Chapter 5

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( Special Chapter meeting the Hitani brothers like I saidddd!)

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( Special Chapter meeting the Hitani brothers like I saidddd!)

3rd Persons POVWalking around Roppongi Y/N looked around wondering how the hell they got there staring at their surroundings they knew they weren't in the right area

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3rd Persons POV
Walking around Roppongi Y/N looked around wondering how the hell they got there staring at their surroundings they knew they weren't in the right area. thinking it was an awful idea on going to take the bus and falling asleep on the way and waking up leaving at a random stop where they didn't know how lucky they were! HOW VERY! Lucky.

Letting out s groan of annoyance and heading to a park bench sitting down pulling out their phone checking the battery ' god damn it! Its dead... okay lets check so I have at least  ¥.4,173 ( that's $50 Australian Dollars )

Y/N put the money and phone back in their hoodie pocket ' That's enough to get me some food water and a next ride to Shibuya...' "OI! YOU KID!" A guy walked weirdly to you with two guys behind him smirking the Guy who yelled at you lifted up your shirt "Give us yer Money! KID!" Looking annoyed you spat at his face making him drop you dusting yourself off he looked pissed off "YOU TWIK!" he pulled his arm back and tried to punch you but you easily dodged it then round house kicking him and landing to the ground easily upper cutting his stomach both his friends both went after you next before you could attack them a baton appeared and hit the guy on your lefts face and the right was on the ground his pressure plates on his back being pressed down by a boy with blonde hair and blue streaks you turned your head to see a guy with black braids but blonde in the middle doing a small pose one hand on his hip and the other holding his baton turning his head to you he smiled "Now That was some interesting moves Kid!' the braided male chirped with a smile while the blonde blue streaks male let go of the guy on the ground and stood up "trying to attack a kid fucking scum bags" lifting his glasses and walking to your side.

"I have to agree with Ran that was quite interesting not many kids know how to fight" You looked at the guys on the floor scurrying away with the guy you knocked out You looked at them with an annoyed looked "I could of handled it myself you Annabelle rip off and a god damn fish look hair man" Rindou smirked at what he heard you say to ran but stopped looking at you with an annoyed look " we helped you kid be grateful" You pulled down one of your eye lids and stuck your tongue out the other hand doing a 'nah nah nah" thing while rindou was close to choking a child himself while ran just chuckled ruffling your hair you stopped and blinked at the braided male "You seem lost my dear my names Ran Hitani and this is my brother--" "I'm capable of introducing myself Ran My name is Rindou Hitani Brat" you let out an 'Oh!' They looked confused "Your those brothers who rule over Roppongi where I am now I'm correct?" your eyes became small dots and you started to do a thinking pose looking to the ground rubbing your chin while ran let out a small chuckle "Looks like a kid knows their research" you looked at him "BITCH OF COURSE I KNOW MY RESEARCH! FIGHT ME IDIOT!" you pointed at him with an angry look puffing up your cheeks and making the pointing hand into a fist "TRY ME!" While ran sweat dropped while rindou shake his head and sighed patting your shoulder" lets go get something to eat and then we can help you find where you live or whatever..." he stopped patting your shoulder and ran smiled nodding taking your right hand while rindpu took your left while you just hummed skipping.

With the others

"EMERGENCY Y/NS MISSING! OUR BABYS MISSING!" Mikey screamed panicking Toman looked shocked toman knew you for only a couple of weeks and you were technically already like a little sibling to them baji stepped up yelling out " YOUR SHITTING WITH ME!" Mikey shook his head furiously "IM NOT! OUR BABY IS MISSING! EVERYBODY GO FIND WHERE THEY ARE! WE NEED SASSY-CHAN!"

Angry and Smiley looked around bushes and trees mikey draken  Being chaotic and trying to find you by bringing out some dorayakis and Ramen hakkai mituya were looking at your favorite places takamichi was running around with baji and chifuyu screaming out "Y/N-CHAN or Chibi-chan WHERE ARE YOU!" Sanzu and Mucho Walked around parks playground or went to your house mainly your room to check if you were their but mainly sanzu was freaking out on the inside since you complemented him about his scars and told him he was cool mucho looked calm but his mind was worried he was ready to beat up anybody while Emma and Hina sweat dropped at them turning around and walking to a bus stop waiting their since you told them that you were acutally gonna go travel around diffrent areas.( God they all were freaking out worried for you Sheesh )

Back To Hitani brothers and Y/N

Y/N was waiting at the bus stop with the hitani brothers you traded numbers with them just in case you were bored and wanted to go visit roppongi again the bus stopped and you hugged both of them going on the bus and sitting on the window seat waving goodbye at them while rindou and ran had small smiles on their face and waving a goodbye "I want them to visit again!" Ran said staring at the bus who was getting farther and farther while rindou nodded "mhm I want that too...' Ran turned his head to rindou " OMG YOU LIKE HANGING OUT WITH OUR BABY SIBLING!" Ran said clapping his hands together smiling while rindou looked annoyed " were not related to that child ran" Rindou sighed and walked away Ran stared at him blankly but started running after him " BUT YOU SAID YOU WANTED THEM tO VISIT AGAIN TOO! SO YOU MISS OUR BABY SIBLING!" Ran Smirked.

Back to the others

Emma and Hina smiled seeing you exit the bus stop " welcome back Y/N Please next time tell the others two if your going exploring their all going crazy..." Emma said sweat dropping but you took hina's and emma's hand and smiling walking with them down the path " Gomen-- " "Y/N-CHIN CHIBI CHAN! Y/N!" You heard and stopped walking turning your heads to who called your name it was the tomans division captains and vice captains and the president "OH Hey!" You smiled turning to them they rushed and hugged you you were slowl turning blue because of the lack of air emma pushed them off picking you up " HEY! STOP THAT YOU IDIOTS! THEY CANT BREATHE" Mitsuya looked at you with a worried look " where were youY/N we looked everywhere" while chifuyu nodded "people looked at us as if we were crazy" you dead panned " You guys are crazy though" while some of them irked and some sighed "OH yeah! Taka-nee I went to Roppongi!" You told them everything except about the hitani brothers and just calling them strangers they all smiled knowing Y/N was alright.

" Emma said sweat dropping but you took hina's and emma's hand and smiling walking with them down the path " Gomen-- " "Y/N-CHIN CHIBI CHAN! Y/N!" You heard and stopped walking turning your heads to who called your name it was the tomans division ...

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( Words: 1259 )

( A/N: GOD SAKES! that's alot! but hope you enjoyed my dears! m currently sick so I'm just gonna update this book every now and then! hope you had fun with this!)

( A/N: GOD SAKES! that's alot! but hope you enjoyed my dears! m currently sick so I'm just gonna update this book every now and then! hope you had fun with this!)

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