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"I'm sure it was a long and treacherous journey, but I wish you made it out alive."

Raised by a group of Ronin, you were raised to honor the art of the sword. Unfortunately for you, they were the ones who fell into banditry. In other words, you were raised by the Nobushi. Ones that were affiliated with Kairagis, too, no less. Stealing and hurting people just to get by, was your way of life.

One day along the corners of Amakane Island, you noticed a crying girl. She looked just a bit below your age, but you definitely would never be wailing as much as she was. She was getting louder each second, which annoyed, yet concerned you.

'One more noise this girl makes and they'll kill her... Better get her out of here..'

Putting your pocket knife away, you walked over to the girl and sighed.

"Oi. Do you plan to cry here all day? What if the other Nobushi finds you, huh?" You sternly asked, scaring the girl.

"I-I'm sorry! It's just... I lost my shoe and I'm scared that mama will get mad!" The girl cried.

Groaning, you took off your shoes and put them on her instead. The girl looked confused but stopped crying.

"There. Better? You can go home now, and no need to bring it back to me."

You gave a softer smile than the stern look you gave earlier.

"You gotta be more independent you know? Not everyone on the side of the road is willing to give you their shoes." You scolded, putting an arm around the girl's shoulders.

"I know... I'll strive to be more independent." She sniffled.

"I'm Y/N. What's your name?"


You were 12 at the time.

After you left the life of being a Nobushi, you've been wandering all over Narukami Island. Sure you picked up old habits like pickpocketing, but nothing too violent.

A cup of sake was by your side as you watched the calm waters safely inside the city. Life outside the city was hard, especially when Nobushi was going after you left and right. No one could leave just like that, especially if the ones you were raised by were affiliated with dangerous groups just to get by.

"Y/N! Good news, I finally got hold of a raft, but I'm not sure if it'll survive out there." Yoimiya said from behind you.

"I'm an excellent swimmer, don't worry about me falling off. More food for the fish." You joked, handing the girl a piece of meat.

"Now's not the time to joke! This is an ocean filled with storm we're talking about."

"I know, I know..."

Yoimiya was a girl you met when you decided to visit the city for the first time. Since it was guarded, It was easier to stay there during the day. The Pyro technician had been working with you for a few months. You helped her run the firework shop, while she got you a boat to escape Inazuma in. It was a good deal, you needed mora anyways.

Not only was it your plan to leave Inazuma in the first place due to the countless Nobushi chasing you, but now it was even harder due to the Sakoku Decree. Meeting Yoimiya was a source of hope for you.

"Are you gonna tell Yui?" Yoimiya asked, your mind going blank for a second.

"I... I'll send her a letter. If i meet her personally, she'll eventually convince me to stay." You replied, wrapping the blanket around you tighter.

You had to admit, the question was quite hard to answer. You did want to leave without saying anything, but you knew it would only hurt Yui. She was like a sister to you, someone to protect and watch over.

When dawn came, the breeze was awfully colder. You decided the night prior to leave now, rather than later.

"Today's the day huh?" Yoimiya greeted, stretching beside you as you readied your bag. Before saying her next sentence, she gave a you a certain paper slip.

"For if you ever decide to come back. And yes, the fireworks you asked for are ready for the next firework show!"

You gave her a thankful smile before leaning over the wall and writing  your letter to Yui hastily. The pen you stole from a month ago seemed to finally be running out of ink. It was messy, but seemed to get your point across.

"Hello Yui, It's Y/N.

Sorry that this letter is messy, I had to rush. I will be leaving Inazuma. Whether or not I'll survive, is up to the gods. Please, keep safe. I won't be there to protect you, or give you shoes when you lose yours. I'll see you again one day, maybe when I'm braver. Goodbye.

P.S. During the next fireworks show, look out for a big purple firework. It's how you know i'm still with you."

You folded the paper neatly, and gave it to Yoimiya.
The girl suddenly grasped your hand, startling you a bit.

"Just.. Oh... When you get to Liyue, say hello to Beidou for me won't you? She's the captain of the Crux fleet and maybe she can help you once you're there!" She said, you giving a nod in return.

"Thank you for everything you did for me these past few months."

"Ohhh, no biggie! It was part of our deal wasn't it? Just stay safe for me, 'Kay?"

"I'll make sure to try and send a letter when this is all over."

With one last goodbye, you boarded your small boat and set sail.

And just like that, you were off to Liyue.

EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now