Chapter 7

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TW: Blood, Sharp items and Swearing

TW: Blood, Sharp items  and Swearing

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I was walking down the street humming to myself "Hey y/n !" I turned my head and looked  at who called my name I smiled noticing it was F/N. I waved at them  while he/she/they  waved back not how he/she/they usually do 'Huh? why isn't he/she/they waving like a maniac? and why didn't he/she/they add the Chan at the end?' I questioned myself but shrugged it off "Hey Y/N can I take you somewhere? just a place! nothing bad " I blinked at him thinking about it while I nodded "Sure but I don't have all day" F/N nodded quickly and grabbed my hand.

⌛️➖➖➖TIME SKIP ➖➖➖⏳

Walking around with F/N we were chatting but I notice something while we where walking around he/she/they weren't their usual happy, cheering attitude which made me worried by now they/he/she would be running around and jumping around like a maniac he/she/they were shaking a tiny bit while they glanced around worriedly 'F/N... What are you hiding' I thought my lips parting. F/N turned there head to me and smiled leading me to a small abandoned park "Y/N Thanks for being my friend and trusting me but I'm very sorry that this is happening to you... I haven't been talking to you because I was terrified... and they said they would attack my lil bro... Sorry Y/N I'm very sorry" F/N had tears rolling there eyes stopping in the middle of the park and giving a scared but worried look to me.

I couldn't help but tilt my head "what do you mean-" I heard some running and felt something hard punching me in the face  I fell and landed on my bottom I shuffled back and looked up finding who hit me "SO YOUR THE ONE MIKEY IS TALKING ABOUT!" A guy with blonde hair and a Red outfit with Japans flag on his shoulder his outfit reading out 'moebius'  I looked disgusted 'what the fuck is with delinquents and those weird ass hair styles—' I thought "Oi! I don't like that face your making" he walked up to me and grabbing a handful of my hair "that face means your looking down on me... I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER BRAT" i gave a side glance at F/N who was looking, tears dripping down their/his/her face.

Shadows covering my face whole osanai let out a small 'heh?' Sound "you hurt f/n you threatened them... that isn't how to be a delinquent that's just being a fucking monster" I stared down at him while he stared in shock lifting up his fist and about to hit me I grabbed his fist and flipping him over making a crack sound be heard around the park. I stare at him boredly but disgusted  at the same time "you should have a punishment for what you have done to people and to my friend" Pulling out a pocket knife I slice his arm making a cut not to big not to small but enough to be seen and allow blood be dripped out from the wound they gave osanai 'what the fuck' osanani thought 

3rd person POV

Y/N raised a finger to Osanai smirking"WHEN YOU SEE ME BE SCARED THIS TATTOO ON MY NECK! IS A SIGHN FOR YOU TO RUN! Hehe" Y/N laughed while Osanai was clutching his arm and scrambling off when they finished their sentence. Y/N tsked seeing osanai retreat from the area "fucking pussy"  Y/N  muttered under their breath. Y/N heard some clapping from behind him than a voice "my my~ what An Interesting kid" Y/N turned their head to see a rip off version of Noya who was smirking "who the hell are you?" the h/cnette questioned pointing the pocket knife at him "Whoa put the knife down kid sheesh— names Shuji Hanma But call me Hanma now whats your name" 'boy looks creepy asf— bruh remember what your mama said kick him in the nuts and run' Y/N thought.

(Author: Y/N— You beat somebody's ass before tf you mean?) 

Y/ns voice replied in their  thoughts'we'll author san hitting him in the balls are more effective most likely him dealing with the pain for 10 minutes' (Author: Smart! ) Y/n started walking up to the male while putting the knife in their hoodie pocket "oh?" Hanma said smiling until Y/N kicked him in the nuts quickly and ran away " NAMES Y/N! YOU NOYA RIP OFF!" Y/N said turning their head to the male smiling while their silhouette disappeared slowly.. Hanma was neeling down on the path and  turned his head to Y/ns disappearing figure he chuckled  smiling a bit he shook his head "crazy kid" hanma said trying to stand up but collapsed back to the floor "OW! SHIT I FORGOT THEY KICKED ME IN THE BALLS OW" Hanma was internally crying while F/N was nowhere to be seen since she/he/they left after seeing they broke Osanai's bones .

 Hanma was neeling down on the path and  turned his head to Y/ns disappearing figure he chuckled  smiling a bit he shook his head "crazy kid" hanma said trying to stand up but collapsed back to the floor "OW! SHIT I FORGOT THEY KICKED ME IN THE BA...

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(Author Note: hehe suffer hanma anyways damn had fun writing this chapter a tiny bit Welp time to go bye~)

(Words: 880 ) 

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