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If you were going to be completely honest, you zoned out for most of the martial arts tournament.

You've watched and have been part of many fights in your life. You did not pride yourself in the things you've done in the past, but your skills sure do come in handy. You knew how to attack and defend, your experience becoming knowledge. It also helped that you knew how to be unpredictable, years of theft teaching you many things.

The only person to ever catch you was Kazuha. He was special in that regard. After your first encounter with him, you never had the chance to use your skills. You forgot how tense a fighting environment could be.

But now, seeing this, you're quite grateful you knew how to fight. Watching amateurs in the ring was like watching a child play. Funny, but mostly uninteresting.

Of course, The Traveler stole the show whenever they were center stage. Even Kazuha was impressed, and it takes a lot for that to happen.

As the finals came around, You had a strange feeling in the back of your head. Something was wrong but you couldn't quite place it. During your days as a bandit, this intuition of yours was used to feel if any shogunates were nearby. Then, it was used to sense any Nobushi coming your way.  Because of the calm environment, you're constantly in during work, this keen sense of yours hasn't appeared in a while. But now, in a tournament where fighting is the focus, this hunch has come back home.

Someone, a thief you assumed, is in the area. They will sabotage this event, you can feel it.

"Where the hell...." You muttered, searching for anyone that looked suspicious. The air around you felt tense as you walked around the vicinity.

"Ka- Oh. He's not here?"

You wished to discuss this with the one you trusted most, but he had run off somewhere. Assuming as the Traveler was not here either, that they were together.

You shrugged it off and continued searching.

Soon, you noticed a strange individual wearing a hat. They'd been suspiciously looking around everywhere as if hiding something. You watched as the stranger ran off quietly, hiding behind the rocks before using a wind glider.

You wasted no time and ran to follow them.

It wasn't your first time using a wind glider. Back when you were a bandit, there were many things you'd collect. Books, wine, clothes, and of course, wind gliders imported from Mondstadt. Ever since you got one, you've learned to keep one on your person to make quick escapes. You were finally able to use your old wind glider after years of just keeping it behind you.

You flew high in the air, the wind current nearby serving as your lift. Your body went over the rushing water, feeling the sea breeze hitting your flesh. Despite this being a mission to catch a thief, you were quite relaxed. Is this what it felt like for the people who tried chasing you around? You erased the thought, focusing on your goal.

You eventually landed on the shoreline, your shoes getting wet. The sand left evident footsteps, multiple. It seems as though it wasn't just a one-person operation. Using the same tactics you used to rob Kazuha, you snuck into the camp.

Treasure hoarders. You thought. You noticed their insignia on the scattered boxes. On these boxes, you saw the grand prize, too. The masterless vision that held significance to your friend was stolen. You couldn't help but feel a bit upset.

Kazuha didn't go through hell and back just for this vision shell to be taken away without his consent.

"Look who we have here!" Someone laughed.

Crap. I got distracted.

"You don't want to fight me, fellas. Trust me." You smiled, looking at the group of men gathering towards you. Slowly, you sheathed your blade, pointing at them.

"You think you can take us? You don't even have a vision!"

"I mean, my blade has dulled a bit. Not to worry, I'm sure I'll be able to get some blood out of you."

You looked to your right using your peripheral vision and dodged the attack. The axe hit the floor as you looked at the enemy with a cocky look on your face.

"Big mistake."

With that last statement, you charged toward the man, quickly knocking him down with your foot. You immobilized him by kicking his private parts, the man groaning in pain. Within a second, you took his weapons, throwing the small knives toward the group. While they were distracted dodging the rain of blades, you quickly made your way behind them, stealing some Molotov cocktails from their side. You cut their pockets using your sword, jumping back after.

"Look over here!" You yelled, lighting the bottles on fire with a match before throwing it towards them.

They soon ran away, clothes still burning. The panic in their voices brought you back to your days of fighting. This time, though, you were doing it for the good. You stretched your arms, feeling tired from all that has happened. You haven't had as much exercise as before. All the tricks you used required speed and flexibility, something you lacked now.

You reached inside your pocket, hoping to find the masterless vision. Instead, you were met with emptiness. Your eyes widened in shock as you desperately tried to find it. Did you lose it during the fight? Maybe you shouldn't have moved so fast, now you felt careless.

"All of that.. just for me to lose it ag-"

And soon, everything turned black.

EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now