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Did you guys miss me ^w^ I've been a little down and my country's election sort of added to it huhu. Sorry for the lack of updates these past few weeks. But I'm okay now! Going to the beach tomorrow and school is ending in a week so more chapters yay! Hehe, enjoy you guys :))

It's been around a week since your injury.

So far, you've got your ability to talk again, although your words are a bit slurred sometimes. Your legs were still numb but you could finally walk with some assistance. Still, it was safer to use a wheelchair.

Kazuha who had been helping you the whole week was back in your room once more. He watched as you attempted to stand up, using your sword as leverage.

You looked delighted as you successfully did, Kazuha giving you a proud smile.

Though, your small victory was short-lived as you immediately tumbled. Fortunately, Kazuha was quick to catch you. Your face was buried in his chest as you looked up to face him. The two of you locked gazes, holding it for a while before breaking into fits of laughter.

"Thanks." You said.

"My pleasure."

You stood up by yourself, holding the samurai's hand for support. Your hands are fully mobile now it was truly just your speech and legs that needed to recover.
In addition, due to the request of the Traveler to voyage to Inazuma, the crew has been hard at work. They haven't found the time to visit you or were told not to. You couldn't talk in the first place so they didn't want to give you a hard time.

Now that you were able to form coherent sentences, visitation was allowed. Though, limited.

"Shouldn't you be getting rest? It's already past midnight." Kazuha asked.

"I... wanted to practice."

"You can always practice walking in the morning, alright? Don't force yourself."

"Mmm... Okay, fine. Thank you for caring about me." You sincerely said with a small smile. The hand that held onto Kazuha's tightened its grip. You gently rubbed your thumb against his fingers and then let go.

Following his advice, you lay on your bed and got comfortable. Sometimes, being sick has its perks. You were quite glad you were given these few days off. You couldn't even imagine having to work in the summer heat. Just the heat alone made you exhausted so you could imagine having to work in it.

Forgetting the man in your room, you slowly drifted off into dreamland. Kazuha knew you were asleep just from how peaceful you looked. If you were faking it, your eyes would be clenched and eyebrows a little furrowed. Even micro details that no one would usually notice, he paid attention to.

Kazuha only sat down beside your bed, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. The love he felt for you was unexpected yet it felt amazing.

To love someone is a privilege. To love someone so much is an amazing feeling. He loved loving you. You who was flawed and scarred, you who had been damaged by the world. He loved you who was imperfect yet so exhilarating. You were in every shape and form, beautiful. It felt natural to love you.

Ah, I may be staring for too long.

He took one last look at your form, clenching his fist in contemplation. Kazuha let out a soft sigh, leaning down to your face and kissing your forehead.

"Don't scare me like that again, okay? I don't know what I'd do without you, Y/N." He started. Your lips only parted, but you did not wake up.

"You changed me, even if you don't know it, so don't disappear just yet. Keep teaching me, keep influencing me." He whispered.

He paused for a moment, letting himself have a moment with you. Times like this he was grateful for.
Every second spent was a second never wasted. After what happened, he wanted to cherish them even more.

"This is stupid, you can't even hear me." He said.

"Usually I'd be straightforward but... I'll give it some time before I tell you what I feel. Rest, for now."

He put his hand on yours before standing up. With one last look, he turned around. He knew he couldn't stay here forever.


The morning after, you wheeled yourself to the deck. After being stuck in your room for so long, a little sunshine wouldn't hurt. Though a bit bright, you carried on. Most of the crew were working hard in preparation for voyaging to Inazuma. Though, as soon as they saw you, they dropped their tools and walked towards you.

"Y/N! Shouldn't you be resting?"
"Yeah! Beidou said you aren't allowed to go out yet."
"Should we call Kazuha to pick you up?"

"Enough with the questions, jeez! I came up here because I needed some sunlight. And maybe because I missed you guys a little bit." You grinned.

"Aha! Look who's out and about! Ready to get back to work?" Beidou called. You shook your head profusely, your hands following.

"No way. I can barely stand, you know." You expressed. After seeing the physical work you'd have to do, you'd rather stay in the wheelchair.

"What a shame... I was about to ask you and Kazuha to fetch something for me in Qingce village. Would have been equivalent to 2 weeks of work, too." She shrugged her shoulders before turning to leave. You blinked as you tried to absorb the information given to you.

"Wait, Captain! We just have to fetch something right?"

"Oh? Changed your mind just because I mentioned-"

"Captain! And Y/N, hello! I... was just about to say how much I wanted to say hi to our amazing Captain!" Kazuha jumped into the conversation. The few sailors surrounding you jumped in surprise.

"When did you get here?" Beidou asked.

"I've been listening the whole time." He whispered.

"Anyways! I can go to Qingce alone. Y/N should rest, don't you agree?"

"I'm cutting your pay by half, Y/N." Beidou monotonously said.

"Let's go to Qingce."

The sailors held back their laugh, Kazuha coughing in return. Beidou grinned mischievously before patting your shoulder. She laughed before opening her mouth to speak.

"Looking forward to it! By the way, the trip might take a day or two. There's an inn that you can stay in for the night. Just say that there's a reservation for Beidou and they'll give you a room." She said.

You and Kazuha looked at each other before looking back at Beidou.

"Got it."

EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now