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The burdens of past sufferings have been lessened as a new day arrived.

Kazuha had woken up just a few minutes after the sun rose, sleepy but alert as usual. He opened his eyes to an unfamiliar sight but quickly realized where he was. It seemed that Kazuha stayed for the night and shared the bed with you.

He massaged his temples as he tried waking himself up. Kazuha turned to look at you who was already facing him. Your eyelids were shut and your face was relaxed.

Kazuha always liked the peaceful look on your face whenever you were asleep. After learning of the challenges you faced in your short life, he enjoyed seeing you in such a calm state.

Your steady breaths replaced your ragged ones. Your relaxed eyes replaced the tear-stained ones. Your lips that cried out were now silenced with small snores.

Kazuha observed all of this, not daring to miss a single detail.


Kazuha quickly looked away as he realized what he had been doing. He stared an awfully long amount at someone he should be treating as no more than a friend. His face turned into a bright pink as the image of your face flashed in his mind.

Maybe this feeling wasn't just platonic.
Maybe.. it never was?

He was already interested in you the moment you drew your blade that night. He could not pinpoint it, but he knew at that moment that you were someone special.

After that encounter, Kazuha found himself drawn to you. The small touches you shared, the glances, your conversations, shared interests, and experiences, he enjoyed them all. He enjoyed you and your company.

Ah, this is bad.

"Hmph.. don't wanna..." You spoke in your sleep.

Kazuha jolted, surprised by the sound. This was so unlike him. He'd usually be alert, senses at 100% capacity. Yet around you, he was weak. You consumed his very being, entranced his mind and soul, but did he mind? Whether you were around or not, it did not matter.

No matter where you were, he found himself wanting to see you, talk to you, hear you ramble about your problems. No matter how far the distance may be, it would never free him from you.

Is this what the poets would call... love?

Ah, I must not let it affect me. I must remain calm.

And yet he could not. For every moment he spent around you, he was no longer restrained. Every emotion he felt was out on display whenever you were there.

He couldn't handle it anymore. Just a second more in your presence and he'd implode.

He got up from the bed, face still warm. Of course, being a gentleman, he put the blanket over your body before turning to take his leave.

Quickly, the samurai opened and shut the door. He sighed in relief, the tension leaving his body. Still, his hands reached his face as he felt how warm it was.

"Did I just see... what I saw?"

Kazuha hid his face in his hands, not daring to look at the woman who just caught him.

"Did you just... leave Y/N's room... at this hour.." Beidou questioned.

"....Indeed. I just um— I spent the night there." Kazuha said.

"They were crying last night, you came to their side, and now came out of their room, quietly, early in the morning. Surely something more happened."

"It's nothing, I swear. We both talked about our hardships but I ended up sleeping there."

"Okay fine, I believe you. But if that's all, then why are you still covering your face?"

Kazuha looked up to face Beidou who was playfully smirking at the man. She laughed at his shy expression, never once being able to see this side of him. Even from the first time they met, he was already such a confident person. Now, seeing your effect on him, she couldn't help but laugh.

"You look like that kid who can't eat spicy food! BAHAHA! Your face is so pink!"

"Shut it, Captain. You might wake them up."

"Well, it wouldn't hurt them to know about this little crush of yo-"

"Crush? Who has a crush?" Sea drake butted in.

Kazuha's eyes widened as he tried to keep his calm composure. Beidou, on the other hand, slung her arm around his shoulders and grinned.

"This fella over here has a crush on our-"

"THAT'S... that is enough, captain. You seriously might wake Y/N up..!" Kazuha stated before awkwardly chuckling. He walked away from the two, heart racing.

Sea Drake and Beidou looked at each other, grinning. In their eyes was a glint of mischief, almost as if planning something. Beidou crossed her arms as she laughed.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Beidou asked.


EYE OF THE STORM | k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now