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If you don't know, my birthday is the day before Kazuha's. So yes, it's my birthday today! October 28 for me, October 29 for Kazuha. And because of that, I wanted to make a special treat for my readers in honor of both of our birthdays! Enjoy, my loves <3

(short note at the end of the chapter)


"Happy birthday to youuu~!"

The gentle and melodic tone of your voice rang in his ears, placing a smile on Kazuha's face. It was so cheerful, so excited to greet him. Closing his eyes, he visualized the look on your face as you recorded this message.

It was hard on him to be separated from you.

"I know you'll be in... Mondstadt? Yeah! You'll be in Mondstadt. It's a shame I can't be with you on your birthday, but Yui needs me right now." You say, the recording warping your voice ever so slightly.

"Hi, Kazuha! Sorry I had to take your Y/N for a while. Marriage planning is hard. But happy birthday! I'll make sure to make it up to you!" Yui's voice chirped from behind.

"I can't believe this kid is getting married. It feels like yesterday when she was still the little girl who ran away from home. Now, look at her! All grown up."

"I never thought I'd even consider marriage. Bleh, gross. Don't... Don't tell them I said that. I didn't mean it..."

"To be honest, I never thought you would either. Anyways... I hope you have a wonderful time in Mondstadt! Say hi to your friends there for me. I love you!"

The room fell quiet as the phonograph's message ended.

That year was the first time you couldn't be with him on his birthday. Thus, you made a recording. It's the only one you ever made in your life. But it perfectly encapsulated the youth and life that you once had. Birthdays have always been the most joyous occasion — even more so when you came into his life. Everything was perfect. You were perfect.

"Are you listening to that recording again?"

Yui's melancholy question cut through the thick air.

Her voice snapped Kazuha out of his trance, forcing him back to reality. He pursed his lips into a thin line, exhaling a sharp breath.

"It doesn't feel real, does it? I understand." Yui expressed, coming closer to his brother-in-law. She put a gentle hand on his shoulder, lightly patting it.

"It's been two months but... it just hurts," Kazuha whispered.

The two sat at the site of your burial, some friends following behind. It was a sunny day, ironic. Your sword was buried deep within the soil, your vision sitting at its hilt. What a familiar sight it was for the samurai.

"It's strange that life goes on when yours feels like it's been taken away."

Those words left his lips softly, an ache throbbing in his chest as they did. He let out a deep sigh, touching the tombstone that housed you. Or at least, what used to be you. Underneath the soil is bones, but not a soul.


The moon has had its cycle for more than three decades now. The wandering samurai still remembers you clear as day, as if you were the rising sun. A constant in his life that will never disappear, no matter how far away.

Till death do us part, he promised. You promised.

He thought he's gotten used to it by now, but no one ever really expects it... until it happens. One snap of a finger and suddenly, the love of your life is gone. This loss was unlike any other. He felt as though he lost a part of himself — the better part of him.

It was nothing too tragic. Merely a sickness you could not cure.

Shortly after leaving Inazuma, you sought to travel the world with Kazuha. You grew beside each other and built a foundation stronger than any nation.

Mornings became his favorite time of the day knowing you'd be there when he opened his eyes. He remembers the shared meals and how he'd circle his arms around your waist as you cooked. He remembered dancing in the quiet darkness as a fire burned brightly. He remembered the kisses, the embraces, the forehead touches. He remembered the proposal and the vows. Every intimate moment was ingrained in his memory — as if he was the canvas and them, the paint.

Kazuha loved you as much as you did him. Gods, he loved you so much.

He loved you until your skin grew cold and your eyes could no longer bring themselves to open. He loved you until your hands couldn't hold his and your strength withered. He loved you as you hummed your favorite tune one last time... and until you breathed your final words.

"I love you."

A melody in Kazuha's ears when he was still young.

An ache in his heart now that he's grown older.

After your passing, whenever someone asked what Kazuha's status was, he'd always say married. He's married, and he always will be. No death, no loss, can change that. Even when he becomes nothing but a ghost, Kazuha will be married to you. He will always remain true, as you did when you were still alive.

It was his birthday today. But it doesn't feel like it.

His heart felt hollow and the world felt cold. You left and took the warmth away with you. Kazuha couldn't help but lament. It felt strange to light up a candle when nobody was singing a song but him. It was strange to buy food for one when it was meant to be a celebration. He felt alone.

Yui promised you to look after him whenever she can, and she's fulfilling that. She decided to bring him out for the day, visit your tombstone, and have a celebration with old friends. It may not be a cure for his despair, but it will brighten up his day.

The two people you loved most in life looked at each other, the sadness evident in their eyes. Yui and Kazuha embraced, relishing in their shared love for you. This world was cruel as it was lonely, but having each other through this time helped ease the pain.

The samurai felt tears trickle down his eye as the pent-up emotions reached their breaking point. He was lost without the person he loved the most — the person he thought he'd spent the rest of his life with.

"I'm afraid that I'll forget them. That I'll forget their face, their voice... their presence." Kazuha says, the hurt evident in his voice.

His vulnerability surprised Yui.

For years, she has seen him as this adult figure, just like you. Someone who has persevered through the darkest times and even managed to bring life back into your eyes. To see him so broken... broke her, too.

Though she knew that it was a testament, a proof of his boundless love for you.

"You know Kazuha," Yui starts. "Memories will always fade away in time."

"Y/N would never be angry if you forget their qualities because you loved them with all that you got when they were still alive. You loved them for who they were, you cherished them. "

"Grief is just another way of showing how your love for Y/N perseveres. The pain will subside, but that love never will. In a way, Y/N lives forever like that."

Yui pulled Kazuha closer, her own eyes starting to water.

"They loved us. And I know for sure they would want us to keep living despite this pain. Just like they did." Yui's voice trembled though she did her best to stay calm.

The two stayed like that for a while.
Letting their despair out with you in their hearts.

This was the second birthday where you won't be with Kazuha. How many more will there be? He does not know.

But he'll celebrate and live through them.
For you.


this angst chapter was from one of my old drafts but i edited it to fit the narrative heehee. fun fact, this would've been the original ending if i stayed upset over not getting kazuha's con... LMAO!!  anyways hope everyone is okay... i'll make it up to you guys somehow <3

happy birthday to me and happy early birthday to kazuha !! 🍁🎇❤️‍🩹

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