenge I'm Definitely winning since your a shrimp" Y/N Looked at Draken smirking "TRY ME TALL BOY!" the doctors started to grab Y/N "How are you alive! We don't care! BUT YOU HAVE TO REST KID!" Doctor 1 who was in the middle said Doctor two who was in the right nodded looking at everybody "you can visit tomorrow we need to run tests!" All three doctors rushed into the room with The H/C Person being dragged.

Everybody smiled abit all thinking the same thing 'thank god your alive dummy' they all looked at the parents who coughed in there hands "So... Are you the people looking after our kid while were gone?" Izana looked confused for a second before scoffing "yeah? Got a problem with us?" Izana said glaring at the ( Your dads hair colour) shook his head "No we're thankful but make sure to watch out for him/Her! Oh WIAT! Shit sorry I mean them..." "Hun! Language!" Your mother said scoffing "we'll you kids better get home we're gonna talk to the doctors" All of them nodded and left the parents stayed behind waiting outside the door.

Takamichi looked at his palm and smiled looking up "I saved you Y/N... even if you called me stupid nicknames" Takamichi smiled And started walking away.

A/N: Yeyyy surprise also! Ahem if you don't have parents or your parents divorced or either one of your parents died or have gay parents! I apologies for not adding those type of parents in but if you want you can imagine your parents or parent in...

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A/N: Yeyyy surprise also! Ahem if you don't have parents or your parents divorced or either one of your parents died or have gay parents! I apologies for not adding those type of parents in but if you want you can imagine your parents or parent in this chapter instead well That's all! Bye bye <3

Words: 764

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