Chapter 17

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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

"THATS NOT FAIR" A loud bang was heard from the small table infront of Y/N who looked annoyed "Sorry kid but you suck" Sanzu said shrugging but y/n could feel the smirk he had behind his mask "shut up Pinkie
Pie! Drug addict" Y/N grinned but Sanzu looked annoyed and stood up from his seat "Whatcha say?"
Y/Ns grin grew wider Ran Started Howling with laughter slapping his knee while Rindou just chuckled lightly pushing up his glasses at the same time.

Sanzu had an irk mark forming on his forehead raising his hands up "That's It! You don't get F/F!" Sanzu stomped out off the room Y/N tilted there head "What a Pussy!" Y/N looked at Kokonai who just gave a nod muttering an 'Yup' "I HEARD YOU!" Sanzu screamed kicking the door open again and launching at y/n who screeched a "WHAT THE FUCK— GAKVDSKVSOW" Y/N was suffocating in Sanzus arms "Let me Go! You Drug addict!" Y/N screamed while kachuko sweat dropped trying to pull Sanzu off "Your gonna kill them weirdo!" Kachuko go Sanzu off to stare at The passed out Y/N "You recorded that?" Rindou said looking at Ran who Just showed the phone "N/N is so Cute~! My favourite little sibling" ran smiled and looked at Y/N with a happy aura he started clapping his hands Rindou nodded " They're better then you and I agree but did you just say Y/N was cute litreally suffocating from a god damn pink boy? " Rindou looked at the
H/C and patted there head "You all are weird" they all looked at Kokoni

Kokoni fixed his posture from the chair and looking at everybody's eyes in the group "how are you all attached to that kid? You've met them only once and your attached?" Sanzu looked confused at this and furrowed his brows "I don't know either... This kid just gives off a welcoming vibe... after a few sentences they soon became my friend they didn't judge me they didn't scream or runaway they just gave me a nickname and claimed me to be there friend" Sanzu muttered Kokoni stared at them "hm... so that's why I've open up to this kid more I've talked to them and they called me a snake wannabe but..." Kokoni stopped talking and put his chin on his hand This caught everybody's attention "but?" Rindou questioned "But I felt happy that I opened up to them easily and I noticed aswell when we were taking this kid to Taju this kid tamed him calmed him down for some reason like the kid was taming a god damn mountain lion like a buff Mountain lion" Kokoni snickered "The kids weird And sassy but they can be a future king" Kachuko said shrugging "That's what we like about them they won't back down they just do what there gut and heart tells them to do plus when they're heart and gut are fighting over a decision they always chose the right one to do " Ran smiled after finishing his sentence.

*Click* The door opened to show Mikey who's alles in confused "Why are you guys here?" Mikey looked at the people in the group "Visiting Y/N Mikey-kun" Sanzu said Stars in his eyes while looking at Mikey with admiration Mikey nodded and walked over "I overheard you all talking about Them..." the gangmembers froze in there spot "and I agree with you all... There weird and Loud but Mostly there sassy!" Mikey grinned looking at the Young pre-teen and glancing at the others surrounding Y/Ns hospital bed "I met them at a doryaki shop... They scolded me for not being nice to the old lady behind the counter I got kicked in ahem the you know" Mikeys sweat dropped pointing down at his sunshine spot All do them flinched "We get it The kids got a powerful kick" Sanzu shivered both hands covering his No no square the others nodded a terffied aura surrounded them "That's what got me interested into this kid so!" mikey dropped his happy attitude and glared at everybody with his full black eyes "I'll Kill you all if you ruin or hurt y/n l/n got it?" The gangsters nodded quite fast which mikey nodded and looked at the H/C person who just jumped up from there bed

Y/N rubbed there head with there palm "ow..." Y/Ns eyes darted at the hot Pinkes haired male "SANZU! YOU PEST!" Y/N shouted pointing at Sanzu A scowl on there face "I'LL KILL YOU!" Y/N hopped up from there bed lunging at Sanzu who Looked terffied "WAIT KI-D ACK" Y/N stared punching the male "DIE DIE DIE YEY!" Sanzu stopped and lifted the kid up "GOD SAKES SHEESH CALM DOWN" "your like a cat fucking hell" he muttered Y/N scowled and got snatched away from sanzus grip to mikey who was grinning "Sassy-Chan~! How are you!" Mikey grinned Y/N shrugged "I don't know Do you think being shot feels fine Doryaki Kid?" Y/N said A grin on there face but multiple tick marks started forming into there face "A lot?" Mikey questioned Y/N face palmed "Noooo mikey it dosent feel bad!" y/n said mikey nodded an "Oh that's great!" Which he got kicked to the wall for "I WAS BEING SARCASTIC!" Which got a couple of laughs from the males in the room a knock was heard "Sorry gentlemen but visiting hours are over" an Nurse said smileing which got some nods and a 'yes Mam' from everybody who just looked at y/n who sighed but smiled "THANK YOU FOR BRINGING ME GIFTS I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU GUYS!" Y/N screamed with a giant smile waving a goodbye to Mikey,Sanzu, Kachuko, Kokoni and the hitani brothers who exited waving a goodbye.

In the future

Takamichi's POV

I went back to the future to see naoto who smiled abit looking at me "Naoto! So Tell me what happened is Hina safe? oh yeah I saved Y/N" I questioned Naoto sighed shaking his head and sitting beside me "No Takamichi... but Uhm... Y/N ahem is now my Partner like right now" My eyes widened "HEHHHH?!?!" Soon a tall h/C male with S/C skin Walked in shaking there head and slapping Takamichi's head "Shut up Bakamichi! Stupid! just so you know Yes got a problem with me and my husband?" Y/N snarled at me "Gomen Y/N" I paused and my eyes widened I got up and pointed at y/n "WAIT YOUR SO TALL NOW HEEEEEHHHH?!?!" Y/N scoffed "Naoto You better hold me back from hitting this man!" Naoto shook his head smiling at Y/N "Just be quiet N/N" Naoto made a shushing motion to the H/C person who sat on the other side of me "Yes In this time line I'm married to Y/N but aswell y/n knows you can time travel to..." Naoto informed me which I was shocked "YOU TOLD THEM?!?!" Which got me a bonk on the head "OF COURSE HE TOLD ME!" Y/N rolled there eyes and stormed off shouting an "I'm going to bed" which Naoto wished Goodnight. Naoto sighed looking at me again " Takamichi come on I'll inform you on what happened this time" I nodded and stood up as we walked to Naotos desk.

 Naoto sighed looking at me again " Takamichi come on I'll inform you on what happened this time" I nodded and stood up as we walked to Naotos desk

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Words: 1262

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