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It's been a week and four days since the war has ended. Since then, you've done a lot in Inazuma.

For example — you and Kazuha have visited each other's hometowns. It was crazy to you how months ago, you didn't trust Kazuha. Yet, you promised you'd come to his hometown with him. And you did.

Seeing your childhood home for the first time... brought tears to your eyes. Memories flooded your mind as you recalled them one by one. They were hazy, barely even there, but you remembered.

Kazuha's childhood home no longer looked the way it used to. It was abandoned and run-down, a place you'd never expect to house nobles. All of the Kaedehara clan's belongings were seized by the Tenryou Commission months ago, rendering the house empty.

It was quite an emotional day for you both, but it was easy to smile once more. After all, you had each other now. That's more than enough.

Of course, being in Inazuma city meant hearing gossip.

There were talks of Kazuha using a delusion because the locals couldn't believe someone was capable of using two visions. But many also praised him for being able to withstand the Musuo no Hitotachi.

(You wanted to hit those who talked badly about him, but Kazuha always held you back before you could.)

You've garnered some praise, too. Word among the streets was that you gained a vision in the middle of the battle. It was true, so you had no problem with it.

In Watatsumi Island, you've thanked both the General and the Divine Priestess for their work. You thanked the soldiers who fought alongside you and of course Yui. She punched you lightly on the shoulder and cried when you said your goodbyes.

She refused to go back home for a while, but she promised she would. You promised to write more often, hoping to still be present in Yui's life while she continues to grow up. You wondered if she'll be as pretty as that lady with horns in Liyue when she's older.

From what the Traveler told you, she's also an incredible fighter. You hoped Yui to become like her if possible.

Other than that, you and Yoimiya had a long chat over dinner. She asked all sorts of questions and kept you talking until the sun rose. The girl even set off a firework in commemoration. The paper slip she gave you months ago was still with you, though a little damaged. Of course, Yoimiya was a master of her craft and knew what to do despite that.

It was heartwarming to see such beautiful yet fleeting colors in the sky. Somehow, it reminded you of how good can come and go — but that could also be said for the bad. Everything in life is a constant up and down, but if you find the beauty in it, then it becomes meaningful.

Now, it was your last day in Inazuma before you had to head back to Liyue. Beidou came to pick you and Kazuha up that morning, but you were leaving tomorrow morning. It felt good to see the Captain of the Crux once again. You missed her, truth be told.

Hours later, after you said your goodbyes to everyone, you were now alone with Kazuha.

It was a quiet night in Inazuma.

You and Kazuha walked along the beach, a fortress of stars guiding your path. Your hands were intertwined, locked onto each other like a magnet.

Narukami Island was beautiful, as it was the place you grew up in. Trials and tribulations came and went, but you survived. Now, here you were, strolling carelessly as you held your lover's hand.

For a while, you felt at peace.
It was quiet; the only sounds echoing in your ears were the rustle of leaves and the crashing of waves. You watched as birds flew in the open skies, free as they could ever be.


Something you attained long ago.

Looking back, it was funny how you thought life was a living hell. How every day was constant torment, not knowing your future was bright. You sometimes wish you could tell that version of you to hold on, that they'll be okay – That eventually, they'll find a way to live a life that fulfills them. That one day, you'll become someone you were proud of.

You stopped to think of the day you met Kazuha in Liyue Harbor.

If you had never run away from Inazuma on that specific day, would you have even run into him? If you had decided to pick-pocket another person, would your future be as optimistic as it was?

Questions like this made your heart race.

But as Kazuha always told you, the past is past. Leave it and let it not control you. You listened to his advice, most of the time. Kazuha was a wise person whose heart carried many burdens. He was a man of great integrity and kindness – Who, despite his burden, learned to carry on. You should listen to him.

Kazuha has changed your present, your future, and your life as a whole.

If you had never met him, you would have never moved past your burden. If you had never met him, you would have never met the Crux. If you had never met him, you would have never learned to grow.

The Nobushi no longer have power over you, especially not Takahito. Yui has grown up without your help, and now you have developed as well. You've grown stronger, both physically and emotionally. Most importantly, you found a home.

A home where you can rest, where your armor can fall. A home where you can lay your whole soul onto — give yourself up and still find something in return.

Without Kazuha, who would you be today?
Just an empty shell who wanders the world without any color?

You may have been free, but without Kazuha, you would have never learned to live.

From the day you knew you loved him, somewhere inside you knew you'd never stop.
You hoped that in every other life it was still him you choose to love. In different circumstances, in different worlds, and at different times. It matters not. As long as it was Kazuha.

It was quite a journey, but you made it.
What was next to come? You don't know. But you were ready to face it, no matter what came about.

"Y/N," Kazuha calls your name, bringing you back to reality.

You smiled softly, holding his hand tighter, letting him lead you to a certain place. The walls of the cave were blue, the flowers emitting a glow. Crystalflys danced around a sword as a white cat stood still.

Kazuha knelt in front of the sword buried in the earth, putting his hands together to pray.

Once he finished, he looked at you and smiled.

"Tomo, I'd love for you to meet someone."


"Y/N! Wake up!"

You shot up from your position, the loud voice of Kaedehara Kazuha ringing in your ears. The blonde laughed, his eyes disappearing as he did. You felt your heart race as you admired your best friend's (and crush's) magnificence.

Kazuha's uniform was neatly worn, his phone in his hand.

You coughed, standing up from your chair. You looked around seeing the abundance of books surrounding you, one serving as your pillow. Guess you fell asleep in the library again. You had such a wonderful dream... You've forgotten where you were.

"There you are, finally! Come on, we'll be late for our next class."

Kazuha grabbed your hand gently.

"We don't want your parents scolding you again, right?"

You nodded and followed your best friend.
The spring air felt nice as it hit your face. The sun shone brightly as sakura flowers blossomed like the feeling in your heart. During moments like these, you felt as though Kazuha was home. He was warmer and much brighter than the sun — he was your moment of solitude.

Ah. It felt nice being young... and in love.
You hoped that in every world, in every life, you fell in love with Kaedehara Kazuha.


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