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note: i unpublished chapter 38 and added a few things yesterday! go reread it (if you haven't) so you won't miss any information and get confused  <3


You were in shock.
The Traveler merely smiled, grabbing your hand.

"You must miss her dearly, and I understand what you feel. So please, come with me." They urged.

"I— I mean I want to but... Ah, who am I kidding? I wanna go so badly!" You exclaimed, hugging the hero in gratitude.

"Just, let me say goodbye to Kazuha first. I disappeared on someone without warning before, I can't do it again. Not to him." You say. The Traveler nodded, looking over at Teppei who accepted.

"We'll be waiting!" The man chirped.

You were about to run once more, but Kazuha already beat you to it. He was sprinting from the base camp to your location. You guessed he must have heard your decision being carried in the wind.

"I keep forgetting you hear almost everything."

"I make sure I hear your voice the clearest. I'm not taking any risks after what happened at Guyun Stone Forest." He says.

You stood in front of each other silently.

"So... I'm guessing you already know." You ask. Kazuha nodded, a look of longing in his eyes.

"I'll miss you." You confess. "I'll miss you even though we're just a boat ride away."

"That's still quite far away." He laughs. "I guess so."

"Say hello to Yui for me. I wanna make a good impression on my future sister-in-law."

Kazuha takes the back of your hand gently, pressing his lips against it. The gesture made you tense up. He looked up to see your shy expression, making you scoff.

"I take it back. I won't miss you." You try to walk away, but he holds you firmly. "Mm, we both know that's a lie," He says as he pulls you back towards him.

"Stay safe out there for me. Okay?"

"You too." You say, cupping his face between your hands. "It's much more dangerous here in the front lines. If I hear of any casualties, I'll come here personally to make it worse for you."

"Haha, alright then. I'll be counting the moments until we meet again." Kazuha poetically declares, making you chuckle.

"As will I."


The nerves had started to hit your bones as you saw the hues of pink, purple, and blue. Watatsumi Island was merely a breath away, and your anxiety was at an all-time high.

It's been months since you've last seen Yui.

How much has she changed since then? You changed a lot, why wouldn't she? She wrote that letter, right after you left — what if she completely despises you now?

You shook away the thoughts. You were supposed to be happy, after all.

"I used to work in the Logistics Department, so I got to know a lot of the soldiers around here. I'll show you how to get to Mizuko." Teppei says, stopping the wave rider at a certain point.

It's strange hearing a different name from what you're used to.

The Traveler had gone off to explore for a while, seeing as they had time before they met with Kokomi.

Teppei accompanied you into a small village nearby, some soldiers lounging around as kids ran to play. He said that most soldiers come down here to help the people when they're not on the front lines.

The more and more you walked, the more and more your body felt like shutting down.

Your heart was pounding.

The world felt as though it would collapse at any moment — like the world was crumbling as we speak.

"And... There she is!" Teppei peeped, pointing at someone.

Your thoughts came to an end as those words came out of his mouth. Your eyes followed his finger, gaze shifting to a girl tying her shoes.

A girl with blue hair. A girl with the same blue eyes.

"I'll leave you two alone. See you around!" As Teppei bid you farewell, suddenly all the emotions hit you like a truck. The nerves disappeared almost instantly. Before you knew it, joy filled you up to the brim.

"Yui?" You called, the girl looking up in a flash.

Her big, blue eyes stared at you for a moment. It tried to comprehend whether or not you were real. You saw how her breath started to accelerate and how her face molded into shock. Tears welled up in her ocean-colored eyes as she stood up.

"Y/N?" She whispers, feeling a lump in her throat.

Without a moment to think, Yui ran to hug you.

You noticed that Yui no longer smelt like expensive perfume, nor did she have her long blue hair. Her face and arms were decorated with bandages, and her hair was now cut short. She grew taller than she was months ago. It was clear that her body was no longer as frail as it used to be.

She was no longer as frail as she used to be.

"I missed you so much, you don't understand." She cried into your shoulder. "I'm so glad you're alive"

You sighed through your nose, enveloping Yui into a tighter embrace. You caressed her head, trying to lull the sobs that escaped her mouth.

"Your hair is so short now!" You gasped. She only laughed as she continued to cry.

"I've always wanted to cut it but my parents were strict with it. It's actually grown since then."


The two of you stood there for a moment, still locked in a tight embrace. You let the time pass by until you were ready to have a conversation.

"I wanted to punch you so bad whenever I thought about reuniting. But now that you're here, I just can't bring myself to do it."

"You shouldn't. I almost died like... two weeks ago? So you definitely shouldn't." You say nonchalantly.

"Wh— What?" Yui sniffles, but now she's confused more than anything.

"Ah, my dearest. We have so much talking to do." You chuckled softly, pulling away from the embrace.

"I missed you so much, Yui. I'm sorry it took me so long to come back to you."

"It matters not. As long as you're back. As long as you're alive, it's enough."


omg reunion time!
here's a sketch of yui i did back in december 2021.
please note im not an artist <//3 that's why i'd rather write HAHAAA.. ok here she is !! 

as you can see i got lazy trying to draw the clothes ;)++ fun fact: gorou was supposed to be at their reunion buuuut i decided against it ^-^

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as you can see i got lazy trying to draw the clothes ;)
++ fun fact: gorou was supposed to be at their reunion buuuut i decided against it ^-^

yay to found family!!

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