Chapter 4

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(A/N: OKAY! SO THANK YOU ALL FOR OVER 1K READS I LOVE YOU ALL! BUT! Just so you know I'm making this all up in my head first I'm trying my best here— But I'm glad you're enjoying this so much My question is If you all want to meet The hitani brothers? In the next few chapters? Maybeeeee~)



3rd Person POV:Staring at the ground while walking with Naoto was quite awkward since they haven't talked to each other in a while since Y/N was busy hanging out with Toman but they decided to try and stay at naotos for a small hangout but Naoto w...

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3rd Person POV:
Staring at the ground while walking with Naoto was quite awkward since they haven't talked to each other in a while since Y/N was busy hanging out with Toman but they decided to try and stay at naotos for a small hangout but Naoto was happy about that since he misses Y/Ns Dumbass✨ Arriving at Naotos apartment he rings the bell waiting a few moments till naoto let out a chuckle "This is so awkward aint it Y/N-Kun" Y/N let out a small giggle " Definitely! damn that was so awkward before" naoto smiled while Y/N returned it the door opened slightly showing a strawberry redhead girl "oh? OH! (insert your nickname) You here! Man, it's been a while! Come in Let me talk to Naoto first" Hina replied smirking but soon it became a smirk looking to Naoto who blushed Y/N let out a nod "thank you for letting me in your home" Y/N said taking off their shoes "Naoto I'll be in your room man!" Soon disappearing.

"Naoto so~ you and ( nickname ) Hehe— It will be nice to have a sibling in law~" Naoto was blushing different shades of red "running off to his room while Hina was smirking closing the door 'Oh I can't wait to have a Y/N as a  sibling in law! ( ^ U ^ ) hehe,' Hina smirked devilishly small devil horns showing on her forehead she mutters an 'I'll make sure of it' creeping out Her mother whose sweat dropped worried for her.

Naoto's room
The door opened but was shut again by Naoto who was blushing furiously "you good their idiot" Y/N smirked, "S-Shut Up!" Naoto said pointing at y/n who was giggling a tiny bit "Hey! Help me with my homework! I don't Uhm... No, what to do with fractions... Mainly the times where the denomi something is different from the other one" Ouffing up your cheeks and pouting Naoto smiled a tiny bit and sat down next to you 'this is gonna be chaotic.. but fun if I spend time with them' Y/N stared at Naoto who was lost in thought raising their arm and slamming it on the back of Naotos head "IITAI! ITTAI" Naoto yelled out in pain rubbing the back of his head "WHAT WAS THAT FOR DUMMY!" BECAUSE YOU STOPPED TALKING MID-BETWEEN ON WHAT YOU'RE EXPLAINING FOR THE DENOMI THING!"
"IT'S CALLED A DENOMINATOR! THE BOTTOM ONE IS A DENOMINATOR THE TOP IS A GOD DAMN NUMERATOR Y/N!" "SHUT UP I KNEW THAT" Y/N and Naoto Rubbed there for heads together with both a pissed-off looking on their face throwing insults.

(Like this technically)

*BOOM* *CRACKLE* *BAM*They stopped and turned their heads to the window Y/N stared in awe grabbing Naoto's hand and rushing to the rooftop fireworks showing

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They stopped and turned their heads to the window Y/N stared in awe grabbing Naoto's hand and rushing to the rooftop fireworks showing

"Takamichi-Kun look! that one shaped like a heart," Hina said Y/N looked at Hina and nodded "SO COOL LOOK AT THAT ONE NAOTO ITS A STAR!" Y/N Let go of his hand and started clinging onto the railings Naoto was blushing he was gonna reach his hand to grab Y/N's but he felt his hand being grabbed too he blushed and muttered a 'Y/N' and he heard a 'Hina...' the stopped and sweat dropped with a shocked look "NAOTO?!?!" "HANAGAKI-SAN" soon Takamichi ran off Hina looked confused while Naoto looked Annoyed Y/N walked up to him and patted his shoulder "Don't be sad that you didn't get to spend time with me hehe..."

Naoto Blushed and ran off back to the apartment Hina patted your head while you rubbed your head to her palm even more "haha guess both our crushes/boyfriends are scarlet cats" Y/N nodded "YEAH NAOTOS SUCH A WUSSY! Haha!" Hina smiled and walked off Y/and stopped and paused and blushed furiously "HINA-NEE SAN WHAT DO YOU MENA CRUSHES! HINA NEE!" Y/N ran off to go to Hina who was laughing and running back while Y/N was chasing after Angry and Confused.

Naoto Blushed and ran off back to the apartment Hina patted your head while you rubbed your head to her palm even more "haha guess both our crushes/boyfriends are scarlet cats" Y/N nodded "YEAH NAOTOS SUCH A WUSSY! Haha!" Hina smiled and walked of...

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( words: 815 )
(A/N: OMG I'M SO TIRED HELP— Okay so I enjoyed this chapter hope you did too! I wanted to put in a fluffy chapter so yeah! Hope you enjoyed bye-bye! )

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