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It was your first night on the Alcor.

Tomorrow was the banquet so you weren't given any work for now. All Beidou told you was, "Get acquainted with the rest of the crew. They're nice people."

Although she wasn't wrong, you were still shy around them. Hell, you couldn't even ask where you could wash up when you had the chance. It took you a good amount of time before you finally found it and cleaned yourself up.

You didn't quite realize how much of a mess you were until you took a long-awaited shower. It's always been bathing in rivers or the sea. Your escape to Liyue wasn't very peaceful either. Your hair was dirty from the days drifting in the open storm and your clothes weren't the cleanest either.

Now laying on the bed of your quarters, you felt the soft mattress envelop your body. It's been a while since you've felt this.

The last time was years ago when you visited Yu-


You turned to lay on your side, eyeing your katana that was slowly losing its sharpness. Today was tiring, too tiring in fact that you felt your eyes slowly flutter shut. The comfortable and warm feeling was something you were still trying to get used to, but you were slowly caving in.

You fell asleep quick, exhaustion taking over you.


The sun was rising in Liyue Harbor.

The merchants of the city were opening up their stores, just as the crew members of the Crux were setting up last-minute preparations for the Banquet.

Kazuha was up and early, like usual. He walked out of his own quarters, walking down the small hallway.

He glanced over your door, stopping for a moment. Should he wake you up? It was time to prepare and mingle, yet again he wouldn't dare to disturb you and your well-deserved rest.

"Are you spying on Y/N?" Beidou popped out of the blue.

Kazuha shot his hand up to quiet the captain, before shaking his head no.

"Nothing like that. I was contemplating on whether or not I should wake Y/N up." Kazuha explained.

"Well, why aren't you?"

"Y/N looks at peace when they're asleep. Let them have good dreams, and rest before getting acquainted with their new surroundings. I'm sure they need it."

"Ah, you're as considerate as ever."

The two shared a look before Kazuha gazed back at your door. From inside, he could hear soft mumbles. Sleeptalker, he thought. The two stayed outside your door a little longer, before Kazuha broke the silence.

"...I think I'll let them rest. Who knows, if I disturb them maybe they'll try stealing from me again."

Beidou gave a curious look, to which Kazuha just shrugged.

"Long story." He said before walking off.


When you finally awoke, the sun was brighter than ever. You covered your eyes with your fingers, adjusting your eyes before fully opening them. It was a beautiful day, just from the view from your small window. You stood up, making your way to the nightstand where the clock reads, "12:00 NN". Your eyes widened in realization.

You grabbed your cleanest set of clothes and set off as soon as you got ready. You loudly closed the door, grabbing Kazuha's attention from the deck. With a grin, he looked back and saw your panicked expression.

"Look who woke up from their beauty sleep," Kazuha called, making you look up. He laughed as you walked towards him with arms crossed. Kazuha handed you an apple as you stood beside him.

"I'm sorry, I know I should've woken up earlier. I probably missed so much... I messed up." You apologized.

"Don't apologize, you haven't missed anything. Just help out with the decoration for now." He said, putting a gentle hand on your shoulder before walking off.

You did just as he said for the rest of the afternoon. Lifting boxes, cleaning up utensils, hanging up lanterns and banners. The crew was kind enough to give you directions, even helping you clean up after spilling water all over yourself.

From the distancce, you could hear whisperings of a "Traveler" who apparently saved Liyue a few weeks ago. You were a little disappointed that you missed the whole thing.

'Interesting... I'll have to ask Kazuha about that later...You thought.

Finally, the sun was starting to set and the lanterns were starting to glow. The yellow hue shined in the dark blue of the sky and sea. Xiangling, too, arrived at the scene and started cooking. Your eyes brimmed with excitement when you saw the chef, eager to eat her cooking once again. Even though you've only been in Liyue for a few days, you already consider it home. It felt like that more than Inazuma ever did.

Here you didn't have to run. Here you are greeted with a smile, rather than a blade. Here, if you make mistakes, you aren't immediately met with punishment. People were kinder in Liyue Harbor.

"Y/N, come sit with us!" Huixing, a navigator of the Crux called. She smiled kindly, offering a seat next to her. You fiddled with your fingers for a short moment, feeling a small smile creep up to your face.

"...Alright, I'd like that."

EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now