14. Fight - Part 1

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Third person's pov:

"Leave or I'll kick you out!" (Y/N) said in frustration, but he kept ignoring her words. It had been two hours since her shift at the Cafe started and he had been there for the whole two hours, ordering three lattes. Unlike Dylan, Yuta remained silent the whole time, after asking her one question. I know you found out something important. What is it?

They made a pact that they would let each other know every information they collect although they aren't in good terms. He sensed something and had started pestering her about it. Even she wanted to decrease the burden on her by letting him know, but his nagging prevented her from doing so.

The entrance door opened revealing her regular customer, as Amy says. Amy earlier told her that she preferred Yuta over Dylan, and (Y/N) happily gave her the permission to hit on him. She heard Yuta grunting on Dylan's presence. "I swear to God I'm gonna hit that guy one day." he said looking away, trying to hide his face.

Unfortunately, Dylan was quick enough to recognize his figure as he patted his shoulder to greet him. A fake smile was evident on Yuta's face, but Dylan wasn't too stupid to not notice that. "Why are you here? Why you of all people?" Dylan asked. Honestly that seemed a bit rude to (Y/N) but she didn't want to take anyone's side.

Yuta snickered at his comment and hit back. "While you come here everyday, why can't I? Also... Do I need your permission to visit places?" Yuta was surely pissed off. Dylan looked like he was ready to throw a fist at him, but he tried to calm himself. "I mean.... What about the other members?" he asked politely this time, although it was evident he was pretending.

"I don't find it necessary to answer." Yuta said as he got up from the bar stool at the counter and went towards another table for privacy.

(Y/N) placed the usual drink Dylan would order, in the counter with a thud, catching his attention. "Wonder how I lived with him all those days?" she asked in a sarcastic tone. Dylan just shrugged it off knowing he was in no place to question.

"The weather isn't too good out there." (Y/N) said as she peeped through the window. "We gotta leave quick, Amy. Don't want to get stuck in the rain, do we?"

Amy gave her a small nod, as she bid goodbye to the last customer. Yuta and Dylan were still at the Cafe, but Amy cared less to call them customers. She gave them the name intruders. She excused herself and left early, leaving the three alone. Dylan somehow ended up at the same table as Yuta. They both sat there, looking at opposite directions without uttering a word.

"You both look like a vexed couple ready to file a divorce." (Y/N) exclaimed while grinning at the two of them. "Leave now. We're going to close the Cafe. It might start raining any time soon." she said as she picked up the leftovers from their table. "Hold this for me, will you?" she asked Yuta, as she handed over her phone to him, while she was carrying the tray. He took it from her and got up, ready to leave.

(Y/N) made sure the dishes were done, before stepping out of the Cafe, along with the two of them. She was about to close the door when she realized she was still in the worker's outfit and didn't change back into her cloths. "You guys can go ahead. I need to change into my cloths." she said while they looked at the sky, which was now being surrounded by dark clouds.

"It's alright. Take your time. We'll wait." Dylan said immediately after noticing the weather. Yuta raised an eyebrow at him because he didn't remember mentioning him that he is willing to wait too. (Y/N) stood silent and looked at Yuta for assurance. After getting a nod from him, she muttered a small thanks and ran back inside the Cafe.

"So..... Are you doing fine after you left her in pieces?" Dylan's voice was filled with anger. Yuta seemed confused on his sudden change of behavior. "Stop playing dumb! If you can't make her happy, then at least don't tear her apart!!" Dylan screamed while pointing his finger at the entrance door of the Cafe, through which (Y/N) entered earlier.

"Do you think your in any position to say that? Why do you keep on bugging her all day? You're only attracted to her because she happens to be the goddamn female Yokai!!!" Yuta was outraged for sure. Dylan's eyes widened on his last sentence as he charged forward with a raised fist and punched the attitude out of Yuta.

He was sure a strong man, by looking at the amount of blood flowing from the corner of Yuta's lips with just one blow. "Shut that mouth of yours! You might have thought I was being too much considerate..... But I'm going to make my move from now on. I tried my best to stay away for you both to get along, but you know what? You aren't worth it! You don't deserve her!!" Dylan's voice was ringing along with the rain. It was just drizzling, but it seemed like the weather would take a turn at any moment.

The rain drops fell on Yuta's face, spilling the blood on his lips, as he almost pranced on the other boy, landing a big fist on his face. Dylan fell on the ground as he covered his cheek with one of his hands, where he had been hit. Yuta wiped off the blood on his lips, with his sleeve and stepped forward, his eyes showing a mix of emotions which was now difficult to comprehend due the rain that had started falling heavily.

"Why the hell do you even care!?" Yuta bursted out at Dylan who was still on the ground, as he took hold of Dylan's collar and pulled him up to stand and face him. Dylan pushed his hands away in an attempt to free himself.

"Of course.. I fucking care because I almost hit her with my car on that day!!" Dylan shouted, taking deep breaths to calm himself. Yuta gave him a confused look and once realization hit him, his eyes grew bigger. "Yes.... It was because of me! I'm the reason why you were revealed as a Yokai. I somehow started feeling that I was responsible for all of it. Of all the people, I wanted you both to be happy!! But you don't seem to get along with my ideas. I don't know if you're living your life well, and at this point, I don't even care. But (Y/N)! She isn't happy. The look in her eyes when she sees you says it all." Dylan made sure (Y/N) wasn't out yet, before he let out his frustration.

Yuta just stood there, trying not to let his emotions take control of him. He walked forward and grabbed him by his collar again, this time with less aggressiveness. "Stop interfering in someone else's business!! Also..... Don't you take advantage of our situation right now to try to get her and trample her already worn out feelings at the end. If anything like that happens.... I swear to lord, I'll return that punch tenfold!" Yuta pushed him forcefully and walked away.

Dylan carassesed his swollen cheek and stood there getting wet in the rain, thinking if he did the right thing. Just then the Cafe's door opened and (Y/N) came rushing out with her hand on top of her head. "Sorry for the delay.... I got a bad stomach." she apologized as she looked at the guy in front of her. "What's wrong with your face?" she asked as Dylan tried to hide his cheek. "Where's Yuta?" she turned around searching for the said boy and spotted him sitting on a bench at the pavement, under a shed. Her eyes widened on seeing blood oozing out of his lips. "Did you both get into a fight?" she asked Dylan.

"I just knocked some sense into him. I hope he treats you better next time. If he hurts you again let me know, I'll make sure to throw a stone at him." he said. (Y/N) seemed to have realized that leaving them alone wasn't a good option.

"Don't be offended.. But it would be better if you stay out of this matter. And don't worry.... If someone hurts me once, I'll hurt them five times more." (Y/N) said. Dylan looked at her for few seconds and then nodded. "I'll get going then. If you want help, let me know." he said as he walked the other way, not wanting to interfere anymore, leaving the two alone.


(A/N)' note:

This chapter was too big so I had to make it into two parts.

So Yuta and Dylan fought!! Lmao... I had fun

Anyways I hope you like the chapter, comment your reviews.

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