2. Return

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(Y/N)'s pov:


An apple a day will keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough.

So do me a favor,

—your secret admirer

I folded back the paper note and put it inside a small drawer which I used for myself in my practice room. I was used to such notes by now. After looking at the drawer full of notes, for the first time I noticed that the colour of every note was blue. A colour I liked a lot. A spark of curiosity did arise in me, to find out the owner of these words but I feared the result of finding that person. It had been only a couple of weeks since me and Yuta separated our ways, and searching for someone else this soon wasn't right.

Just then I heard someone knocking at the door. "Come in please." I said as I closed the drawer shut immediately. A tall boy with dark brown hair entered the room with some files in his hands. I immediately recognized him as Dylan, the only superhuman who shared the same telekinetic power as Elena and Chenle. He handed over a huge file to me with a smile.

"Taeyoung asked me to pass this over to you. He wanted you to know about your progress." he said as I received the file and started going through the reports. As expected, I was doing quite well know because all this while I had learnt to gain control over my powers without passing out. "Make sure you return it back to him. I'll take my leave, I've got loads of work to do." Dylan said as he walked out of the room. I muttered a small thanks but it probably went unnoticed by him.

After few minutes of going through the records, I shut the file and got up to leave. Fortunately I met Taeyoung on my way, and I handed it back to him. He gave a few compliments on my progress and then we both walked off in different directions. Taeyoung was never a person who would hold grudges. He talked to me all the same as he used to, before Yuta and I broke up. He never let that fact come in between our friendship and I was glad.

I headed to the dorm as I had promised Ray and Elena to meet them there before we head to lunch. "Ah right!! I forgot..... Thanks for the strawberry milk Ray. You aren't as bad as you seem to be." I remembered her small act of kindness once I entered our dorm.

"What? Strawberry milk?" Ray asked looking up from her phone confused.

"You bought me one yesterday didn't you?" I asked her, thinking that she was pretending but she wasn't. I looked over to Elena who shook her head too, indicating it wasn't them who kept the strawberry milk on the counter that day. Might be Alex. I thought.

"Alright. I take that back. You are just as bad as you seem." I said, earning a smack from Ray on my head. We just laughed it off and headed for lunch.

Lunchtime went quite peacefully although me and Yuta sat at the same table with all our other friends. None of them talked about us and I was glad they didn't. If they keep on digging in for the information, I would have to remember that dreadful day again.

The Chief, who now used to have lunch with us, asked us to gather in the main hall soon after having our lunch. With the look on his face one could tell he was dead serious. It was the first time after the final Battle, that I had seen him look tensed. Sensing the tension in the atmosphere he let out a small chuckle and said "Don't worry. I just want you all to do something. That's it." And with that he left the Cafeteria.

"Is he going to make us clean the school?" Alex commented, after the Chief left. Everyone stared gossiping about the situation. Soon after lunch, the crowd shifted to the main hall waiting for the Chief to enter. A fact was that the Chief was never punctual. We waited for almost ten minutes before he came in.

"Sorry for the wait students. I'll get straight to the point. Here's what you have to do. Within five days you will be leaving Neo City." the Chief spoke quite quickly but everyone were able to grasp the situation. No one expected him to say such a thing randomly. "You will be going back to the human world, to your own homes."

Without realizing, my eyes made contact with Yuta's, who was already staring back at me. It seemed like the both of us were expecting it.

"Why are you sending us back to the human world? When will we return?" Haechan asked, earning few nods from others who were expecting some answer.

"You will return within a month or two. I would like you all to meet your families before leaving them forever." the Chief replied.

The crowd was confused again and whispers filled the hall. "All the time you have been here, the human world was paused. When you get back there, everything will continue exactly from the time when you were picked up. Spend some time with your family and friends. After two months when you return back here, you have to return forever. Your presence and existence from human world would be erased. You wouldn't be recognized there as you will have no identity. When that time comes, you will be a permanent resident of Neo City." the Chief looked like he was in a hurry as he spoke too fast. He was even fiddling with his fingers which made me think he was nervous. "Now I'll take my leave." he never waited for answering our questions and just left the hall.

Everyone were surprised at the new information but I was busy thinking of the number of things I had planned to do, one of them being sneaking into the Chief's office to gather information, as he had a lot of books hidden which were never given to the students.


(A/N)' note:

Sry for the small chapter

So... What do you think is the reason behind why the students are being sent to the human world?

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