Character Files: Jason Davis Jr.

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[Username Redacted]:~/Desktop$ cd /
bash: cd /: Permission Denied
[Username Redacted]:~/Desktop$ sudo -i
[sudo] password for [Username Redacted]:
root:~/Desktop# cd /
root:/# ./azur/eagle/files/personnel/cdr/Jason Davis Jr/Jdjr
>################################################## 100%
>Now Loading...
>Special Command Entered. Please Type CMD Password:
>Password Verifying...
>Verified. All Author's Notes Visible.

[TO ALL PERSONNEL: For safety concerns, digitally obtained data of an individual will be heavily redacted. If you wish to obtain a full copy of your own personnel data file or edit said file for any reason, please arrive to the front desk between 0900 and 1700 local time and hand over the identification card you should have received upon becoming a Lieutenant O-3. If you have lost this identification card, or if you have yet to receive it, please arrive to the front desk and present your personal identification for verification. Thank you for your consideration. For The Union!]
[Press Any Key to Continue]

DATE (dd/mm/yyyy).................................................................13/11/1941
FULL LEGAL NAME (last, first, middle, suffix).............DAVIS, JASON, JR.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (SSN).........................................XXX-XX-XXXX
BIRTHDATE (dd/mm/yyyy)......................................................19/06/1919
WEIGHT.........................................................................................140 LBS.
HEIGHT.......................................................................................5 FT. 10 IN.
EYE COLOR.......................................................................................GREEN
HAIR COLOR...................................................................................BROWN
STREET ADDRESS.............................................................XXXXXXXXXXXXX
ZIP CODE...........................................................................................XXXXX
OFFICER RANK.......................................................LIEUTENANT (JUNIOR)
NATIONALITY OF RANK...........................................UNITED STATES NAVY

RECOMMENDER RANK..................................................................KANSEN

REQUEST STATUS.....................................................................ACCEPTED
SIGNATURE...........................................................................C. W. NIMITZ

Commander Jason Davis, Jr.

Jason Davis, Jr. is the son of Welsh immigrants, Jason Davis, Sr. and XXXXX Davis. At age 7, he lost both of his parents during a Siren attack upon his hometown of XXXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXXX. The loss of both of his parents made him, essentially, shut down, so he became less approachable. At age 20, he was homeless and jobless. He was longingly looking out upon the Santa Monica Pier, when an officer ran across him. Her name was Hirata Sakaguchi, and she was interested in him. He had that look of a soldier. That kind of raw emotion just waiting to be tempered. She gave him a choice. Join the Navy and witness the world or stay behind and pursue whatever dreams he had. Thing was, Jason never had a dream, so, whether by yearning for something to do or feeling that he had no other choice in the matter, he signed up, then and there.

Not much is known about the Commander, aside of this information he has granted on his application. Attempts of looking into his history bore no fruit. As such, some information has been replaced with X's. [A/N: This bastard's a total enigma. Who knows what kind of dark secrets he has!]

He is an effective leader, able of staying cool while under fire[A/N: What any good soldier should be able to do!], and adapting to the situation around him. He has charisma beyond what any mortal man should have, and is genuine in his resolve. He respects his peers, and is highly respected himself.[A/N: No wonder why she wanted him as Commander.]

A/N: All things considered, I feel safe in saying that Davis is perfect for leading the Pacific Fleet against the Japs and Sirens. Only thing is: will his sanity dry up before then?


I don't know...

[Username Redacted]:/# cd ~
root:~# exit
[Username Redacted]:~$ 


The user of the computer turns it off, before pushing back against their chair.

The room is sparsely decorated; the most beyond the computer is a plant or award here and there. The computer rests upon a desk that has a placard, but the room is too dark to tell whose name is on it. I don't need to look at it, however, as I know full well who is sitting on the other side.

"Admiral Sakaguchi, why did you ask me here?" The dark room unnerves me, especially since the only good source of light is now out. It's midday, but with the blinds down, barely any light enters the room.

Sakaguchi: "Davis. I wanna ask you something."

She pulls out a file, and slides it across the desk. Opening it, I see a few portraits. The kansen who'll accompany me on my trip to Pearl Harbour next week.

Sakaguchi: "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't know what Enterprise was thinking, but you can always decline."

I shake my head.

"I'm certain. I have to go. And who knows? Maybe this'll help me."

Sakaguchi sighs before leaning back, knowing full well how I act. Once my mind is set, there's no going back.

Sakaguchi: "You've been in service for 2 years, and the Pacific is a minefield. I don't know what my countrymen are doing, but if there's a chance that the Sakura's are trying something... I just don't wanna throw you out there, kid."

Sakaguchi hides her amber eyes behind her long, straight black hair. Everyone knows that Sakaguchi has a crush on me. It's obvious. I can see the blush from here. And so, I reach out and take her hand.

"Hirata. I'm coming home. It doesn't matter how long it takes, or whether I must go to the centre of hell. I'm coming home. I promise."

Sakaguchi can only weakly smile as I take the file and bid her goodbye.

"...USS Laffey, eh?"


Just so you lot know, cellphones still haven't been invented, but I guess 90's desktops installed with Linux are? Just deal, k? K.

Things are starting to roll! I wonder, will Davis actually marry Sakaguchi? Only time will tell.

Okay, so I'll (attempt to) be updating this fic once a day (these character file chapters don't count to that limit), so if you enjoyed this: thanks.

Please read. This is the only form of entertainment I have that doesn't take up storage on my PC. Uni is killing me. Beeg numbers == beeg happi. yes and thank you. Have a good one, losers.

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