Fix It

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One month later

A month had flown past and Brielle's first doctor appointment was coming up in two weeks. According to a pregnancy app she had Brielle was about three months and two days pregnant. Brielle was beginning to show but not that much.

3 weeks ago Harlem Mercy Hospital asked her to extend her contract and stay for another 6 months or until she went on maternity leave. She wanted to visit home first before she made a decision.

The visit home was hectic and stressful her parents pretty much told her if she had this baby out of wedlock that she'd be on her own.

They begged her to get back with AJ saying he's the only man that's going to want her with a kid and so on and so forth.

Returning back to New York Brielle was even more stressed and working more because reality was setting in that she needed the money.

Lani tried to talk her into telling east about the baby but she was too ashamed. They wasn't a couple he didn't owe her anything she didn't want to burden him. It had been a month and he didn't reach out to her and neither did she
Harlem Mercy Hospital

" hey, are you ok" Dr. Murphy asked as Brielle passed out

Few hours later...

" hey sleepy head"

" um hey, where am I?" Brielle asked still a little out of it

" Mercy Hospital, you fainted up stairs" a nurse informed her

" w-what? Is-is my baby okay?" She asked  feeling around for her small baby bump

" yes yes, calm down everything is perfectly fine. You're exhausted, do you remember eating today?"

" um, I don't think so" Brielle answered confused trying to remember the last time she had eaten

" you know expecting mommies have to eat in order for the baby to continue to be healthy "

" yeah I know I was in a hurry I was going to grab something on my way in but then I got paged in early. I completely forgot"

" I know being a nurse is a demanding job but you have to take the time to take care of you and the baby first. If you are not healthy then it's impossible for you to care for others. You passed out with a patient"

24 hours later after all of the tests results were in Brielle was released from the hospital and put on a week long bedrest before returning to work.
2 Days Later

Brielle was out at Walmart picking up a few ingredients for dinner tonight. She had been in bed for 2 days that was enough rest she was ready to resume her regular schedule but the hospital wouldn't let her return early. So this trip to Walmart would have to do. Reaching up to grab the jar of cheese sauce Brielle heard a familiar voice asked if she needed help

" here lemme get that for you" Freezing in her tracks she started to panic

"I-I got it" she answered quickly but when she turned around it wasn't East " oh, I-I'm sorry"

" no worries shorty"

Thinking to herself " it must be a Harlem thing...Thanks anyways" she said pushing her cart to the next aisle stopping in front of the Oreo mint cookies " ooo those look so good" she thought grabbing them putting them in the cart.

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