Ouran Highschool Host Club

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A/N: *sips Tea loudly* Mmmmm yes! YOU GET THE SPECIAL CHAPTER >:D

All Might? I only know Drag-Might also sorry for not uploading at all lovelies! my life is a  living hell rn!

All Might? I only know Drag-Might also sorry for not uploading at all lovelies! my life is a  living hell rn!

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3rd Person POV

Y/N was walking with their parents looking around the Fancy highschool Y/N was told by their parents that they were going to see if this place is good enough for y/n to go to for high school cause there were good classes and many chances and that was scored for y/n! they had multiple scholarships for so many schools Y/N may not be good at maths they hate it but for some reason because y/n got to be one of the top 3 people in japan last year for under 18's Mathematics Y/N was so lucky they got 3rd place other than 1st and shit cause that would have made them so scared on what's gonna happen.

Currently, Y/N walked away from his parents who were talking to the teachers about their classes which their mother said it was alright but had to come back soon. Y/N was walking in the pink halls then found a Music room that said 3rd music room and They thought it to be "empty" since he has seen people already in classes but nobody has music at this time. The kid's s/c hand opened the door and walked in and closed the door from behind and looked up to see some males posing and saying "welcome to the host club" which made y/n terrified "WHAT THE FU—" They screamed and backed to the door and tried to open it.

They kept on pushing and pulling but for some reason it wasn't opening " NAH NAH I DONT WANNA DEAL WITH MORE GAY PEOPLE! THERE'S ALREADY HAKKAI! AND MITSUYA NOOO OPEN DOOR" the host club sweat-dropped and a boy with brown hair walked to Y/N "Uhm Hey! Calm down, kid!" Y/N turned to him and looked at him up and down "Aren't you a girl in a boys host uniform? By the way, you look really pretty but ahem please open the door so I can run away from those things?" Y/N pointed a forgive to the host club boys.

Y/N introduced themselves to the pretty girl as "Y/n" and the girl replied with the name "Haruhi  Fujioka" Y/N smiled but continued to tell him to open the door for them so he can escape. Haruhi laughed and nodded but soon a pair of twins appeared "hm? Your quite small?" One spoke the other continued "And those clothes are not tasteful you poor?"

Y/N gasped "Poor! I am RICH--" but got interupptted their e/c eyes darted to a boy who soon spoke "Maybe so this child is quite... Strange and doesn't have proper manners"  a male with black hair and glasses replied nodding t himself.

Y/N stared at him " Oh I'm so sorry my apologies your bloody highness! You want me to treat you like a king with your checklist and glasses you blind Fuck wit?" The male stared shocked and gritted his teeth "now listen here!" But got shushed by a boy with honey-brown eyes and Blonde hair holding a plushie "waah your so adorable" the boy giggled smiling with a tall boy standing behind him.

The boy ran and hugged Y/N who choked on air "Holy-- NO! Affection-- IT KILLS ME AGGGG" Y/N spoke and a voice called out "Honey senpai! can you please let go of Y/N?" Haruhi asked politely but Honey gave them a look which made them all back away "Come along now were gonna eat some sweets!" Y/N stared and smiled "IF YOU SAID WERE HAVING SWEETS LET'S GO! SENPAI!" Y/N yelled bolting to a table with sweets and tea.

It's been 4 Hours your parent's didn't even notice you were missing but you didn't care you were talking to all of them in a elegant manner unlike way before  you knew how to be nice and kind but you hated sounding like a rich snob sometimes so you liked to be happy and stay in your little cocooned with your friendly gang member family.

Y/N was talking to Tamaki about how to impress a girl "You have to always be kind caring confident" He nodded "Okay so That's what I have to be towards her?" Y/n nodded "Yes now get moving" Y/n heard a ring and turns out it was their phone sighing Y/n stood up "I have to go sorry guys bye bye" Honey whined "noooo My child" Y/n smiled "I can visit again
Honey-Senpai by everybody "Goodbye N/N" the group said doing their fair well scene. Y/n couldn't help but smile when they left but frowned remembering they had to go back to see his parents.


A/N: sorry this was short lovelies
ran out of ideas bye byeee!

A/N: sorry this was short lovelies ran out of ideas bye byeee!

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