Chapter 8

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( A/N: This is gonna be an... interesting chapter per say! I didn't have many ideas but oh well~ here it goes haha)

 interesting chapter per say! I didn't have many ideas but oh well~ here it goes haha)

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3rd person POV

"GOMEN N/N!" screamed out f/n who was bowing down to you with tears streaming down there eyes "o-oi! why you bowing down HEH?!?! am I a god now? hehe " Y/N smirked while rubbing there chin while f/n looked at them confused but sad "I'm sorry I led you there yesterday N/N It was suppose to be me but osanai said that if I bring you my family would be okay... and they are but I-im sorry" f/N lowered there head again. they/he/she looked up feeling a pat on their shoulder "Its all good f/n its just sad that I wasn't there to protect you before but hey! stop crying and get me some Doryaki or yakisoba!" y/n pointing there thumb at themselves while. f/n rushed to there feet nodding while wiping their/ his/ her eyes (again idk your friends pronouns! ) "thanks n/n" y/n nodded and started dragging f/n "come on I'm getting hungry!" Y/n said continuing to drag them around.

-----T i m e S k i p------

Kicking the steps on the pathway y/n and f/n were smiling and chatting to each other but stopping at a certain bakery store 'Just. the same bakery I met that mikey and draken Nee-san' Pushing the door open a small bell sound was made rushing to the counter Y/N looked at friend who shook there had and smiled pulling out there wallet "3 doryaki's please" f/n said putting the money on the counter while the old lady smiled and looked at Y/N "How about I add one more for you dear since your always a regular now aha" the grandma said smelling sweetly Y/N deadpanned and shook there head furiously "I will not allow it you work hard Im not taking one for free" Pouting at the old lady who chuckled but went and left behind the curtain still putting and extra doryaki in the bag "Hehe Same as away N/N-Chan~" F/N put there arm over your shoulder while smiling "of course I'm amazing either way though" f/n had too cover his/her/their eyes because of you smiling as bright as the sun which they returned taking the doryakis and waving goodbye to the lady " Bye Oba-Chan! thank you!" While the grandma returned it "Lets go hangout at the park!" f/N dragged you while you were casually eating the doryakis with a happy expression.

onto of the jungle gym was where you were standing on top with f/n climbing up still but both of you staring at the top while you sat down smiling clutching on the bars beside you "Hey y/n... What do you wanna be when you're older?" F/n questioned you while giving a side glanced to you. pulling yourself up and standing straight routine staring infant of you "Its quite simple F/N... I wanna be a king a ruler " you smirked and pointing at f/n " and you! will be my loyal subject my servant or my right hand man ( not saying your friend is a boy but like your right hand man) YI will rule over all of japan you will be beside me! no matter what hehe" lifting yourself up and smiling at f/n who stared at you in awe "What ya say?" F/n looked at your hand "LETS MAKE YOU RULE THIS PLACE! AND SHOW THEM YOUR POWER!" f/n shakes your hand smiling while you smirked "YEAH!" your replied standing up.

You and f/n stopped when you heard a small chuckle "Hey kakucho... They are kinda like us no?" A bleached blonde haired male with bright purple eyes replied not even glancing at this 'kakucho guy' While a male with shaved black hair and a giant scar on his forehead leading down to his right Eye the black but cut male Nodded with a small smile "yeah..." "WHO ARE YOU!" y/n Pointing at them with a scrunched up face filled with confusion. the bleached blonde male smiled "Izana Kurokawa this is my Slave" "Kakucho Hitto or also is right hand man" jumping down the jungle gym and landing on your feet you stared at the. duo and staring back at f/n who was climbs down and just walked to you confused "They look funny" F/n muttered looking at you while you snickered nodding "but cool though" you whispered back at them/her/him "Names. Y/N L/N also known as N/N this is my best friend F/N F/L/N ( friends last name) what do you mean we remind you of yourself?" Y/N questioned but annoyed "well like you said up on there but I said that too Him but I'm now a king of tenjiku" Izana said pointing at him and the scar guy "Hm... Nice swell you have pretty eyes" You blurted out pointing at the purple eye male "And you look cool with that scar shows how you look col and tough if that's from a bad experience then your strong as fuck" F/N smacked your head "Stop swearing" you looked at f/n who sweat dropped and look away whistling 'Thats what I thought bitch' you snickered but looked at the duo again "so your that gang that has the.. Umm" You stopped and started thinking and snapping your fingers "YEAH HEAVENLY KINGS! or something like that" Nodding Izana waked up and surprisingly patted your head nodding "somebody knows there gangs" You irked at him "YOU SOUND JUST LIKE THAT RANABELLE AND THAT FISH GUY! I MET AT ROPPONGI!" you looked at him fingers scrawling up with an annoyed and pissed off look plastered on your face Izana stared at you and scoffed "so The brothers got to you before me no?" Y/N stared confused but nodded "But you seem cooler!"

kakucho walked up and patted y/n's shoulder "make sure if you will become the 'King ' of japan after izana you better rule it well" you looked at him then looked at f/n who pulled you over to him/her/them and pointed at you with a giant Smirk "N/N WILL RULE OVER JAPAN AND BE A KING! A LORD OF DESTRUCTION! A LEGEND TO GANGS! MARK MY WORDS THEY WILL BE THE UPRISING GOD OF JAPAN!" F/N looked serious at kakucho who shook his head with a smile while inane snickered at this, You nodded and smirked "I AGREE WITH F/N! IF THAT MEANS I MUST TAKE ON PURPLE EYES I WILL FIGHT HIM FOR BEING THE NEXT KING" Y/N going up to izana and snickering at him While holding his red robe/Jumper thing "Hm well train hard kid that's gonna be awhile " You furrowed your eyes at him "IM ONLY 12 IN A HALF! HOW DARE YOU!" You punched Izana's stomach which made him clutch it in pain "I think I just got beaten by a child.. I WONT ACCEPT THIS" Izana Glared at you and bonked your head while you clutched it muttering small 'Ow Ow It stings OW!' F/N Snickered "meet your future king My guy!" F/N said smiling and looking at kakucho who just stared at f/n chuckling and walked to Y/N and bent down rubbing their head while izana stared at Kakucho "HOW DARE YOU KAKUCHO! MY SERVANT MY LOYAL SBJECT MY RIGHT HAND MAN BETRAYING ME!" Kakucho smiled and at Izana who just scoffed and walked up to kakucho with a stare radiating off a ' How dare you I won't accept this but since I found a kid towards my likening I will forgive you... For now' vibe f/n stared at this scene and rushed towards you and clutching you beside him/her/them Hissing "YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO TOUCH SOMEONE SUPERIOR AS N/N-CHAN!" Izana Sighed but smiled 'It wouldn't be bad if I have somebody take my place when I grow older' izana snickered and picked you up by the armpits and throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes running around the playground with F/N and kakucho chasing after him screaming back to give you back.


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(WORDS: 1403 )

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