Chapter 18

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3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

Y/N was slowly rolling out of the hospital ( Readers: Rolling? Author the fuck you mean? Author: Ahem dear reader your in a wheelchair it takes awhile for people to recover properly.... Readers: Ooohhh BACK TO THE STORYS) "Thank you doctor we understand mitsuya said smiling and continuing to push Y/N who was sitting and looking around on the wheel chair smiling and take a deep breath and letting it out "It's good to be outside other then in the cramped room!" Y/N cheered Mitsuya shook his head as they walked down the road catching a few glances from people but they shrugged it off after a bit soon a Small shop caught Y/Ns eye they stared at it and clapped there hands turning to mitsuya with serious expression whiel mitsuya was confused and flinch to what Y/N yelled with a smirk  "ONWARDS TO CAKE SHOP! MY SLAVE" Y/N pointed forwards smirking mitsuya shook his head and let out a reply "Yes your sassy ness" Mitsuya Pushed the h/c to the cake shop with a. Smirk y/n let out a gasp "How DARE! You good sir! This is my personality if you don't like it piss off" mitsuya snickered and let go as they were infront of the cake shop "Thanks" he lifted his hands in the air. Y/N was left stunned "HEY NO NO YOU STAY!" Mitsuya turned his head to Y/N "you said I could leave though?" Y/N scoffed "You do that! To a person who just got out of the hospital ouch Real ouch Takashi-nee" Y/N said  mitsuya chuckled and opened the door pushing y/n inside a bit and entering witch the action made y/n grin "see not hard!" Y/n chirped and started trying to move there wheels to the counter which worked and waited for ya mitsuya to walk closer

Mitsuya shook his head and smiled looking at the menu and then to y/n "Can I have a cappuccino and A slice of Vanillia cake?" The cashier nodded and looked at y/n with a smile "What would you like?" Y/N stared at all the options and pointed at the strawberry shortcake "can I have this please?" The cashier nodded while mitsuya shook his head and smileing at  y/n clapping like a child that got a new toy.

Y/N was sitting down on the small booth there wheelchair beside the small cushions "I don't understand why I can't walk!" Y/N groaned "Well Y/N your not allowed to move a lot since one you've been shot on your legs chest and along with your arms... It's gonna be hard for you to move a lot so we have to wait awhile till you feel better. Y/N sighed and nodded to mitsuya soon the waiter came and placed the cake and the drinks which y/n thanked along with mitsuya.

Y/N was eating there shortcake with a smile the bell on the door ringed and hakkai walked in "Hello
Taka-Chan Hello N/N how is my favourite goofball?" Hakkai said smiling at Y/N and ruffling their hair
Y/N shrugged "I am Quite fine thanks Hakkai" y/n continued stuffing there face with cake hakkai smiled at this and glanced at mitsuya "I-I wanna Take Y/N to my p-place Taju ISNT gonna be home... is that alright?" Mitsuya sighed and gave a small nod "sure you can but make sure that Y/N doesn't do anything crazy and text me or Draken that somethings gone wrong or something bad happen which is the same thing... But you know what I mean" mitsuya chuckled Y/N finished there cake and patted there lips with a. Napkin and gave a French kiss "Delicious! Hon Hon Hon" y/n started twisting a imaginary moustache which got hakkai and mitsuya to laugh which y/n gave in return was a hand on they're hip and they stroked a pose while they were sitting on the chair "I know I'm hilarious~"

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗽⍟

3rd Person POV
Hakkai was pushing Y/N out of the small cake shop with mitsuya walking beside giving instruction to hakkai on what to do wich hakkai paid attention too "okay we'll I'll be off Y/N behave okay?" Y/N groaned but nodded mitsuya made Y/Ns hand into a bowl shape and placed something inside closing the h/c kids palms together and smiled patting Y/Ns hair and patting hakkai's back and walking away waving to the two.

Hakkai looked down at y/n with a Shy grin "we're gonna have fun!" Hakkai said Y/N had stars in there eyes "Are we gonna Play Monopoly?!?!" Hakkai smirked and nodded Y/N cheered they didn't know but they were soon close to hakkais home y/n and hakkai stayed in a comfortable silence the rest of the time y/n stared at the thing in their palms y/n lifted it up a-bit as they walked pass a street lamp that's slowly turning on it was pair of earrings the earrings were strange the left earring was a sun the right was a Moon
Y/N chuckled at that and grinned they put the earrings on and smiled soon they were arriving at shiba family's home they both stopped and stayed outside y/n smiled hakkai nodded with a small smile back as they entered inside the home they were greeted by the sight of....

The sight of...



"T-Taju... Y-Your H-Home Earlier then expected..."

Taju stared coldly at hakkai but stared at the
h/c on the chair and slowly walked up to hakkai with a scary grin and stood infront of the person on the wheel chair and The dark blue haired male...

Oooh~ Hehehehe

Oooh~ Hehehehe

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Words: (986)

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