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Hmm~ Hmm Hm Hmm~ Da da da da~

You dreamed quite often ever since you got to Liyue. Getting sufficient sleep every night surely changed you. Though, every time you had a bad day, nightmares wouldn't appear. Instead, a certain melody would always be in your dreams.

When you needed comfort, your head would always go back to that night. One where the lights glowed an orange hue, and where the music led your body in dance. Even though it was just a mere moment for many, it was a core memory for you.

That night, you did not feel lonely for the first time in a long time. That night, the music that rang in your ears was a sweet melody, one you swayed to with a special person. You always thought he had already long forgotten that night, but you were wrong. It's been stuck in his head since it happened. He longed to dance with you to that song once more and sway to that same melody you two had held dearly.

Strange. You never felt this way. You never thought a simple memory would be your biggest comfort and your most replayed dream. One thing was for sure, you did not mind going back to that night at all.


"Hey, Y/N! Captain Beidou said she wanted to speak to you, it was pretty serious.." Luishi called.

"Okay, I'll be right there." You responded, rubbing your puffy eyes.

The crew stayed silent about yesterday's situation. They wouldn't dare to pry into your business if you didn't like it. The urge to ask Kazuha was strong, but they held themselves against it. For now, they'll only remain curious.

Many eyes watched as you walked away, holding but an apple as you walked towards Kazuha and Beidou. With them was a familiar blonde, one that had the same flying companion as yesterday. It was the same blonde talking to the pale-blue-haired woman yesterday. 

You gulped nervously, clenching your fists to calm yourself down.

It's okay... Think nothing of it. Relax.

"Good morning, Y/N. How was your sleep? Are you well-rested?" Kazuha greeted with a smile.

You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at the samurai. Your fists unclenched naturally as you smiled back.

"It was good, thanks. Captain, you asked to see me?"

"Ah, right! You two were so focused on each other, I thought you forgot about u- Ow!" Beidou groaned in pain after being elbowed by Kazuha.

"Ehem. As I was saying, Can you accompany the Traveler to the event venue?"

"Yeah, no problem. If that's all, we'll get going!" You replied, looking at the blonde.

Wait... the Traveler?

"You're.... that famous traveler?"

"I'm not that famous.."

"Oh, they're just being modest!" Paimon chimed in.

"Nonetheless... Let's go, hm?"

You led the hero into the Liyue tourist spot, helping them get off the ship. If you were, to be honest, you didn't know the area well. You've only read the map a few times but never set foot on the stone forest itself.

"Sorry if I'm not a good tour guide. I have never been here." You apologized.

"No worries! We've been here loads of times!" Paimon said.

"That's good then... So um, why'd you join the competition? I'm sure you don't need a masterless vision.."

"I want to go to Inazuma. Beidou promised to take me there if I win."

"Inazuma? Why would you ever want to go there? I used to live there and it was hell. I mean... for me, at least."

"I want to have... a talk. With Inazuma's Archon."

"It's gonna be hard getting an audience with a god... But it's you, so I don't doubt that you'll be able to. I've heard of your many victories, but I never really thought you'd look like... you! Not in a bad way of course!"

"So, Why do you wanna talk to the Raiden Shogun?"

You were met with silence. The mood quickly changed and you panicked a bit. You didn't mean to pry into personal business if it was too difficult to discuss.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"It's fine. See, I and my twin got separated by an unknown god. I've been traveling from nation to nation, talking to each Archon of Teyvat, just to find them. But yesterday... we reunited."

"But they wouldn't come home with me unless I finish my journey across Teyvat. I don't know what they meant about that, but I intend to find out. I just.. don't have an answer yet."

Every hero had a path they would have to walk on. The road ahead is filled with hardships and challenges, but it will all lead to an end goal. The Traveler was no different. Despite their heroic deeds, they still were human. One filled with emotions, one that had to face difficulties.

"It must have been so difficult for you. Being separated from family, yet having to become a hero for others. Though, I truly hope you find your answer and that you get to go home." You said.

"Thank you, Y/N. I needed that."

"Of course. And, good luck with the competition. I know you'll win easily." You smiled, finally arriving at the venue.

Many competitors were scattered around the area, a few crew members guarding the scene. You turned to look at the Traveler, giving them a thumbs-up before letting them go on their way.

Inazuma, though...

In the months that you became a crew member, you haven't gone back once. Not even for cargo. You weren't panicking about it, though. You were stronger now, surrounded by people you could rely on. If the Nobushi were to threaten the Crux, Captain Beidou would shut them down instantly. Same with Kazuha.

And besides, you wanted to at least get a glimpse of old faces like Yoimiya. Of course, you'd also like to talk to Yui. Okay, scratch that. You weren't ready for that yet.

After hearing the Traveler's story, you wondered if Yui felt the same. You two regarded each other as a family as blood did not matter. After you left, after you got separated, did she set off too? Did she go on an adventure, or try to get to you? You hoped not, but you still wondered. 

Yui wasn't that helpless little girl anymore, but sometimes you still see her like that. 

EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now