Chapter 25

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Y/n was currently holding hands with naoto walking around with Hina and Takamichi "Why are we here again?" Naoto shrugged Hina spoke up "Double date!" Y/n raised an eyebrow and nodded "Okay Hina-Chan"  turning their head to naoto seeing the boy lo...

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Y/n was currently holding hands with naoto walking around with Hina and Takamichi "Why are we here again?" Naoto shrugged Hina spoke up "Double date!" Y/n raised an eyebrow and nodded "Okay Hina-Chan"  turning their head to naoto seeing the boy looking Takamichi with furrowed brows.

Y/n stared at naoto smiling and looking a way when naoto turned his head to Y/n whispering "Their so weird" y/n shrugged "Yeah I mean well not Hina but Takamichi? Yup" naoto nodded "He always comes around asking to shake my hand it's weird" Y/n had a snarky smirk "Don't say anything" Naoto threatened pointing at Y/n huffing and walking faster next to Hina While Y/n sweat dropped walking next to Takamichi.

Y/n stared at the blonde quietly when they spotted Mikey with a blonde chick who you noticed was Emma "EMMA" y/n shouted waving with Takamichi and Hina waving shyly at Emma seeing her and Mikey naoto raised an eyebrow stopping next to Hinata and glanced at Y/n who hugged Mikey "I came to shibuya to visit yesterday" Mikey had a grin his dark pupils lighting up and hugging Y/N back "Awesomeee!" Y/n smiled but felt something pull him away.

Naoto glared at Mikey grabbing you by the waist scowling and grabbing Y/Ns hand shouting to Hina "We're going to buy something in here" pointing at a a random cafe while Y/n waved at Mikey and the others chuckling at their boyfriend "Naoto" Y/n whined "Why did you take me away from doryaki-kid?" Naoto huffed "I just... whatever" Y/n smirked putting his head onto Naoto's shoulder "Are you jealous I wasn't hugging you like I hug mikey? Sorry I haven't seen him for 2 weeks" y/n muttered naoto blushed looking away and nodded "it's fine just I actually wanted some kisses" naoto muttered the last bit while picking different Mochi's quietly with Y/n having the same old smirk.

Y/n pecked Naotos cheek to his hands and back to the boys face who has red Y/n grabbed the mochi box and went to the counter leaving a bright and blushing naoto who held his face smiling so much 'god I love him/them' both of them thought while going diffrent ways.

Arriving back outside holding hands mikey had an arm around Takamichi's shoulder as Takamichi was sweat dropping while Emma and Hina where chatting about an new makeup kid Y/n couldn't help but perk up walking to Hina and Emma quickly to start talking about it with them saying they wanted to buy it for their Cousin since it was her 21st birthday soon.

Naoto mikey and Takamichi stood in the sidelines not knowing what was going on "any of you understand this?" Naoto shook his head and Mikey was confused eating a Doryaki "I downt mnow" shrugging Takamichi sighed while they walked behind the two girls and one non-binary to a small ramen shop entering inside the group decided to go order their ramen Y/n wanted to get a Spicy ramen to try their "spice tolerance" but wont  wouldn't allow it yet Y/n still order it to piss they're boyfriend off.

Y/n felt annoyed seeing mikey eating his noddles smacking and opening his mouth when talking Y/n was disgusted reaching over the table smack mikeys face as he gasped "OWWW n/n whyyyyy" Y/n scowled sitting down back to their seat "Why? BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE PROPER MANORS FOR A 16 YEAR OLD GANG LEADER" mikey crossed his arms "Well" y/n stared down at mikey "well what? Boy try me I swear I can punt your ass outta here" mikey lowered his head in defeat.

Y/n chuckled while hearing something outside Y/n whispered "the fuck" naoto turned to Y/n confused seeing the persons worried face the others not noticing the sound Y/n sat up "Going to the bathroom Real quick Emma-Cham can you please moveee" Emma smiled nodding hopping out while y/n went to the direction of the Toilet but secretly went to the back exit in the kitchen to see what was the commission in the small alley noticing a mix of Brunette and Yellow hair and a black guy on the floor bleeding "Hanma-Kun?" Y/n whispered confused Hanma turned his head shocked to see Y/N

Hanma froze "Kid... Where have you been?" Y/n chuckled "I can explain after you catch your kill cause he's currently crawling away hanma nodded "OoOo You can't run from me♥︎" y/n nodded "Yeah you can't do will bolt after you when you steal his earrings to wear" Hanma grinned at that and continued to hurt the guy currently while Y/n was telling everything that happened Hanma sad about what was going on for Y/n but knew Y/n wouldn't want him to intervene since
Y/n said they where planning on doing soemthing si Hanma was allowing it to happen "Ni-San Y/n whispered "let's say you have a voice in the very back of your head telling you something you did and couldn't take back awhile ago and kept on telling you to hurt people what would you do?" Hanma scratched his chin with his bloody hands.

Hanma shrugged "I wouldn't know I was born like this a crazy mother fucker so I don't know but I know Kisaki has that little voice and allows it to do whatever" Y/n could only nodunderrstanding "well I have to get back see you later hanma" hanma smiled waving "bye byeee♡︎" y/n laughed and entree back inside and sat down back with the group.



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