Chapter 12

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Y/N's POVwe arrived at the library I told Kisaki and Hanma that when they're done they could go ahead since I wanted to chat to the old lady at the front desk since she seemed nice to chat with so I exactly did that "Hello~" I smiled at the old la...

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we arrived at the library I told Kisaki and Hanma that when they're done they could go ahead since I wanted to chat to the old lady at the front desk since she seemed nice to chat with so I exactly did that "Hello~" I smiled at the old lady with a quiet voice "Oh... Hello dear what can I get for you" The lady gave a sweet smile she reminded me of the doryaki lady her the library lady was named Mrs Honey I gave a Smile "No wonder your sweet as honey" Mrs Honey gave a chuckle "thank you dear now are you here to find those  mangas? Wasn't it called hm... Oh yes FairyTale? They're over in the corner right next to the books about financial Money making" I gave the lady a Nod "thanks Mrs Honey your to nice" Mrs honey gave  me a giant grin seeing em walk off to the manga section walking pass I could see a guy that looked like a snake but half of his sides shaved and sticking out his tongue reading "how to make money" and a light blonde haired Guy wearing heels on the window next to the manga ' Brooooo they Look SO cool! Shrug it off your here for the manga Y/N'

3Rd Person POV
The h/c person went to the manga section next to the Blonde haired guy who stared confused at them at first but shrugged it off but couldn't take his eyes away seeing the small child 'H/c hair e/c eyes and chubby cheeks? Isn't this like the same kid boss was talking a bout asking us to take the kid to us?' Inupi stared and looked at Kokoni who couldn't read his book properly without staring at the kid confused.

Y/N had an irk mark growing in there forehead but muttering "Where the fuck is fairytale...?" Y/N had a confused face "Uhm Fairytale you Mean the manga...?" Inupi questioned tilting his head a bit but having a blank look "oh Ye-ah..." Y/N stared at Inupi looking at his scar but then at his face 'is this kid judging Inupi for his scar?!?!' "Oi kid are you judging his scar!" "SSSSHHHH" some people said wich made koko click his tongue but stare deadly at the kid Inupi slowly grabbed his hair turning his head covering it.

"Heh? Judging no I'm questioning on how this dude can be pretty asf and rock those heels btw 10/10 you look cool! If people judge somebody from there scars that's ridiculous scars can show on if somebody went threw something traumatic or something happened that they're wouldn't wanna show or talk about or they got a scar from an accident I don't judge I think that it's cool..." Y/N Had an irk mark grew on there forehead pointing at the snake rich Bitch I mean— Kokoni holding onto the stuff cat "You got a problem with pretty boys face Bastard?" Kokoni grew even more irk marks "I'll fucking kill you and No I'm not judging his scars he's my bestfriend" 'more like your male wife but whatever~' y/n snickered but shrugged it off "so The fairytale manga?" Y/N questioned tilting there head "Over on that bottom shelf to the right there's fairytale Haikyuu And some manga called Uhm what was it?" Inupi muttered looking up in thought "yeah one piece manga is there too kid also thanks for the compliment..." Inupi muttered the last bit but had a small smile on his face wich made Kokoni blushed abit but looked away covering half of his face.

Y/N nodded waving a thanks going to were Inupi pointed to "Damn they're something like I sense the snake dude has a thing for the Pretty boy number 2 hmm..." Snickierjng while picking up the fairytale manga vol 1,2,3,4 and 5 holding them Y/N slowly put them in a table and sat down turns out that table was were the Snake Prick was "that book would help you with profits snake dude but Actually It wouldn't work well if you haven't read the Extension books about the way to Save up and how the way you can make deals and How to make sales go up I forgot the name but whatever" Y/N said shrugging sitting down and Opening the first manga of fairytale. Kokoni stared at Y/N closing his book and staring at the h/c kid "where are those books?" Y/N hummed pulling out some books from their pile of manga with a smile.

  (A/N: Y/N wants to be that rich rich bad bitch kid okay?) "here you go just give it back to me when your done I need to read that to" Kokoni hummed smirking at the kid and shaking his head taking the 3books the kid passed to his side of the table.

Inupi got up from his spot on the window moving to where y/n was sitting he sat next to there right and looking over their shoulder Y/N shrugged it off and moved the manga abit so they both could read while Kokoni scoffed but didn't budge from his spot instead he moved to Y/N's Left and Started reading the books the kid gave him "Y/N L/N... That's my name" Y/n smiled looking at both males and started reading again "Inui Seishu and Kokoni Hajime" Kokoni said looking at Y/N stick his tongue out a-bit "your like snake for some reason" Y/N replied with dots for there eyes tilting there head to the side "That's cool though!... Even though your kinda a prick" Y/N muttered the last bit but Koko had an irk mark while Inui was holding back his laugh covering half of his face with his hand and letting out small 'pfft—' This gathered both peoples attention "Your not suppose to Laugh Inupi!" Inui shrugged at him but snickered "snake boy" and looked back to the H/C who was wheezing with laughter but no sound coming out.

A/N: Ahhh Was this page good? I don't really know if it was but yeah We met Kokoni and Inupi! Wooo!

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A/N: Ahhh Was this page good? I don't really know if it was but yeah We met Kokoni and Inupi! Wooo!

Words: 1054

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