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Yui was off on patrol early in the morning, like she always was. She's always been a morning person and enjoyed walking, so it was perfect.

She reached the corner of the island, seeing some of her fellow troops talking to unusual men.

Unusual but familiar men.

"The Fatui? What are they doing talking to the Fatui?"  Yui's eyes furrowed, feeling a sense of danger overcome her. She was bothered, sneaking behind a bush to gather any information.

"I'm sure you want to be of more help to the Resistance, right? Don't worry, we're that unknown sponsor that's been helping you guys out!" The diplomat said in a trusting tone.

If Yui had not seen countless Fatui men being captured, she would have never known what they looked like. Their uniforms all had that insignia, whether you were a diplomat, an agent, or a skirmisher.

It seems like they were targeting those who were weak, manipulating their minds to use them. And once they've done their part, they're tossed aside.

Yui observed as the Fatui men distributed something akin to a vision. The aura it emitted, though, was unpleasant. She was unaware of what it was, but she knew it was bad news.

"Could this be why the soldiers have been sick?"

Quickly, she ran away to tell you the news. She had heard rumors of the Fatui in Inazuma but had no clue what their business was. Seeing how they reached Watatsumi Island, she assumed the Tenryou Commission was part of it.

She would've expected it with his corrupt they were.

Quickly, she ran off to find you.

You were already awake, stretching your limbs as you stared off into the distance. Not many people had awoken yet, so it was quiet. Just peace and tranquility...

"Y/N!" Yui shouted, startling you. "What? What is it?" You asked upon seeing her panicked state.

"The Fatui... They're tricking us!"


"Just... Come with me to meet Her Excellency!"

You followed the blue-haired girl mindlessly, confused but also alarmed. You've seen your fair share of Fatui, some of them using the Nobushi for extra help.

Upon reaching the Sangonomiya Shrine, you were surprised to see Gorou there as well. You haven't seen him in weeks. His eyes lit up when he saw you, too.

"Y/N! Perfect, we were just discussing you." Kokomi smiles. Now, why would they be talking about you of all people? You shrugged it off for a moment, remembering what you came here for.

"We're here to report something to Ko- Her Excellency." You corrected yourself, stepping back to let Yui speak. She explained what she saw at the beach, shocking all of you. Kokomi lowered her gaze while Gorou listened attentively.

"The Fatui... They've been deceiving us all along?" Kokomi whispers, her voice soft and disappointed. "Is that why our soldiers have been aging exceedingly fast?"

"Y/N, could you please snatch one of those Fatui weapons?" Gorou asked. "It looks like a vision, by the way." Yui included.

You could only agree, feeling sympathetic for Kokomi. She was genuinely happy to know that the Resistance was receiving donations... But in the end, it all turned out to be a lie. A sick, sick lie.

It was an easy task for you to take the 'weapon' the soldiers wanted to hide.

You made your way back to the Sangonomiya shrine, the presence of the Traveler now being involved. You greeted them with a simple hello and gave Kokomi the so-called weapon.

As soon as you brought it out from your hand, the Traveler flinched. You turned to look at the blonde before asking, "Do you know what this is?"

"It's... a delusion."


An emergency meeting was held among important personnel soon after the revelation of this Delusion. The Traveler had left to confront the one behind this operation. You heard that Teppei, someone who had gotten close to the Traveller, was one of the unfortunate soldiers who got the short end of the stick.

Yui looked grief-stricken as Kokomi told her the news. From what you understood, he was also a close friend to her. He was the first person to show Yui around the island and the one who ultimately reunited you. Though you barely knew him, you could see the impact of his loss on your loved ones. That alone, made you grieve Teppei as well. 

After you left Yui to give her space, Gorou suddenly called you to an important meeting. You followed him to a camp nearby, one surrounded by numerous soldiers. Apparently, this is why he and Kokomi were discussing you early in the morning.

To your surprise, the head of the Kamisato Clan was present. It made you nervous to see such an important figure in Inazuma right in front of you. Not only this, but you assumed that everyone in the Tri-Commissions was all bad. Yet to your surprise, the man seemed to be helping quite well.

"And what exactly is this... Delusion?" He asked, holding the small object in his hands.

"They're like visions but are artificially manufactured by the Fatui." You spoke up, raising your hand. The group looked at you curiously, Ayato raising his brow.

"Delusions grant their wielders the ability to manipulate certain elements, but drain the user's vitality or kills them."

"And where did you learn all of that?"

"The Traveler is quite familiar with these. I merely asked."

Ayato gave a nod of approval, turning his head back to the map below him. Both he and Kokomi explained their next plans: an attack in Tenshukaku.

Two groups will be present — one from the Yashiro Commissions and one from the Resistance.

"Y/N, you will be with the Yashiro Commission under the Shuumatsuban," Kokomi calls, pointing to one side of the map. This group was to seize Tenshukaku from the inside, giving the rest a chance to enter.

"Shuumatsuban? What's that?" You asked. From your time in the Nobushi, you'd only hear bits and pieces of that name. Yet, you never thought it would be so important later on in your life.

"A secret organization led by me," Ayato replies. "Miss Sangonomiya personally placed you on this mission. I heard that you are quite the fighter. As quick as lightning, and as invisible as the wind."

You couldn't help but sheepishly smile at the compliments.

"Maybe after this war, you can get a job in the Shuumatsuban? If you prove yourself capable, of course." Ayato offers.

At first, you thought about it. With the skills you've garnered, you could easily become a ninja. You could get a job that uses you to your full potential and one that uses your skills for the good.

But, a life like that does quite suit you anymore.

You'd rather have the rough oceans and comfort of the Crux Fleet. You'd rather sail the waters and find treasures as you do. You'd rather laugh with crew mates as you pour a drink on a hot summer night.

You'd rather have your Captain Beidou than anybody else leading you.

"The offer sounds tempting," You say, pursing your lips into a thin line. "But I'll have to decline."


if kazuha and y/n were to grow old, who do you think would die first ?

anyways i have a picture w a kazuha cosplayer >_<

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