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Five days later

" nigga cheer up, yo ass been walking around these last few days like someone stole yo dog " blue teased we was in Atlanta.

I was working on a song with Jacquees but my head was all fuck'd up over Brielle. I can't believe shorty really did me dirty like that. she could have waited for a nigga or at least let me know she was moving on or something.

" you really think you funny hum Nigga" I asked sticking up my middle finger to him.

" bro c'mon, this yo eighth take. Get this shit done" Tone said over the mic into my headphones I was in the booth and fucking up bad.

Normally I'm one take and done in the studio but these last two times shit been mad off. I can't focus because of her and the fact that she ain't taking my calls no more making it worse.

I mean I probably was wrong for cussin' her out and calling her out her name like I did when I popped up at her house after I dropped shorty off at home, but she made me react like that.

She was acting real cold towards a nigga just saying shit to make me mad and then when I gave her the reaction she wanted she didn't wanna talk no more. She even called security up to escort me outta her place.

Listening to Jacquees sing the chorus I went in

" I cannot leave you alone...she said call me when when you be alone 42 I don't drink no Patron...I can't wait til I getchu a-
Fuuckkk!" I yelled into the mic mad I fuck'd up my verse again. I couldn't catch the flo and it was irking me.

" I know Mel ain't gotchu this dizzy so who is it? Shorty from the hospital?" Blue asked

" nigga I can't do this shit right now" I spat taking off the headphones tossing them careless on the stand as I exited the studio.

Hopping into my rental I sparked up and texted Brielle, I needed to see her so I could get my mind right.

Seeing she was on some childish shit leaving me on read I sighed tossing my phone in the passenger seat and pulled off heading back to my hotel.

Deciding to call her from the hotel line since she was being childish she picked up on the third ring.

" hello" she answered

"I'm sorry. Don't hang up. We need to talk" I rushed out not wanting her to hang up before I said what I had to say

" what do you want" she breathed

" what's with this new lil attitude you got towards a nigga" I asked really wanting to know shit maybe it was the baby making her hate me or some shit.

I didn't know but I was going to find out cuz I wasn't going to go through the same shit I went through with Mel when she was pregnant with Kairi.

" really David? You wanna know what's my attitude for?" She repeated back to me like I didn't know the question that I'd just asked her.

" shorty, what's up? You ain't feeling a nigga no more or what?" I asked

" I'm not feeling this whole victim role you're trying to play. You know I how felt about you and every chance you got you walked all over me and now you in your feelings because I'm not letting you do that to me no more. All of a sudden I'm the one with the problem?" She spat

" man calm down with all that, ain't nobody walk all over you or yo feelings. I told you what it was, I was real with you. Now if you can't accept it that's on you" I argued not liking the person she was trying to portray me to be.

" we had sex many time's unprotected, you got me pregnant and you led me to believe we was at the very least working toward something. All while seeing you with countless of other women and you withheld the fact that you were technically contracted to someone else" she seethed

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