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It was a bountiful night in Liyue Harbor.

The street market was livelier than ever, filled with food merchants and those who sold other items. Of course, a flourishing and busy street would invite more... unwilling to pay customers.

Kaedehara Kazuha, a samurai who once hailed from Inazuma, decided to stay with the Crux Fleet after leaving Inazuma. They were his second family, even more so than his real one.

"Kazuha! I'll be meeting with Ningguang, so no need to wait for me. Go take a walk around the harbor, won't ya? It's a good thing to have a change of scenery." Beidou grinned, waving a fast goodbye.

"Whatever you say, captain." He said, looking up at the stars before letting out a long sigh.

The past few days have been quite heavy on him. The homesickness in his chest wasn't going away any time soon. Maybe walking around Liyue was a good idea.

With that, Kazuha took a bag of mora, blade still in hand, and walked down from the Alcor. He did miss walking on land after such a long voyage.

It was a lively time indeed, the merchants were calling out to customers. Kazuha couldn't help but smile at the sight.

His eyes fell upon a certain stall that sold preserved maple leaves.

"Excuse me, how m-" Kazuha paused, picking up a familiar scent upon the wind.

He quickly checked his side only to see that his bag of mora was gone. The usually calm boy couldn't help but feel irritated. He couldn't sense it long before it came so he was quite impressed with the thief. Quickly apologizing to the merchant, he hurried to find the culprit.

The wind picked up the strong scent, carrying Kazuha right where he needed to be. It was getting stronger and stronger, just as his pace became quicker. Eventually, he was led to a figure in the crowd. It was almost as if he could see the trails of nature this stranger left behind.

"Where do you think you're going?" He whispered, holding the culprit's shoulder gently.

"I have something that's rightfully mine in your hands. Mind giving it back?"

EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now