Chapter 16: To Repair Old Bonds

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January 28, 1942

Those jobs from Rhodes Island are so freaking lucrative! Like, God damn! With this sudden influx of Gold, we improved the infrastructure of the base. Better power systems, updated radars, and, finally, we reopened the Research & Development Division. With Langley and (surprisingly) Marblehead, we got to work on possible equipment we could use.

"So, I'm suggesting that I upgrade my own equipment alongside yours."

Marblehead: "Doesn't seem like a good idea, Commander."

"Listen. Just last week I was kidnapped by Sirens. I only survived by having a frag grenade on me. But if I'm going into more dangerous situations, I should be able to defend myself, and not need to always rely on you girls. I'll still rely on you, don't get me wrong, but, if the situation calls for it, I have to shoot my way out of some situations."

Langley: "Makes sense to me. But the way you say that makes it seem you'll be fighting in the frontlines alongside the kansen."

"That's 'cause I am, dingus!"

Marblehead: "Deadass?"


Marblehead: "You're gonna regret this~!"

"I regret a lot of things. Why not add one more to the pile? Also, if you know anyone who can help with this improvement project, don't hesitate to ask them. We can use as many hands on deck as possible."

Marblehead, shaking her head: "If you say so, Commander. I think Cooper's sister... Ingraham, I think her name was? Yeah, she's supposedly good with tech."

Langley: "I'll ask some of the destroyers if they know some. Kids have more info than they let on."

"Thanks, you two. Now..."

Langley & Marblehead: "?"

"This'll be a little awkward, but... We have a Lieutenant Commander on base."

Marblehead: "An LC? Who is he?"

"...The Former Commander of the base."


Langley: "Forgive my language, Commander, but what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"You really want me listing that off? Now?"

Langley just sighs.

"Listen, I know the bullshit that man put you through, but after looking at his case once more, and talking to him directly, I know he won't be a threat. Trust me."

Ray awkwardly enters the room, the maple badge on his lapel and cap telling the girls what happened.

"Lieutenant Commander Hernandez Joseph Ray-Cruz is a member of the Eagle Union, not of the Azur Lane. Therefore, his punishments for misbehaving or stepping out of line are far more severe than what they were back when he led you girls."

Ray: "...I'm sorry." He kneels. "What I had done is unforgivable; I understand that. But still, I'm willing to put my pride on the line once more. For the Azur Lane. For Lady Liberty. So please...!"

Langley: "...Understood. Lieutenant Commander, I hope you're ready for some serious work."

Ray: "Yes, ma'am!"

"Right. We know that kansen shells can damage Sirens. So, Ray, I want you to lead the expedition to discover why. Understood?"

Ray: "Sir! Hmm... It might have something to do with the materials? Or maybe the propulsion?"

Langley: "It can't be the propulsion, as Bombers can still injure Siren ships."

Ray: "Can the materials really be that special, though?"

Marblehead and I leave those two to parse that out amongst themselves. Ray is smart. He can probably find out what causes pain to Sirens alongside Langley. Probably.

Marblehead: "Is it a good idea to leave that nutcase with Langley?"

"Yeah. Ray won't cause harm. I promise."

Marblehead: "Holding that against ya, Commander!"



Several days later...

Surprisingly, Ray and Langley hammered down to a few possibilities as to how Sirens take damage in just under a day. Nothing concrete yet, but it's still good work.

With the R&D Department open again, the Reps (Enty, Liz & 23) hid the BWC in a secret compartment within. I still haven't told Ray yet, but if he discovers it, I'll explain.

The girls who didn't receive the full brunt of Ray's terror are starting to warm up to the LC. The other girls... not so much. Well, I'll let them sort it out. Ray has to solve his issues alone.

With everything going heavy, I sent my advisory team (now including Ray as Head of R&D and Langley as School Headmaster) to take the day off. We need to be well-rested for the days ahead.

Cracking my back, I look out the window. 'It looks so peaceful out there...' I look up to the sun, hidden behind some clouds. 'Those girls... Akagi and Kaga... Wonder how they're doing...' I clench my fist. 'Will Amagi's return calm those two down? I can only hope so.'


At the same time, nearby the Marshall Islands

Yosuke: "Zzz..."


I sat on the bridge, looking upon the ocean.

Kaga: "Sister..."

"Ah, Kaga. Any luck?"

Kaga: "None at all. It's as if the Eagles are just playing with us."

I sigh. "We're heading back to base. No point if they aren't going to play fair. How's the damage on Marshall and Gilbert?"

Kaga: "Minimal. A few days will get us up and running once more."


Kaga: "Sister do you... know that Commander?"

"Of the Eagles? No. But that name..." I look to Kaga. "Didn't... didn't Amagi mention a 'Jason' before?"

Kaga ponders: "Now that you mention it... she did, once or twice." She chuckles. "That really pissed you off, if I remember correctly."

"She was paying attention to some boy over her own sister! Of course I'd be mad!"

Kaga laughs, which is odd for her: "Yeah, of course." She hugs me from behind.

"Kaga? Are you feeling okay? You aren't this affectionate, usually."

Kaga: "..." She looks me dead in the eyes. "The Eagles are planning something. An increase in activity was detected. The attacks yesterday. The Siren ship spotted a few weeks ago. I fear... something might go down."


Kaga: "And it might have something to do with..."


Kaga looks down, before collecting her courage and looking at me.

"Something to do with Amagi."


I got nothing to end this on. Uh... Play Persona 3 or something.

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