Chapter 19

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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

Taju knelt down shoving hakkai to the wall which made him wince but he tried to get back up to defend you but was stopped by Inupi kicking him back to the wall Inupi stared at him and kicked him again with his heels staring at him blankly and looking back to Y/N who only had a numb look.

Kokoni Stared at Y/N up and down raising an eyebrow taju stared at Y/N and shoved his face closer lifting his arms up Yazuha shakily stood up and was about to dash to help the H/C person and Hakkai was about to run aswell but they both freezes to see taju hugging
y/n who was patting his back "Hello there son! How are you today?" Y/N said forcing a fatherly tone Taju scoffed and slammed a fist onto Y/Ns head Y/N screamed in pain "You Idiot! WHEN I SAID BREAK A LEG I DIDNT ACTUALLY MEAN IT!" Taju shouted raising a fist about to chop Y/Ns rib but got stopped by the chair moving side ways and hitting a vase by accident which it toppled over after.

Kokoni Stepped forward scowling "Hey Hows being stuck in a wheelchair?" Kokoni said smirking abit y/n stared and smiled the side of their lips twitching "how's being stuck in grief over your dead lover who died in a fire?" Inupi and Kokoni flinched Soon Kokoni left eye started to twitch "How's it Mistaking your best friend to be your dead girlfriend hmmm KokoCrunch~" Y/N was smirking so much taju stared at this and raised a brow "Okay Okay N/N please don't bring that back up again..." Y/N shrugged "He deserved it! HE BROUGHT UP ME BEING IN A WHEEL CHAIR! plus I don't like being looked down on..." Y/N muttered the last bit under their breath but Hakkai and Taju heard it very well hakkai stood up walking pass taju scared and smiled at me patting my head "let's help Yuzuha N/N..." Y/N nodded and stared moving there wheels to Yuzuha y/n started smiling and let there arm out for her Yuzuha gave a smile hakkai looked at taju "T-Taju Uhm C-Can" Hakkai flinched feeling taju stared at him lifting a Brow "Y/N can stay... I'll be out to the store Kachuko Inupi! Let's go!" Taju turned around walking away and stopped at the door nodding at Y/N who gave a thumbs up and giving a giddy smile.

After Taju Kachuko and Inupi left Yuzuha gave the
h/cnette a small smile "I'm sorry That you had to deal with this Y/N-Chan" Y/N shook there head "Dont be sorry! I know Taju not as good as you but For some reason I'm his therapist! THERAPIST! AND IM ONLY 13! sheesh he better be getting me something from the store to pay me with! OOH! MAYBE CAKE!" Y/N started clapping there hands Hakkai tilted his head "didn't you have cake with Taka-chan?" Hakkai started chuckle at y/n who was pouting and turned there head with a serious look to Yuzuha "let's get you patched up Nee-san" Yuzuha nodded as they walked and Y/N rolled there with their flashy wheelchair ( A/N: MMMM STYLE GO Y/N! ) Yuzuha got placed down on the couch as Y/N started to Tell Yuzuha about their day and telling Yuzuha how they both could hangout soon when they both get better.

hakkai was putting bandages on Yuzuha Face and knuckles abit of a bigger bad age for Yuzuha cheek but Yuzuha said it was fine... it wasn't fine Y/N poked the giant bandage and Yuzuha hissed and slapped Y/Ns finger away from her cheek Y/N snickered and started to poke Yuzuha cheek repeatedly while Yuzuha started to hiss and grab Y/Ns wrist "Stop that N/N! sheesh your strange" Y/N Stopped poking Yuzuha cheek and smiled hakkai soon entered with board games and setted them down on the table "Y/N.... Uhm— so..." y/n stared confused at hakkai but they noticed his face was filled with confusion "How do you know taju?" Y/N freezes and stared at the two shiba siblings and cleared their throat "I- Uhm" Y/N paused and looked away sighing and staring back at the two and gave a small smile "Like I said"

"I'm his Therapist"

"I'm his Therapist"

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Words: 753

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