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this is the worst writer's block i've ever faced >:(

might do a face reveal / socmed reveal when i finish this book :0 some readers might recognize me tho!! kinda nervous hoho <//3


As the day went on, Kokomi explained the rest of the plan. In around a week, you'll be with the Shuumatsuban on Narukami Island. From what you've gathered, some troops from the front line will join this mission as well.

You spent the night in Yui's camp, staying with her until she felt better.

"I don't need comforting." She spoke softly, sniffling as she turned her back against you.

"I know. I just wanted to be here. It never hurts to have someone on your side right?" You say, blowing out the candles that illuminated the area. You spoke from experience.

"I'll be okay by tomorrow. To be a strong person, I need to be able to grow from this."

"I understand that, but it's also okay to let yourself mourn for a while, hm? Moving on only happens once you've let yourself feel and unpack the burden."

"I guess you're right..." Yui mutters. "I just wish it wasn't this painful."

"I know that too." You sat beside her head, caressing it gently. You knew what loss was and how grief can consume someone. To see Yui, someone you used to protect, go through it, was heart-shattering.

"I'll always be here, hm? No matter who needs me, I'll answer your call first."

"Thank you." Yui whimpers, feeling the emotions overwhelm her once more.

It felt strange to lose someone so quickly without even saying goodbye. As people say, the most unexpected losses are the ones that hurt the most.


You eyed the sunrise through the peeks of the tent, feeling its warmth brush against your skin.

Sleep did not come to you at all that night.

Between watching Yui and thinking about the mission, you found it was hard to rest. Concern flowed in your veins as your mind pondered on such thoughts.

You took it upon yourself to walk outside and patrol the area as Yui couldn't. You watched the sea — How the crabs would crawl back into the sand and the fish that swam away. You watched the trees and how the wind would blow away its leaves.


You wondered how Kazuha's been the past two weeks. Since members of the front line were part of the mission, you reckoned he'd be there too. Would you see him soon? How soon, exactly?

Now that you think about it, how would you feel if you lost him without saying goodbye?


You shook off the idea, believing it to be too uncomfortable. You shouldn't think like this when he was still alive and well.

Soon, you walked back to Yui's tent. To your surprise, Gorou was peeking inside, almost as if trying to search for something.

"No, I don't think—" Gorou whispered.


The sudden sound of your voice alarmed the man, making him shut the tent close. He rubbed the back of his ears, giving you a nervous laugh.

"Ah... Y/N! Um, I was looking for you."

"Looking for me? Did something happen?" You ask.

You walked closer to the general, his eyes darting towards inside the tent. You squinted, turning your attention to where he was looking.

You grabbed the cold fabric, pulling it open.

Unexpectedly, Kazuha stood there. A shy look on his face as his eyes met yours.

"...Hi," Kazuha greeted — one hand behind his head and one waving sheepishly.

Yui, who had been asleep to this point, grumbled as she opened her eyes.

"Hi." You stood there gaping, surprised to see the man you were just thinking of. At first, you felt butterflies. Seeing him so shy after weeks of not seeing him at all does something to you.

"Mr. Kaedehara, if you don't mind, could you please surprise Y/N when I'm not asleep?"

Yui's tone snapped both of you out of your trance, making you cough awkwardly. You didn't expect her sarcasm to come through so early in the morning.

"Ah, yes. Of course. Have... an ample rest, Yui." Kazuha recognized the blue hair. With that, he took your hand and let you outside. By then, Gorou was out of the picture. It was just you and him alone now.

After a few seconds of silence, you slowly wrapped your arms around his shoulders. You buried your head into his neck and pulled him tighter. He returned your embrace, slithering his arms around your waist.

For a while, you just stood there. Letting your bodies do the talking as you soaked in his warmth.

"I've missed you." He speaks first.

Three words were all it took.

You sighed deeply, feeling the homesickness enter you. It felt nice to finally hold someone — No, to be held by someone like this. All the love you felt for Kazuha came rushing in all over again.

"I'm so glad you're here, Kazuha." You whisper.

It's been comfortable being on Watatsumi Island. It's been nice having a change of scenery.

But nothing ever beats the feeling of home.

Kazuha pulls away from your clutch and instead presses your forehead together. He closes his eyes, holding both sides of your face with his hands. He cups them, fighting the urge to peck your lips.

You laugh lightly, feeling the tingling in your chest to be quite funny.

"Let's go make some food." You blurted out.

Kazuha was taken aback by your request, chuckling softly. "I just got here, and the first thing you want to do with me... is to cook?" He asks.

"I just missed your cooking, is all."

"Just my cooking?" He teased, raising his brow.

"And you, of course."

"That's what I like to hear." Kazuha smiles, cupping your cheeks as he pecked your lips. He couldn't hold on any longer.

The familiar fondness enveloped your heart.

Your mind carried the thought of loss — but here Kazuha was. Safe and sound. Back in your arms.

EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now