Chapter 15

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Takamichi POVI started to look around the room The toman captains Vice captains  Izana Kakuchō and the hitani brothers were there all Looking scared pissed off and Sad but the most shocking thing was that Kisaki was standing there muttering 'don't...

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Takamichi POV
I started to look around the room The toman captains Vice captains  Izana Kakuchō and the hitani brothers were there all Looking scared pissed off and Sad but the most shocking thing was that Kisaki was standing there muttering 'don't leave brat I still need you...' and 'I'll kill him...' My eyes darted to mikey who was there eyes getting darker? 'How is that possible!' But my eyes soon landed on Hina and Emma they were sobbing so hard my heart clenched even more.

"How..." Mikey Said everybody stopped and turned there attention to mikey "Takamichi" Mikey stood up walking to takamichi and staring at him gripping takamichi's shoulder "How Did you know that They were In trouble? Why did you interrupt our fight and yelled that Y/N was gonna die?" "Takamichi... How did you know?" Takamichi stared wide eyes seeing mikey looking at takamichi with no smile no emotion in his eyes at all "I... I" Takamichi stopped and mikey looked pissed off grabbing takamichis collar "SPILL IT OUT HANGAKI! I DONT WANT TO LOSE ANOTHER IMPORTANT PERSON IN MY LIFE!" Takamichi was scared and started having tears in his eyes going down his face "I- I HEARD THE GUY SAY IT! I SAW HIM I WAS GONNA LOOK FOR Y/N! I WANTED TO TALK TO THEM AND APOLGISE THAT WE COULDNT HANGOUT TONIGHT BUT U HEARD THAT GUY SAID HE WANTED TO KILL THEM!" Takamichi was dropped to the floor mikey looked down no longer pissed but small water droplets fell down to the floor.

"Mikey-kun..." Takamichi mumbled Izana soon spoke up "I- I found Y/N important too we hanged out they talked about ruling over Japan along with there friend by there side..." Izana looked at everybody his eyes slowly having tears show kachuko cried but nodded.

the hitani brother s looked down from where they were leaning "Y/N was Cool kid heh... He called my hair 'fish looking' Rindou said chuckling shaking his head and looking down to his right "They Called me Ranabelle or Annabelle rip off The kid was fun to be with..." Ran looked at his younger brother patting his back.

Mucho stood up Sanzu following along "They weren't afraid of me" Sanzu looked at him mucho nodding at the long haired male "They weren't afraid of my scars they thought they were cool they were always asking me to show them how I use my katana... they were weird... but good weird they asked me to dye my hair pink since it would look cool" Sanzu looked away his mask hiding his frown.

Baji looked at Kazutora who stood up "I found that kid fun... they stopped me from doing dumb shit... they were fun and caring but goofy they always talked to me asking about my day and also called my hair a banana" Hanma perked up "They called my hair a banana to!" Everybody chuckled a-bit looking down with small smiles Chifuyu smiled staring at everybody "They called Baji and Me a chaotic duo! But y/n always hanged out with us because either said it was because 'there were cats and cats were there favourite pet but parents wouldn't allow them to have one' that was one of the reason but they always had a glint in there eyes that there was a deeper meaning but we couldn't figure it out" Chifuyu Shook his head sighing.

The Kawata twins look at each other and looked at the group with a blank look "They called us Cotton candy twins..." People started snickering which pissed of smiley who put his fist up "WHAT YALL SNICKERING AT?!?!" Ran Looked at Smiley "Cause we can" Ran had a smug look while Rindou nodded smiley looked even more pissed off " I'LL WIPE THAT LOOK OF YOUR FACE YOU WALMART RIP OFF ANNABELLE" Smiley Started cracking his knuckles until they saw the Emergency room sign flick off and three doctors walked out. Everybody stared intensely and waiting for the doctors to start speaking the doctor to the left stared at every kid and sighed shaking his head glancing at the male in the middle who looked down the one to the right sighed and walked forward, he let out a breath "It seems you all are interested in the news... I'm here to inform you that the surgery was..." he paused and looked up from his small clipboard.

HAHA CLIFF HANGER FUCKERS!Sorry for my swearing but I got you guys hehe be scared and be warned! Trouble shall strike

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Sorry for my swearing but I got you guys hehe be scared and be warned! Trouble shall strike

Words: 760

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