12. Surgery

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(Y/N)'s pov:

Nct's apartment, which they had rented for some time, was in a hustle. The 23 members had different kinds of lives, which made me wonder how they adjusted to live together. And here I was, sitting right in the middle of the living room, with Taeyoung seated in front of me, interrogating about my vision. Yes. Their apartment became our headquarters somehow, because they believed that two people travelling would be easier than twenty three of them travelling.

"Don't you think this is too soon? We have very less people here. We can surely wait for sometime." I said, clutching my hair in frustration.

"No more delaying. If someone joins us later, we might just let them know about our information and proceed, without wasting time on introductions and biodatas." Taeyoung spoke up as he searched through the internet for the so called 'Cave Adena'

"Do you seriously think it would show up there?" my voice had a clear hint of irritation in it, but none of them seemed to notice it. To put it right, they were ignoring it.

"Where is Mark?" Dylan questioned, making me realize that I didn't notice the missing boy.

"In Vancouver. Don't worry he'll come here soon." Johnny said, as he sat on the couch painting his nails.

"Now that I come to think of it.....You are the only girl here!" Haechan laughed out loud, pointing at me, after he said that but turned silent, the moment he met my eyes.

"Doesn't it give you the hint that I'm feeling uncomfortable?" I stated with a sarcastic tone.

"Get into that room and lock yourself. We'll ask you questions from outside so that you don't feel uncomfortable." Honestly, I loathed hearing Yuta's voice, but I know how to keep calm in such situations. But this was getting out of hands. Two hours of useless interrogation, as if I had committed a crime, made my blood boil as I picked up the nearest thing I could to swing it at him, when my phone buzzed.

Yuta seemed surprised at my attack, but maintained his posture. I threw the book I had picked up, and attended the call.

Where the hell are you?

I had to keep the phone at a distance from my ears, although it wasn't in the speaker mode. Ana's tone sent shivers through my spine. "What happened?" I asked slowly, after noticing the members looking at me confused, probably because her voice was audible to them too.

What happened? The surgery starts in 45 minutes and you haven't arrived at the hospital? Not to mention you haven't met the new doctor and Mr. Bob too!!

The surgery was scheduled for today? I had registered it in my mind that it was tomorrow, but things had to go this way. Did I see the message wrong? I couldn't dare to let Ana know I wasn't even prepared for it. "Ahh.. I'm almost there. Stop worrying and keep them engaged for some time. I'll be right there. Okay?"

I hung up without even hearing her response, because I knew for sure she would be cursing me the whole way I reach there without hanging up.

"Problem?" Dylan asked as he saw me gathering my things.

"A big one in that." This time, I had a slight bit of fear in my voice. It was after many months, I'd finally get back to my profession. Working with an unknown doctor was for sure a tough job, but I knew Mr.Bob has his accomplice to murder me the next second, if his surgery goes wrong. "I have an important surgery in few minutes, so I have to go. We'll continue this next time."

"She lying. That's her way of escaping from us." Yuta didn't seem affected by my almost violent attack earlier, but I didn't have the time to rant about it either.

"I'll deal with you later." I said as I swung the coat around me and exited the door.

I would have sure got into an accident, if it wasn't for my luck. While running to the OR, I tried my best to avoid figures which resembled Ana. There were fifteen minutes left for the surgery and Mr. Bob had already been taken into the operation room. I quickly changed into the blue scrubs and walked into the dressing room.

Someone placed a set of surgical gowns, gloves and masks beside the sink, while I was washing my hands. I turned around to thank them, but immediately whipped my head to the other direction.

"You're dead meat after the surgery completes, so I won't be bothering you right now." Ana said slowly as she helped me wear the surgical gown. Once I was completely done and was in the attire of a real surgeon, I got a feeling of taking a selfie and posting it to Yuta to prove he is wrong. But I had no time to even think about it. "Let's get this done within the scheduled time. Lunch is on me this afternoon." Ana said as she headed out first, after noticing the smile on my face.

I went to the OR and stood outside, taking in a deep breath before going in. The nurse pushed the glass door open for me.

"It's nice to meet you finally Dr.(Y/N). Let's work along well with each other." I turned around when I heard the voice. The person standing before me, who was probably the doctor I was to work with, had her mask on but it still gave me the familiar vibes of someone I knew. "You haven't changed much." she said, which made me raise an eyebrow.

Realization hit me when I remembered the voice. "Elle?" I asked to clear my suspicions.

"I, Elena Grace, am honored to finally meet you." she said as she pulled down her mask, revealing her face. A big smile formed on my face. But it wasn't the time for an emotional reunion, and Ana's stern glare was enough for both of us to follow her into the room.

Ana took my side for her job as the srcub nurse. Once the patients vitals were informed, me and Elena looked at each other for a second. I took a deep breath and looked at the patient. "Let's begin the surgery." I said, as our nurse handed us the instruments.

(Time skip)

The surgery went perfectly well, and thanks to my luck, Ana let me off the hook this time. As promised she brought us lunch, and that gave me and Elena some time to discuss about each other's stay here.

"What in the world are you saying?" Elena almost spit her drink, when I told her about Yuta and Nct. She had known they were a big idol group but meeting them here was more shocking. "You mean... You met your ex here?" she asked.

It gave me the creeps to think he was my ex. "Will you shut it? You're literally screaming and Ana's right beside us, ordering in the counter." I said as I pushed few tissues to her side. "Right now we're in a cold war, I guess we finally started hating each other." I said as I took a sip from my drink and looked away.

"Why do you say as if it was all planned?" she asked making me take in a big gulp. I just shrugged it off, trying to avoid answering her. Fortunately she had more to tell me about, so she didn't push in for more information. "Anyways, I met Jason already!" she said smiling at me.

I choked on my drink. "Are you still dating that leech?" I asked with a disgusted face, which made her drop the smile on her face.

"Fact is that he is a jerk towards everyone but me, and I like it." she said in a sarcastic tone.

"Your smitten." I said as Ana came to our table with the food trays. We had a pretty good talk after that. The food was really good after a three hour surgery. But the thought that most of the superhuman are gathering quickly was really confusing. Will everything go in vain? Will the reason why Yuta and I slpilt up, result into nothing. How am I supposed to stop this?


(A/N)'s note:

Sorry for not updating quickly :(

I had something to look after and I almost gave up the idea continuing the story

I'm deciding to bring it to an end within 10-12 chapters.

I hope you still like the plot

Thanks :)

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