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As you and Kazuha cooked breakfast alone, you suddenly felt his hands snake around your waist.

"Mm?" You asked, not bothering to look back.

"Nothing, I just wanna hold you."

Ah, this man.

"You can do that later." You say — though you secretly enjoyed your position. "Help me cook instead."

With a little persuasion, Kazuha let you go and assisted you. You weren't much of a chef, only learning recipes here and there to survive. You believed Kazuha to be a much better culinarian than you, but he disagrees.

"Here, taste." You took a spoon of soup and blew on it. You watched as Kazuha's eyes lit up, giving you a satisfied smile.

"Extremely delicious. You outdid yourself with this one." He compliments.

Soon, you finished creating your dishes. You made your way back to Yui's tent, two bowls in your hands while Kazuha carried the water.

Though you didn't say it out loud, it felt... nice to have someone by your side once again. Somehow, you felt as though you and Kazuha were a team.

Better when together.

"Good morning, Yui." You greeted upon entering. The blue-haired girl was up reading her notes, her head turning towards you.

"Hi. I see Kaedehara is with you." She points out the obvious.

"It's nice to see you again. I assume you've heard of me?" Kazuha asks, putting down what he was holding to shake Yui's hands.

Yui blinked and laughed, turning back to her notes. "I've definitely heard of you, alright."

You coughed loudly, making the blue-haired girl smile at you playfully. Good to know she's in a better mood.

"Okay well— Ah, I forgot to get spoons." You realize, smacking your forehead.

"I'll get it for you." Kazuha offers, to which you refuse.

You quickly ran outside, promising to be back as soon as possible. You hoped that while you were gone, they'd start getting to know each other. After all, Yui and Kazuha were the two people in your life that you cherished most.

At first, it was quiet. The two did not know how to start a conversation with one another.

"I heard about your situation back when you first escaped Inazuma," Yui speaks, breaking the silence.

"My family knew about your clan and was quite shocked to hear of you defying the Shogun. But I found it quite inspiring."

Kazuha couldn't help but smile. The blue-haired girl didn't look at him, still a little starstruck by the man. He was someone who she could look up to.

A man who came from a famous family of samurais yet became a mere wanderer. Someone who became a criminal and ran away in hopes to defy the oppression of a god. A person that you loved.

Kazuha was quite the individual in Yui's eyes.

"I could say the same for you," Kazuha starts. "I've heard about what you did to get here. You rebelled against your family to fight their corruption."

"I only did what I thought was right — and what I wanted to do for a long time."

"Still, it takes immense courage to step forward and carry it out. Especially when you were restrained by your family's name and title." Kazuha debates.

"It must have been so difficult for you, even if no one realized. The pressure of being the only heir is suffocating — I know the feeling. It makes having to leave your life behind hard, even when you know it's for the best."

"So to me, you are incredible." He compliments. 

"Thank you. That... That means a lot." She confesses, finally looking at Kazuha. When she's so used to people scolding her, she doesn't exactly expect praise. She felt... happy. Happy that someone recognized the difficulty and struggle.

Though she was now happier, she could no longer go back to her family. She is no longer the same person who left them behind.

It was painful, to say the least.

Yet Kazuha understood. Though they barely knew each other, he knew what she felt like to a level most did not. Only a few people in her life had ever touched her heart like this. You were one, and now Kazuha was, too.

The man in front of her was kind and gentle. He was incredibly empathetic as well. From the way he spoke to her, Yui could see why he was the one your heart chose. And she's glad it was him.

"Kazuha, do you love Y/N?" Yui asks suddenly. She doesn't know where the words came from, but they left her mouth quickly.

Kazuha, without a moment's hesitation, answered. "I do. Very much." He felt no need to lie in front of Yui.

Yui smiles, a sparkle emitting from her tired eyes. She was glad that he didn't stop to think it through — that he already knew what he felt for you.

At first, Yui believed that Kazuha was lucky to be loved by you. After all, you were someone who cared deeply about those you love. You'd sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of those you cherish.

Yet, Yui can't help but think you're the lucky one. Out of all the people in Teyvat, you somehow met the kindest of them all. You met your match, your lighthouse.

You and Kazuha were a perfect pair, and she was glad you found each other.

"...Then take care of them, okay? I consider Y/N to be my family. If you were to hurt them... I'll never forgive you."

"I would never dare to hurt Y/N."

After he expressed those words, you burst through the tent's opening. The sudden noise startled the two.

"Hey! I hope you two weren't just silent the whole time." You crossed your arms. You gave Yui a spoon before walking over to Kazuha.

"Don't worry, we talked," He reassures, holding your hand gently.

"Mhm. You found quite a catch, Y/N." Yui says, giving you a mischievous smile. "Any plans on marriage yet? Kids? Make me the godmother, yeah?"

You wondered where the sudden fuel for teasing came from. Nonetheless, you cocked your brow at the girl.

"Uhuh." That was all you let out, glaring into her eyes. Yui immediately retreated with a grin, not bothering to raise your temper.

Kazuha chuckles at your expression, tugging you down to his level.

"Relax. She's just teasing." He muses, kissing your forehead lightly.

Yui sneers, pretending to vomit. "Get a room that isn't mine!" She yells, threatening to throw her pillow. You stuck your tongue out, laughing before pulling Kazuha out of the tent.

"I'll see you later!" You yell. "Enjoy your time, lovebirds!" Yui yells back.


it feels so weird to not update in so long :(
school started this monday and i have to be on site this thursday (aka today for me) TT wish me luck!!

also, i got kazuha's constellation!
i was so distraught since it was his last day and i didn't have primos anymore. thankfully my friend got me genesis crystals TT

also, i'm cosplaying yoimiya and misaki from maid sama soon! im so excited <3 hopefully i finish the book by then so i can show u guys!!

much love, author.

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