9. Shock

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Third person's pov:

"Switch that off, will you?" (Y/N) asked Amy with tiredness in her tone. Amy gave her a disgusted look and pointed towards the figure occupying a table right opposite to the television.

"I would have done if I wanted to. Your regular customer insists on watching it." said Amy. She somehow never liked Dylan's presence in the Cafe. On being asked about it, she says that he steals her precious time alone with (Y/N), to which the latter feels disgusted.

(Y/N) walked towards Dylan, who had made it his routine to visit the Cafe everyday. Not that (Y/N) dislikes him, he was just a moodmaker. He was working on his laptop and at the same time watching the TV. "You know.... There are other customers too who would want to watch something other than what you are watching." she said as she placed his coffee and brownie on his table. He looked at her for a second and decided to ignore.

(Y/N) sighed deeply and was about to leave, when Dylan almost choked and spit the coffee he drank. "What the hell are you doing?" (Y/N) asked in disgust, after looking at the mess in the floor. Dylan on the other hand never took his eyes off the television, instead he increased the volume. (Y/N) was staring daggers at him.

NCT's new album is setting new records and creating milestones by hitting the top charts!!

Fans claim that they had spotted NCT member Xiaojun in the Seoul International Airport, indicating that they might be preparing for a world tour after their new album release.

Their new title track was a hit. Here's some clicks for ya'll to enjoy.

Stay tuned!!

(Y/N) turned around to look at what was being shown on the TV, only to realize the reason why Dylan was acting this way. They showed a clip in which someone dressed in black pants and white shirt was walking quickly and she was sure enough it was Xiaojun. Her eyes widened when the next clip showed the 23 members doing their introduction and performing their new song.

"What does this mean?" she asked slowly. Of course she was unaware of them being famous, but what was more shocking to her was that 23 of them have already gathered together, making the day closer when they would be leaving. As much as others wanted to leave, she didn't want that day to come. If that day arrives then everything she witnessed would turn out to be real. She was sure enough that even Yuta didn't want to return back due to the same reason. But it seemed impossible now, looking at how fast they were all forming groups and are getting collected at certain places.

Dylan was quick enough to open another tab in his laptop and search for the said groups name. (Y/N) went behind him and crouched a little to get a better view. Yes. NCT were globally famous, but they had no idea about it. (Y/N) and Dylan both looked at each other for a second.

"I never knew about it until now." said Dylan as he went through the news items.

"Me neither" It was almost as slow as a whisper. (Y/N) had no idea what was going on. She and Yuta never had any talk about their life. They never even asked each other where they used to live. For a moment she felt embarrassed for not knowing about it even during the time they had dated.

Few hours passed by as Dylan and (Y/N) sat across each other, discussing. "So it's really happening fast. Damnn. I was wrong to say it would take time." said Dylan as he ran his fingers through his hair. He suddenly paused and leaned forward on the table, going closer to (Y/N).

"Are you sure you both have dated before? You and Yuta? How can you not know about his career?" he hit his hand on the table, leaning back, and earning a disgusted look from Amy.

(Y/N) scoffed at him. "Do you think dating is all about knowing each other's careers?" she asked him.

"Well... I haven't experienced it so I wouldn't know. That's why I asked you for a chance." he said, his sarcastic tone changing slightly. That's when it clicked (Y/N) that he had actually asked her out before. All these days he never brought in the topic, she almost forgot about it. "Don't be pressurized with what I just said now." he said looking away.

(Y/N) remained silent all the time but later thought of asking him something. "Why do you like me?.... Or... I'd probably put it as when did you start liking me?" she changed her question after Dylan gave her a 'What the fuck?' look. Although she wasn't interested in the boy, she wanted to respect his feelings.

"Long before Yuta did, I can assure that." he said. She had to accept that he really had a good sense of humour. She chuckled a bit and looked down, which made a smile crept up his face.
"You really don't remember me, do you?" he asked after a small pause. She looked up at him with a confused face and an eyebrow raised. He let out a little laugh.

"Do you remember the day you were going to be hit by the car? Or probably when Yuta was revealed to be a Yokai? It was all because of me." he said and gave a pause again. "I was the one driving the car on that day."

(Y/N) gasped in shock. She remembered that day when she almost had an accident but she wasn't able to remember the boy who drove the car. Dylan turning out to be that person was just so shocking for her, she almost forgot to breathe. Also the only superhumans with the power of telekinesis were Elena, Chenle and Dylan so it had to be him.

"I know how you are feeling right now. To be honest, you could have jumped out of my way that day, but you didn't. That made me realize you wanted to end your life because you weren't happy with it. But even so, it was my fault too, I could have really hit you if it wasn't for Yuta. So.... I wanted to repent. After that, everyday I looked at you, I felt like I should make you feel loved and happy. I was happy when you were with Yuta too. But when you broke up, I thought you wanted someone to fill that missing spot in your life. That's when I revealed my feelings. At least those letters brought a smile to your face." (Y/N) was moved by his words. It all made sense now, why he had liked her all the time but never let her know.

"Of course!! Your letters were the reason I survived back there during last few days. But that doesn't change the fact that you are at fault." she said with a smirk. He looked up at her with a pitiful face. "If you had just hit me, there wouldn't have been any problem."

He chuckled at her words. "I know right. I'm responsible for everything which happened on that day." he said and looked at his feet. (Y/N) thought back to that day. It was the start of her's and Yuta's relationship. It all happened too quick, they weren't able to keep track of time.

"Cheer up!! I would have haunted you down if you had hit me with that car. Be grateful that I'm alive." said (Y/N) as she stood up to get back to work after a small break.

"Are you convincing me or yourself?" Dylan asked with his arms crossed, which made her stop in her tracks. Exactly. Who was she trying to convince? Whatever has been happening has always been a threat for her, she wondered if she could survive all of it. At the end it was (Y/N), who was convincing herself that it's better to live in this mess than to die shamelessly.


(A/N)'s note:

You prolly didn't expect Dylan to be that crazy driver, did ya?
To be honest, I didn't expect it too lol
I just went through the whole story again and this idea clicked in my mind.
Anyways lemme now how it's going in the comments
Thanks :))

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