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"Please do."

Those words left your lips faster than you wanted. You were eager to know what it felt like. Eager to feel what he felt like. With that, Kazuha wasted no time.

As your lips met, a fire inside you burned furiously. The butterflies swarmed in your stomach and your world felt like it was spinning.

It was your first kiss.

It was short and soft, barely but a brush. Yet, it was enough to make Kazuha blush furiously. The heat rose from his cheeks to the tips of his ears.

He pulled away, yet your eyes couldn't open themselves. It was an exhilarating feeling, being kissed. You never expected to like it so much. But maybe you only did because it was Kazuha.

Gaining the courage, you grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him once more. This time, you chuckled into it as he held both sides of your face in response.

You felt at home. You felt loved.

"Aha! I knew something was going on between you two!" Little Yue exclaimed.

Your eyes opened instantly as you shoved Kazuha away. The man was left flustered, turning to look at you. Little Yue excitedly ran over to you, grinning.

"Y-Yue! What are you doing at this hour?" You stuttered, laughing awkwardly.

"I couldn't sleep and I thought everyone would still be here. But then, boom! It was only you two."

You felt the embarrassment grow in your stomach. Kazuha just stood there, touching his lips in amusement.

"Well um, I was just whispering in his ear. Let's get you to bed!"

"But I saw—"


You led Little Yue away, turning to look at the still blushing Kazuha. He gave you a small smile and waved goodbye. You gave an apologetic gesture as you continued to walk away.


What do you call two people who like each other, are aware, yet haven't made themselves official? Is there even a label for such a relationship?

To be honest, you weren't quite prepared for things like labels. You liked being with Kazuha, and that alone was enough for you. You liked that he was first and foremost your friend, that you could run to him when you needed someone. You liked how he looked and how he talked to you. You liked that he liked you back, and that alone was enough.

You giggled like a teenager as you remembered the events of last night. You knocked out as soon as you reached your room, never getting the chance to fully comprehend the situation. But now you were wide awake and stuck replaying that moment.

"Ahhh!! Ah, what the hell is happening to me?" You pondered, holding your cheeks in the palm of your hands.

"Knock knock! Is Y/N in there?" You heard. It was Beidou's voice calling you. You shuffled to get out of bed, reaching for the door. Quickly, you turned the knob and saw both Kazuha and Beidou there.

Kazuha sheepishly waved, mouthing a greeting. Beidou didn't notice and looked at you.

"So, we're nearing Inazuma. Thought I'd let you know, just in case!" She said, placing a hand on your shoulder. You nodded and asked if there was anything more she needed.

"Oh right, I almost forgot. You and Kazuha forgot to clean up yesterday. So you're on cleaning duties."

You blinked, gripping the edge of your door. It was way too early for this, but a job is a job. You exchanged formalities before closing the door on the two.

Knowing that this might be your only chance in a long time, you sat down to write a letter. It felt strange to address Yui after not thinking about her for so long. It was barely there, but you could feel a sense of guilt. Despite this, you knew better than to drown in it.

You picked up the quill, writing down your long-awaited update, and final goodbye to Yui. At least the last one for a while. You couldn't forget to update Yoimiya, too. You said you would, after all.

"To my Dear Yui,

How have you been? I hope nothing happened while I was away. It would kill me if something did. I know you probably resent me— No, I shouldn't think like this. It would upset you more, wouldn't it? Alright then, I'll start over.

I've been well. Living in Liyue has been better than I expected. I can't pretend it's been perfect, especially when I still faced a lot of hardships. Maybe when I come back I can tell you. I also met someone who... Well, I'll tell you that story another time. I'm sure you'll enjoy their company too.

I really like them, Yu. So I hope you do as well.

Besides this, I've missed you terribly. I saw a girl who looked like an older version of you. She was beautiful, Yu. Just like you. I'm still sorry for leaving you like that. I promise I'll try to make it up to you when we meet again.

I hope to see you soon, Yui.

Love, Y/N."

It felt nostalgic to write a letter to her. The last time you did, you were using a stolen pen and used a wall for a table. You were rushing, feeling panic rise in your chest with every word you penned. Now, it was completely different. How fast time changes.

You rushed outside your room, seeing the familiar scenery of Ritou approaching. The Traveler marveled at the sight, gasping in awe. Looking at it from a safe standpoint was quite wonderful. It was even more beautiful than you remembered.

"Here we are! Alright, Inazuman fugitives, please step back to hide yourselves." Beidou said, assisting the sailors. You snickered, looking over at Kazuha.

"Traveler and Paimon, get ready to leave the boat."

With that statement, you took the opportunity to give The Traveler your letters. They looked at you with curiosity, taking them from your hands.

"I know this is too much to ask but... Could you give these to Yoimiya? She'll know who this second letter is for so if you meet her, please help me out." You plead.

"Of course. I hope to see you again, Y/N." The Traveler smiled.

"Me too. Be safe. Inazuma isn't for the faint of heart."

"I don't think any nation is, hehe. But, I'll be safe."

You gave the Traveler a tight hug, wishing them a safe trip. It felt weird seeing your homeland yet being so far away from it. Finally, you understood what homesickness was. Though it was barely there, it still left a melancholy feeling in your chest.

Inazuma was not your home, it never was. Yet you couldn't help but wonder if it was like that because of your upbringing. You were born and raised in the land of eternity, and there was no denying that it was beautiful.

You asked yourself, could you let such a wonderful place slip away from your grasp? All because of people who don't deserve to make you feel awful? You hoped for a day where you could finally call Inazuma your home.

For now, you could only look at it and reminisce.


hello readers, i just want you guys to know that i appreciate and love you all so much. i was reading some comments as i finished this chapter and ahh i got emotional NAUR. the book is near it's end (though there's still a lot to write) and i just wanna say i'll miss all of your comments.

ranging from the wholesome, the angry, the thirsty, and just the funny ones in general. i feel so happy seeing them. ahh im acting like this is the last chapter when its not <//3 just wanna say i appreciate you all.

EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now