43: LOVE

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"Thank you so much for your help!" The old lady chirped, holding her cane as she smiled gently.

"Of course. I'm glad I could be of help."

For the last two weeks, you have stayed on Watatsumi Island. Kokomi kindly gave you a place to stay, seeing as you were now part of the Resistance.

Being a fast learner, you were able to memorize the island and understand the people's culture pretty quickly. Thus, the elderly took quite a liking to you.

Asking for your help at every given moment, even sitting you down for a story once in a while.

The children were quite kind as well, though a little draining. You never tried to talk to kids in big groups so it was quite a change.

Besides helping out in the village, you have also been assisting soldiers in battle. If they needed someone to sneak into certain territory or ambush Nobushis, you were there.

Seeing Nobushis for the first time in a long time scared you at first, but you eventually got used to it. You were stronger now, safer as well. You had people in your life who would fight for you without hesitation — That thought alone eased the fear in your heart.

Despite the beautiful scenery and modest ambiance of Watatsumi Island, you surely missed the orange hues of Liyue. You missed the sea and how it crashed against the wood of the Alcor. You missed the Crux, remembering the loud laughter of the sailors as Beidou put an arm around your shoulders.

You especially missed Kazuha.

Two weeks without seeing and hearing from him was unusual to you. You sort of missed his hand that always seemed to hold yours, or his tired voice that's laced with poetic glamour. You missed how his kind eyes would softly gaze into yours and missed his sweet smile.

You understood the lack of updates, of course. If you were in the front lines as well, there wouldn't be time to send letters. Even if he did write them, not everyone has time to travel to another island in the middle of a civil war.

Still, it felt strange not having him around.

It never stopped you from working or from being comfortable in the new environment — it just felt strange.

"Y/N? Your food's getting cold." Yui called, waving her hand in front of your face. You blinked for a few moments before snapping back to reality.

"Huh? Oh right..."

"You're distracted. What is it? You know you can tell me almost anything." She dropped her utensils on her plate, giving you a curious look. If she looked closer, there were no signs of sadness in your eyes. Just that same sparkle she sees every once in a while.

"It's nothing. Let's eat."

"Mm, is it that Kaedehara Kazuha?" She blurted out. "Why do I even ask. Of course it's him!"

You paused for a moment, taking in a spoonful of rice before hesitantly nodding. This girl has surely changed while you were gone, becoming more bold and more courageous.

"It... It's complicated."

"It's really not. You haven't seen him in weeks so you miss him, right?"

"I guess—"

"Y/N, do you love him?"

You choked on your rice, feeling it stuck in your throat. Yui looked at you with a grin, already knowing the answer despite your lack of words.

"Have you been hanging out with that Shikanoin guy? Seems like you're becoming quite the detective." You huffed, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I've always been like this, I just never tried to show.
And that Shikanoin Heizou? I'm scared he might report me despite saying he won't, so no." She says before glaring into your eyes teasingly.

"Now, answer the question."

Yui leaned closer, squinting her eyes as you desperately tried to get away.

You surely cared for him and liked him a lot — but could it be considered love? Love was a complicated word you only use on rare occasions. Love was a feeling you only ever experienced with friends and never with a significant other. What exactly was the difference between a crush and love anyways?

"I like him... a lot." You confess. "I mean I guess I care for him the way I do for you but romantically and more complicated. Does that make sense?"

"So you love him!" She gasps.

"We both know you love me. By that logic, you love Kazuha. In a totally not platonic and sisterly way."


You should have known with the way you were when he was around. How your eyes instantly sparkle when you catch a glimpse of him. Or how your heart warms when he touches you in any way.

You should have known when you started to seek his comfort whenever you felt down. You should have known the moment you felt at home with Kazuha.

"No need to think so deeply about it." Yui suddenly says, noticing your state.

"If you love him, then you love him. At the end of the day, it won't change many things. Especially since you both know you like eachother. Now, you just know you have way deeper feelings than just a silly crush."

She was right. It won't change anything between you and Kazuha. The only real change is your heart and how it will look at him from then on.

You could simply imagine what it would be like to let the word roll out of your tongue. How he'd react once you say the words.

"I love you, Kazuha." You imagined.

How exciting.


A short and cute chapter since writing the next ones will give me emotional damage.

Anyways, I saw this a few nights ago...

I'm sorry, WHAT? I don't know how or why but despite that, I'm so grateful? I have the most wonderful readers and I cannot stress how much I love all of you

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I'm sorry, WHAT? I don't know how or why but despite that, I'm so grateful? I have the most wonderful readers and I cannot stress how much I love all of you. Writing becomes so much more fun knowing my readers will be there once I publish the chapter. The past week has been so rough on me but your kind comments have never failed to lift my spirits and just -- AH!! Thank you so much!! Seriously, you guys make me so happy <3

I'm looking forward to seeing you guys here and on the next chapters <3

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