We meet again

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6 weeks later (Harlem Mercy Hospital)

"Brielle can you take room 402 for me please, I have to call my daughter back. She's called twice already" nurse Shelley asked

" sure, go check on your baby" Brielle answered walking down the hall to room 402, taking the chart off the wall she briefly looked over it then knocked and entered once she heard someone say come in

" hi, I'm nurse Elle. I'll be treating miss Kairi." Brielle smile greeting a women she presumed to be the mother

" hey, my daughter fell off the monkey bars at the park and fractured her arm"

" aw poor thing, do you mind if I take a look at your arm" Brielle bent down asking Kairi

Kairi didn't say anything she just look at her mom for approval. Once given the ok Kairi smiled and shook her head yes

" good girl. I promise I won't hurt you okay"

" okay" Kairi said with tears in her eyes

Taking her arm Brielle unwrapped the wrap that the emergency department had put on her as a temporary fix.

" ouch, looks like it hurt. Sweety when you fell did you land on your arm or did you fall and then roll over on it?"

" I fell and rolled on it the wrong way" Kairi pouted

" it's okay honey, accidents happen all the time. It's not your fault okay" Brielle assured her seeing that she felt bad

" mommy yelled at me" she said looking up at her mom with a sad face

" because your dad is going to blame me! You should have been more careful Kairi I tell you that all the time"

"Let me get you all fixed up, how does that sound?" Brielle looked between the both of them

"Ok" Kairi spoke with even more sadness

" great, I'll send my friends down to get you for a photo shoot. Doesn't that sound like fun" she tried to lighten the little girls mood

" sure, I guess" Kairi answered

" mom, x-ray will be down briefly. Can I get you guys anything while you wait?"

" nah we good. Can y'all like...umm hurry I got somewhere to be"

"Sure, I'll see what I can do" Brielle said leaving out to put a order in for Kairi's x-rays

Twenty minutes later X-ray had came and went now they were just waiting for the results

" knock knock, I'm back. I have your photos, would you like to see them?" Brielle teased

" yes yes, let me see" Kairi said excitedly

" here" Brielle handed her the X-ray

"I don't see anything wrong" Kairi said with a scrunched up face

" you little lady are very smart. So good news, there's no broken bones your wrist is just sprained. Isn't that great?"

" mommy mommy! It's not broken" Kairi turned around showing her mom the X-ray

" great, you got me missing work and your dads going to yell at me for no reason. Look doc I can still make it to work are we clear to leave?"

" actually we would like to keep her and monitor her over night just to make sure we didn't miss anything. Wouldn't want her dad to yell at you for a second visit. Bye Kairi I'll be back to check on you shortly " Brielle said leaving out of the room

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