Chapter 6

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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

*Ding* *ding* DING* went Y/ns phone the 12 year old groaned and checked it was Mikey asking if they want to come to the meeting tonight y/n sighed replying with" I cant I have school" but that never stopped y/ from going to the meetings but they actually couldn't go because well... their parents are home and their parents were difficult people to talk to. They only care for Y/N's  studyies and what they do and always using their birth pronouns instead the ones they want themselves and who they truly want to be. Y/N laid on his bed sighing looking at the cieling closing his eyes to go to sleep but flinched hearing his mother yell "Y/N! COME DOWN HERE WE MUST TALK!"  She screamed a sigh escaped their lips as they stood up slowly and walked towards the door opening it and thoughts rushed into their head wondering if they will be in trouble.

Passing the doors down the hall way and heading downstairs Y/N noticed his little brother B/N in the living room watching tv while holding onto a toy car  a small laugh escaped their lips while they entered the kitchen. Y/N stood straight while his parents sat at the diningroom table in the kitchen  "Y/N" their Father spoke in a monotone voice looking at a piece of paper and placing it on the table staring at Y/Ns E/C eyes a small gulping sound was made by their throat but they manage to reply with an shaky voice "Yes sir?" M/N stood up from her chair and walked up to the H/C Person.

A/N did I use person? Y E S! why? because we stan you non-binary readers! since I'm non-binary myself!

Y/N  eyes darted around the room while their mother got closer to them "Y/N! I'm so proud of you MY daughter/Son! all your tests are 100%" M/N cheered caressing y/ns hair ignoring the H/cnettes shaking figure. F/N  smiled "I agree with you mother I'm so proud to have a Son/Daughter like you" Pulling a fake smile on their face Y/n bowed to his parents and turned leaving the room to see his little brother and gave him a small kiss on the forehead goodnight. Walking back upstairs to their room Y/n frowned reaching to their doorknob and opening it with a small click and locking it they started to shake and collapsed to the ground shaking and muttering  "Im not a Girl/Boy I don't identify as that please... Understand that" small droplets of water fell from their (Skin tone) "I love my other family more they actually accept me" Y/n muttered "You only love me when I get 100% why why" Y/n whispered still shaking and let out a small sigh. 

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