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~Mel POV

After east kicked me out of his condo, I waited for him to leave. I knew he'd go to her the first chance he got so I followed him and sure enough he picked her up from the hospital.

I followed them to some small city on the outskirts of New York. I watched them fight and argue, I watched as she even damaged his pride and joy. He loved that truck even made a song about it, seeing him fight for her tore me up inside and out.

How could he give her what he never gave me? His love was all I craved since I was a kid and he just up and gave it to her? She didn't even have to work for it.

Balling I watched from outside the diner window as he kissed her with so much hunger and desire, I wanted him to kiss me like that.

I watched as they exited the diner hand in hand. I watched as he cheesed from ear to ear as he held the car door open for her. I even watched as he bent down to kiss her once more before closing her door and rushing around to the drivers side to get in.

I thought about running his ass over with my car and putting an end to their sudden spurt of happiness, but I decided against it because ending him would put an end to my happiness too. I loved this man, so I had to do something else.

Following them to what I'm guessing was her place I sat outside waiting and waiting for him to come out but he didn't until the next morning. And when he finally came out he wasn't alone...they, they were together.

She was dressed in her boring ass scrubs and he was looking at her like she was the sexiest woman alive. "Fucking bitch" I mumbled following him to drop her off then to his condo, he was going to explain this shit to me.

Pulling into the parking lot behind him as he parked, I rammed my car into the back of him. If she can do it I can do it better.

" what the fuck" he yelled jumping out of his truck, he was steaming mad but I didn't care.

" yeah get the fuck out" I cursed stumbling from the impact as I got out of my car.

I'd hit my head and it was bleeding but I was too hurt to worry with that east was my only concern.

" you crazy bitch! Look what the fuck you did" he yelled pushing me to the ground hovering over me like he wanted to hit me.

Shocking the hell out of me because one he's never put his hands on me physically unless we were having sex. I had a whole baby by someone else and he'd never been this mad.

Two he didn't react to miss thang like this when she left her whole foot print indented in the side of this same truck so why was he flipping out on me? I didn't understand

" get off of me" I yelled throwing punches at him left and right " you love that hoe don't you?!" I cried hitting him repeatedly making him stumble back. Rushing to my feet I charged at him, I wanted to hear him say it.

" get the fuck on from here! Take yo crazy ass home fo' I give you whatchu looking fo" he spat turning his back to me trying to go into the lobby of his condo.

"No. Tell me! Just tell me the truth" I cried begging him to tell me but he just kept walking. Telling the security guard to call the police he stepped into the elevator.

Shattered into tiny pieces I got in my car and sped off down the road. Since I could have him he wasn't going to have her.

Driving over to my daddy's house I jogged up to the door using my key I entered. Screaming out calling my daddy I ran from room to room finding him in the game room downstairs playing pool.

" daddy, East is trying to leave me you have to talk to him pleased daddy" I rushed out but he only held out his palm signaling for me to stop but I couldn't.

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