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"Why would you fall in love with somebody who tried to steal from you?"

You gasped in a questioning tone, turning around to face the rest of the student council office. You sat on the big leather chair, holding a book close to your face.

"What a fool. I mean, I'd get so angry!"

"President, what book are you reading?" The student council secretary, Yui, asked. Her blue hair framed her small face as she reached for a file on the shelf.

"Pffft— Some old random book Kazuha found in the library. I decided to steal it from his desk earlier." You said, turning to yet another page.

"So that's where my book went."

Kazuha's voice knocked the air out of you, prompting your hands to let go of the book. It hit your table with a thud.

"Vice President!" You coughed. "So... nice to see you here. I thought you were in art class?"

"I was... Until I realized the book I was using for my reference was gone." The blonde raised his brow and crossed his arms.

You were the President of the student council in your school, whilst Kazuha was the Vice-President. How you were voted to be the President... You had no idea. You were known to be a fighter, but that was it for the most part. Perhaps the students in your school were just sadists. Who knows!

"Now, what fool would fall in love with a thief, Hm?" Kazuha smiled, walking towards your desk. He leaned closer, daring to take away any air you tried to inhale. "I guess you could call me a fool, then —Thief."

Your brows furrowed, and quickly you rolled your chair back. You stood up and huffed. "Are you calling me a thief?" You asked, completely missing his point.

Kazuha burst out laughing, Yui in the back silently doing so as well.

"Oh, my beloved President. Just as clueless as ever." Kazuha grins, taking his book from your desk.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. I'll head off to class now, enjoy your break."

You silently retreated into the comfort of your leather chair, sulking. The book you were reading was getting pretty interesting... You were right at the part where the main character gets their v—

"Prez, what do you think about ice skating for the student council meetup?" Yui asks suddenly.

The school asked you and Yui to arrange a team building for the student council members, but you haven't made any progress so far. To them, Lazer tag was "too violent" and the Beach was "too exposed" for students. Though, ice skating seemed...

"Sounds fun! I don't think the school can come up with an excuse to say no this time."

Later in the afternoon, you decided to plead your plans with the Principal. Surprisingly, she didn't disagree and permitted you to follow up with the idea.

"Go ahead. It sounds fun, though you have to be careful. Those blades are no joke." She laughed, staring off into the distance as if remembering something.

EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now