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Three days later

"Hey, are you ok? It took you a while to get to the door." Brielle asked as East stood at the door panting

" yeah I'm cool, just a lil outta breath that's it" he said waving me to come in.

He had signed himself out of the hospital early against his doctors wishes. The doctor wanted him to stay at least a few more days but east was eager to get back to his regular routine.

" you don't sound like your good, here lean on me. I'll help you to the sofa" she offered wrapping her arm around his waist to support him

" yo chill, I got it. Go sit down for you fuck around and hurt the baby. You be doing too much as it is" he scolded

" East I do this all the time the baby is fine" Brielle argued

" man whatchu doing here anyway" he asked

" checking on you, do you need me to grab you anything?" She asked walking past him into the kitchen to drop off dinner.

She'd gotten off work at two and went home and cooked all so she could make sure he ate.

" whatchu bring" he asked standing in the door entry to the kitchen

" spaghetti, catfish and some hot water cornbread" I listed taking everything from the bag.

" mmm sounds good, did you bring enough for two" a random chick purred from behind him. She was adorned in one of his tees and her hair was scattered across her head.

" really David? For goodness sake " Brielle questioned

" what? I didn't know you was coming, shit you want her to leave?" He asked

" you know what david? Fuck you" she spat packing up her food and leaving out not forgetting to bump the little tramp on her way out.

Fuming she drove to Lani's place, sitting in her drive way she dabbed tears away. Once she calmed down enough she checked her face in the mirror and got out.

Deciding against using her key she rang the bell, she thought it would be impolite to let herself in not knowing if Lani had company or not.

" sup beautiful, I didn't know you was stopping by" Lani's cousin Demir greeted seeing Brielle at the door

" hey D, I didn't know you were back in town" Brielle replied with a small smile

" yeah I just got in today, come in" he said stepping aside so she could enter.

Brielle and D met the first day Brielle landed in town and he was on his way out. In passing he shot his shot right in the middle of the airport and of course she shot him down because of what's his name? Her ex but D still kept it friendly after finding out she was in a relationship.

She ended up telling him she was in town for work and was looking for temporary housing and he suggested Lani. They even swapped numbers and he helped Lani and Brielle link. From first convo the two girls hit it off and the next week Brielle moved in.

Taking off her coat he was baffled to see that she was pregnant.

" damn, you really let that lame ass nigga knock you up" d asked still looking at her small bump

" boy bye, it was another lame ass nigga" she scuffed hanging her coat on the hook.

" when you gone stop fucking with these lames and get with a real nigga like myself" he asked following behind her to the living room

" when you gone stop using these whack pick up lines and asked me out for real" she countered

" you got it" he nodded leaning back on the couch he pondered. He didn't know if she was really wanting him to asked her out or just talking shit. But fuck it " Brielle?"

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