Rude Boy

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Two weeks later 2:37am

Throwing herself out of the bed Brielle charged for the door running into the bathroom, barely getting the toilet seat up before puking her guts out

Hurling over the toilet she held her stomach feeling someone come up behind her

" again friend?" Lani asked holding Brielle's hair back as she threw up

Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand Brielle nodded her head yes referring to lani's question.

This was the beginning of week two, for the last week at same time of the night Lani found Brielle doubled over the toilet puking

"I think we should make a cvs run" Lani suggested

" I can't be" Brielle shook her head now reminded of a previous pregnancy. She made it to the second month and miscarried from stress dealing with AJ.

" okay, denial never helped anyone" Lani spoke honestly as Brielle brushed her teeth and cleaned up the toilet

" I'm not in denial, I'm not pregnant."

" okay so take the test Brielle" Lani nagged

" no, why waste the money"

" fine take a free one at work! You're a nurse for gods sake!"

" I'm fine" Brielle insisted walking past Lani back into her room

As soon as Brielle's head hit the pillow her phone rang.

"H-hello?" Brielle answered not recognizing the number calling her

" drop your location" was all the voice said on the other end before hanging up

" FUCK!" Brielle yelled trying to think fast.

Deciding to just send her location, she saved his number and shared her location with him.

Brielle waited impatiently for a response but after about 45 minutes without one she fell asleep

15 minutes later

" what."

" um outside, grab clothes for the morning" he said hanging up not giving her a chance to debate

Snatching off her Bonnet she finger combed her hair walk over to her closet she choose something simple to put on. Getting dressed she heard her phone ring

" I'm coming"

" hurry up before you get left"

Exhaling Brielle finished getting dressed and tossed clothes in an overnight bag and headed out the front door. Spotting East standing at the passenger side door waiting for her

" I like how you rushing me when it took you an hour to get here" she said with a mug

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" I like how you rushing me when it took you an hour to get here" she said with a mug

"Even more reason for you to have been ready and don't bring that stank ass attitude in my truck" he warned opening the door for her to get in.

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