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Kazuha, who was watching you from afar, was merely enjoying his time away from the crowd.

The Crux's three-day banquet has officially started. Even people from outside the crew joined in, a rockstar named Xinyan playing music for the night.

It was festive, a little noisy, but enjoyable nonetheless.

The samurai watched you comfortably mingle with the people around you. Seems like you were starting to open up to your new environment.

You were listening to Huixing and her stories, occasionally glancing at your cup and your surroundings. Eventually, your eyes stopped to look at a certain blonde, who was looking back at you.

Kazuha raised his cup towards you as a greeting.

"So, Y/N, how do you and him know each other?" Furong, another sailor from the Crux, asked. "He never usually talks to a lot of people, so it was quite a surprise to see you!"

"We met by... uh... oh. Oh? Uh, we met through-" You stuttered. You realized what you were about to answer.

They'd think lesser of you if you said you were a thief! 

"You met by...?"

"By uh..."

"Excuse me, may I steal Y/N for a little bit?" Kazuha interrupted. You looked back at him with a look of gratefulness while the two ladies shook their heads.

"Kazuha, perfect timing! We were just asking Y/N how you two know each other!" Furong stated.

"Yeah! Steal them a little later and tell the story!"

You looked at Kazuha with a look of concern, feeling embarrassed. Thankfully, he knew not to tell your secrets and just sighed.

"I actually... wanted to dance with Y/N. So maybe I'll tell the story later after we dance." Kazuha stated, making the two girls grin.

"You should've said so earlier. Go ahead then. Put on a good show, why don't you!" Huixing said.

Kazuha then looked at you and held his hand out just like yesterday's events. You took it gladly, giving Huixing and Furong an awkward smile before being led away by Kazuha.

"Dancing? Really?" You questioned.

"Well, would you rather I tell them how you tried robbing from me, little thief?"

"You... ugh. I don't even know how to dance!"

"Just... here let me help you."

Kazuha went behind you, moving your arms to the beat. You looked around, seeing a few of the sailors staring at you two.

"Hey, don't be so tense. This is just for fun." Kazuha lightly whispered, making you nod.

"Alright, sure. At least step away from me so I can move..." You said.

He obliged, giving you space to move around. You started dancing as best as you could, Kazuha giving you a smile of approval. You gave a spin, and surprisingly, it was fun.

You started to get the hang of it, enjoying the energy it was giving you.

Although the lively music was slowly coming to a halt, the dancing was not over. A slower ballad started instead.

You stopped dancing and looked towards the stage, seeing Xinyan wasn't there anymore. She was taking a break besides Beidou, allowing another band to let the slow dance commence.

You looked back towards Kazuha, seeing him look at you with his hand out.

"Can I have this dance?"

"...I'm a little tired! Uh, why don't we take a-"

"Just one last, and then we can rest."

With a sigh, you took his hand as he pulled you closer.
It was a little embarrassing, with all the sailors staring and all. From what you heard from Yui, dances like this aren't supposed to be just "friendly." Ah, that girl and those silly books she's read.

"Is this revenge for trying to steal from you?" You asked as Kazuha started placing your hands above his shoulders.

"Maybe. But don't worry, this is the last time I'll use it against you."

"It better be."


Hmm~ Hmm Hm Hmm~ Da da da da~

With his hands on your waist, you two started to sway to the slow beat of the guitar. You were looking away, closing your eyes as you listened to the melody.

"You know, Y/N, besides Captain Beidou, you are my only friend in Liyue," Kazuha stated.

You opened your eyes, a little shocked by his words.

"I know I've said this before, but your presence alone really did make me feel less lonely. For that, I give you my thanks."

How were you supposed to reply?

"Y/N," Kazuha moved your chin to face him. He gave you a genuine smile, much better than the teasing ones he's been giving.

"There's something on your mind... Tell me about it."

"...I'm just... I know I said we were friends yesterday, but I still don't fully trust you. One reason is that you're from Inazuma. I'm... scared. Yet here you are, trusting me when I've done more bad than you have."

"I see we're opposites. It's because you're from Inazuma, the nation I was born in, that I trusted you so easily. I was feeling homesick before meeting you, So I guess you just... felt like home."

You snickered before giving him a cheeky grin.

"Jeez, the crew said you were poetic and all, but it seems I underestimated their words. You sounded pretty romantic when you just met me and barely know anything about me."

"Perhaps. That's why I'm looking forward to building this friendship with you. And, I'm looking forward to gaining your trust."

"You're very good with your words. Fine, I look forward to it as well."

EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now